The NOMAD Saga

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The NOMAD Saga

Post by Church »

Crescendo Entertainment brings you...
The NOMAD Saga

The NOMAD Saga is the story of young, capable Scott Fisher, old, wise Salanas, and their zergling Max. It will feature four episodes, complete with custom voice acting, portraits, and music, that will create a truly epic experience.
Character Bios
Terran Characters:

--Scott Fisher
Age 25
Lieutenant of the Rastarian Military
"If an order is flat-out stupid and could result in unnecessary casualties, you don't follow it. Simple as that."

The Terran protagonist and symbol of resolve, Scott joined the Rastarian militia after invading Zerg snatched up and killed his girlfriend, along with most of the other people he'd known at that tender age. He'd always had a certain affinity with Vulture hoverbikes, but wrecked his in a daring maneuver three years into his service as a soldier. Climbing the ranks in the next seven years, mister Fisher is now a proud lieutenant within the militia, and is fighting to weed out the last of the Zerg on his home planet.

--Mathius Tolrim
Age 39
Shadow Ops
"Your ability to crack jokes about everything that comes out of my mouth never ceases to annoy me, lieutenant."

As a covert intelligence operative, not much is known about Tolrim. It is presumed that he serves Grumanoff, the man in charge, and that he has some form of psionic capabilities, but he is rarely seen by ground forces of any race or faction. Tolrim is very good at what he does; stay in the shadows, extract information, and leave without anyone knowing he was there to begin with.

--George Grumanoff
Age 51
General of the Rastarian Military
"I don't intend to sit here all day. I do that quite enough nowadays."

The brilliant tactician, charismatic diplomat, and semi-cool leader guy rolled into one, George is the all-purpose Rastarian figurehead. He's what the people need, and he's fought to fully reclaim his planet from the invading Zerg menace, no matter the cost. With his plans and strategies being credited with the cleansing of the Zerg thus far, few have bothered to pay close attention to their leader; else they'd see that he is, perhaps, not as together as he once was.

--Thomas Johnson
Age 30
Major of the Rastarian Military
"We've got Zerg up our ass, that's our situation!"

Thomas Johnson was the first Rastarian soldier to confront the Zerg when the invasion began. His task was to defend the capital city, but unfortunately, the Zerg swarms were too much for him, and he was demoted from Lieutenant to Major. Now working in the Torin-Korsan mining complex of Rastar, Johnson is, indeed, much more hurt by his failure than he lets on.

Protoss Characters

Age 704
Second Templar of the Mel'Korian Fleet
"I do suppose you're correct. However, I'm the one in charge of the armed and extremely dangerous guards that are ready to slice you in half and then slice your halves in half, so I suggest that you respond to my query."

The Protoss protagonist and symbol of tolerance and open-mindedness, Salanas has served under General Uldwe for many cycles, achieving the High Templar and then Second Templar ranks before being shadowed by the psionically-superior Kempor. Since then, he has become a well-respected fighter and psion amongst all the members of Uldwe's fleet - even his rival, Kempor - and hopes to reclaim Rastar for the good of the Protoss.

Age 827
First Templar of the Mel'Korian Fleet
"Always expect the worst from your situations, Salanas. There is no other method to predict what you might find."

First Templar Kempor currently serves under General Uldwe. His tenacities to pursue all-out war without provocation (or need) has kept him from his ultimate personal ambition of becoming a General himself, as the upper-ranked Templar in the Mel'Korian Fleet recognise that Kempor is ill-prepared to give out orders. It is surprising enough that he has retained his rank as it is.

Age 930
General of the Mel'Korian Fleet
"I have witnessed the birth of this world's colonies. Under my rule, I intend to shape our empire so that it allows the reunification of our people, but we cannot do this if [our adversaries] remain a threat."

Wise, powerful, but generally misgiving of the other races, Uldwe's main directive is to reclaim planet Rastar for the Protoss, regardless of any Terran or Zerg resistance. He respects Kempor's power and Salanas' wisdom, and although his behaviour often points to Salanas being more worthy of a 'promotion' than Kempor, he values both warriors' uses and attributes.

Zerg Characters

Age 9
Abandoned by the Zerg Swarm

Not much is known about this little feller. Seemingly 'orphaned' by the purge of Zerg on Rastar, Max was quite helpless before Scott stepped in. Often seen as a 'rescue' by the other Terrans, he has gained some form of sympathy amongst them, but is still regarded with uncertain expressions. Max has no exceptional or outstanding powers not found amongst a normal Zergling, other than being slightly more powerful due to strategic tissue mutation and synapse evolutions.
For ten years, the Terrans of Rastar have fought the Zerg menace. For ten years, they have pushed against the Zerg, only to retreat time and time again. Now, for the first time in over a decade, Rastar will be clean of this infestation. Lieutenant Scott Fisher, leader of the Maestro Squadron, is sent with a team of men to clean out the Zerg in the province of Torin... once and for all.

Meanwhile, newcomers are landing on the planet... a Protoss fleet, claiming to have lived upon Rastar hundreds of years ago, and yet now returning to the bountiful planet. The Terrans, however, do not take kindly to this second alien race invading upon them, and war begins between the two species...
Loyalty Screenshots
Click to enlarge
Last edited by Church on Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:52 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by HelpMe »

You guys have so many projects... makes me want to try too.
This looks promising. Is the script also a joint effort?

Oh and a silly typo in the first post: a team of "mean" to clean -> "men"
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Church »

HelpMe wrote:This looks promising. Is the script also a joint effort?
Yeah, primarily I have the ideas for the script (and some parts are written by me), but Pr0nogo does the writing itself.
HelpMe wrote:Oh and a silly typo in the first post: a team of "mean" to clean -> "men"
Thanks for catching that!
HelpMe wrote:You guys have so many projects... makes me want to try too.
Go for it man! I'm sure you could make something great!
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Pr0nogo »

Plus, if you need voice acting or other help, I can do dat.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by HelpMe »

Plus, if you need voice acting or other help, I can do dat.
Nice. :] The thought of making a campaign has been tempting me for a long time. If I ever have the maps and story done I'll contact you, I like your voices.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Pr0nogo »

I can do quick demos of any character you have in mind, too. Feel free to ask for assistance in modding or mapping in general, from me or Jim. We're pretty fluent.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Church »

Pr0nogo's cat is currently licking his knee. This is very important and I thought you all would like to know.

On a side note, progress may be slowing down somewhat, because I seem to be struck with a sudden and severe (notreally) illness. My immune system really sucks too, so that is a contributing factor as well.

And Pr0nogo's cat has smelly breath.

Also, because I was bored earlier, I made facebook pages for Scott and Max. Feel free to like the pages and chat with them. (Edit; just a note: Both pages are down now, sorry.)

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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Pr0nogo »

The Sigma Squadron characters are also on FaceBook. You can find them in the 'Likes' section of Max and Scott.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Legion »

Good to see some SC1 campaigns again!
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Church »

Indeed! Thanks for showing intrest, man. From my experience, there seems to be no point trying to understand the SCII map editor, or, well, the game itself, so why not go with the original? We're having a lot of fun with NOMAD, and trust me, after we're done, you can expect us to still be working on new projects together.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by HelpMe »

I thought you guys were doing this over the interwebz. So you actually meet at a headquarters or something? How cool.

And thanks for the offer, Pronogo -- I'll be holding you to that promise!
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by IskatuMesk »

Facebook integration is the key to success after all, with that you can drop support for all outdated unused features like LAN!
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Pr0nogo »

HelpMe wrote:I thought you guys were doing this over the interwebz. So you actually meet at a headquarters or something? How cool.

And thanks for the offer, Pronogo -- I'll be holding you to that promise!
Well, he's two timezones away, so we are doing this over the intarwebz.
IskatuMesk wrote:Facebook integration is the key to success after all, with that you can drop support for all outdated unused features like LAN!
Well, the only difference between SC2 and a rock is Facebook integration, so...

On a more on-topic note, here's the current character list for the NOMAD Saga.

Terran Characters:

--Scott Fisher
The Terran protagonist and symbol of resolve, Scott joined the Rastarian militia after invading Zerg snatched up and killed his girlfriend, along with most of the other people he'd known at that tender age. He'd always had a certain affinity with Vulture hoverbikes, but wrecked his in a daring manoeuvre three years into his service as a soldier. Climbing the ranks in the next seven years, mister Fisher is now a proud lieutenant within the militia, and is fighting to weed out the last of the Zerg on his home planet.

--Mathius Tolrim
As a covert intelligence operative, not much is known about Tolrim. It is presumed that he serves Grumanoff, the man in charge, and that he has some form of psionic capabilities, but he is rarely seen by ground forces of any race or faction. Tolrim is very good at what he does; stay in the shadows, extract information, and leave without anyone knowing he was there to begin with.

--George Grumanoff
The brilliant tactician, charismatic diplomat, and semi-cool leader guy rolled into one, George is the all-purpose Rastarian figurehead. He's what the people need, and he's fought to fully reclaim his planet from the invading Zerg menace, no matter the cost. With his plans and strategies being credited with the cleansing of the Zerg thus far, few have bothered to pay close attention to their leader; else they'd see that he is, perhaps, not as together as he once was.

Protoss Characters

The Protoss protagonist and symbol of tolerance and open-mindedness, Salanas has served under Executor Uldwe for many cycles, achieving the High Templar and then First Templar ranks before being shadowed by the psionically-superior Kempor. Since then, he has become a well-respected fighter and psion amongst all the members of Uldwe's fleet - even his rival, Kempor - and hopes to reclaim Rastar for the good of the Protoss.

First Templar Kempor of the Shelak tribe currently serves under Executor Uldwe. His tenacities to pursue all-out war without provocation (or need) has kept him from his ultimate personal ambition of becoming an Executor himself, as the Judicators of the Shelak tribe recognise that Kempor is ill-prepared to give out orders. It is surprising enough that he has retained his rank as it is.

Wise, powerful, but generally misgiving of the other races, Uldwe's main directive is to reclaim planet Rastar for the Protoss, regardless of any Terran or Zerg resistance. He respects Kempor's power and Salanas' wisdom, and although his behaviour often points to Salanas being more worthy of a 'promotion' than Kempor, he values both warriors' uses and attributes.

Zerg Characters

Not much is known about this little feller. Seemingly 'orphaned' by the purge of Zerg on Rastar, Max was quite helpless before Scott stepped in. Often seen as a 'rescue' by the other Terrans, he has gained some form of sympathy amongst them, but is still regarded with uncertain expressions. Max has no exceptional or outstanding powers not found amongst a normal Zergling, other than being slightly more powerful due to strategic tissue mutation and synapse evolutions.
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Legion »

Jim_Raynor wrote:Indeed! Thanks for showing intrest, man. From my experience, there seems to be no point trying to understand the SCII map editor, or, well, the game itself, so why not go with the original? We're having a lot of fun with NOMAD, and trust me, after we're done, you can expect us to still be working on new projects together.
Good. SC2's editor is a big fat pain in the arse, so I'm not even gonna try...

I'm working on something for SC1 myself, actually. I've asked your compatriot, Pronogo, a favor. :)
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Re: The NOMAD Saga

Post by Pr0nogo »

I'm pleased to report that chapter three of five in Loyalty is almost complete. All that remains to be finished is the voicing for each character (which is quite simple and won't take much longer than an hour to do, once I have the means to do so).

Chapter four of Loyalty will take a long while to complete. I'd estimate - hopefully - that Loyalty will be made available to the public in at least two weeks.

Mission List:
Chapter 1 - "End Game" (finished)
Chapter 2 - "A New Beginning" (finished)
Chapter 3 - "A Mind Divided" (finished)
Chapter 4 - "Grandeur" (in progress)
Chapter 5 - "Delusions of a Great Kingdom" (cinematic | not started)

Stay tuned! Screenshots of maps one through three should be made available either later today or tomorrow.
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