Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Created by RazorclawX, Wanderers of Sorceria tells an epic length story through multiple chapters and books for WarCraft III.

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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

UPDATES 2/10/19

Wanderers of Sorceria 4th Edition updated with the following changes:

* General: Fixed Kurumi and Shizuka to disable the Alternate animation while using Oracle Synthesis for the classes that use it.
* Book 1, General: Fixed Kanna using an older version model.
* Book 1, Chapter 1: Moved the Hard mode Creep Spawning to start after the Nekurow encounter instead of the Intro cutscene to prevent the spawning Kobolds from interfering with said cutscene.
* Book 1, Chapter 6: 'Mission of Mercy' is correctly listed as a Required Quest instead of Optional on the Quest page.
* Book 2, General: Fixed Kanna using an older version model. Hikaru, Johan, Scaldar, and Kosseimaru no longer start with Chaos damage by default (Scaldar's Lurker Burrow still deals Chaos damage). These same Heroes will gain Chaos damage when the story calls for it. Miranda no longer deals Chaos damage. Hikaru and Miranda's 5th class, and Scaldar's 4th class will still do Chaos damage by default due to the nature of the classes. For the Secret Level, Miranda, Ziel, and Hokuto gain Chaos damage so they won't be as useless in the gauntlet (the same isn't true for Kasumi, Tendaro, Higure, and Tanya if you have them). Shizuka, Nekurow, and Kanna always have Chaos damage because they start with their own special weapons.
* Book 2, Chapter 2: Hikaru (Chaos Lord) no longer comes equipped with the Angel Sword as he already has a weapon.
* Book 2, Chapter 3: Fixed Caravan guards not responding to attacks from roving units belonging to the 'Arcadia's Chosen' faction. Fixed Mastyrial Warmage icon. Fixed allowed building tech (just Necropolis, Spirit Towers, Graveyard, and Royal Ziggurats-- which have Warriors, Necromancers, and Warmages available as options).
* Book 2, Secret Level: "Campaign Creations" starts as an Allied teammate of "The Sorcerians" instead of its own faction to prevent an occasional RNG bug that treats the two factions as initially hostile, which causes the Black Dream to annihilate all of your player characters (this is already the case for the similar Dragon Slayer Arena in Book 5). You can still attack them if you really want to.
* Book 3, Interlude 2: Fixed Scaldar using the old model. Changed the Crypt Fiend general into a Necromancer general. Replaced Abomination Guards with Spider Lords.
* Book 4, Chapter 5: Sorceria Expedition can no longer be approached by flyers, summoned units, or illusions. Raised undead weapon/armor research cap to maximum.
* Book 4, Chapter 7: Warmage Adept Training should consistently start at Lv.2. Fixed Kurumi's model in the ending cutscene.
* Book 4, Secret Level 1: Fixed Sealed Shizuka using the wrong model.
* Book 4, Chapter 8 Part 2: Fixed Sealed Shizuka using the wrong model (which consequently also fixes Sorana's Sealed form model in the same level).
* Book 5, General: Added checks to help make sure Hikaru and Zule start with their swords if they somehow lost them. Added missing texture for Kasumi's Sealed form.
* Book 5, Chapter 4: Gunther's army gains Kobold Slingers as ranged units if you rescued Taskmaster Rijik earlier. If you don't rescue Rijik and pick Gunther you still have no ranged units. Added check to make sure Nekurow starts with the Red Moon Blade equipped.
* Book 5, Secret Level 1: The ninja faction is now called 'Hanagumi Ninja' instead of the defunct 'Kagero Clan'. The ninja heroes' names pull from a pool of flowers, naturally (or, at least, the ones I haven't used yet since a lot of my characters are already theme named after flowers).
* Book 5, Chapter 5: Hub music theme replaced with another Legacy of the Wizard theme. Fixed Tarantunes Golems not activating, including an issue caused if you attacked Rockgaea first. Changed the Mystic Crossbow into the Magic Key (which is what it should have been in the first place). Changed the Sealed Gates into Units instead of Doodads so you don't have to click each individual unit in order to destroy them; you should auto acquire and attack them once you have the Magic Key. Changed the graphics of the Sealed Gates to something other than an ice pillar. Reduced the health of the Sliding Gates and the Rolling Stone Door.
* Book 5, Chapter 6: Hikaru will start at Level 10 on this level regardless of what level he was previously. Replaced the model of the Murloc Assassin to one that won't crash the game. Murloc Assassins no longer have Shadow Meld or Shadow Strike. Removed the Murloc Assassins in Easy difficulty. Reduced damage from Clench's Chemical Tank. Removed Reincarnation from Gorbash (because there's honestly no point to him having it as he's already a damage sponge). Fixed Cinder using the wrong model.
* Book 6, General: Fixed Kasumi's Sealed form model texture so it doesn't crash the game when used.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by verb8im »

What was different about the older version of the Kanna model? When I saw in this update that you changed it from an older version, I thought it meant a different model altogether, but it's still the same. So what's supposed to be different between the 2?
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

It's mostly under the hood things. The most noticeable change is probably the portrait is slightly different (which is how I noticed in the first place).
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

HelloRCX,I am one of the Chinese version translators.Thank you for providing us such an extraordinary campaign.
When we translated 3rd Edition some years ago we found some bugs and fixed them in Chinese version.However,in 4th Edtion some of them are still not fixed.(Maybe some are fixed)Bugs are as follows:
BOOK1:1.In Returning Home,Ebon can repeatedly appear if you reach the trigger area repeatly,you seems to forget to deactivate the trigger.
2.In Retaliation,during the cinematics Kosseimaru will cast Soul power if you purchase the final journal.
3.In Lost Angel,Tanya doesn't have the third skill(mana regeneration)when you played in multicycle
BOOK2:1.In Spider's song,during the cinematics Kosseimaru will cast Soul power if you purchase the final journal.
2.In Spider's song,Hokuto's soul power doesn't have introduction.
3.In Family Reunion,Dragon Horn's quest can't be accomplished in easy mode because you delete its carrier in easy mode.
4.In Showdown,the game can't continue in easy mode because you delete one night dragon in easy mode(the pass condition is killing two night dragons)
5.In One Last Look,Ziel and Shizuka's item and added attributes can't succeed to Fight Dragon.
6.In Fatal Duel,the pit lord doesn't have sound effects when speaking.
General in Book 1,2:1. Miranda's 5th class's Fire Wall summons a plauge ward.
2. When burrowed,Scaldar's 2th class's voice changes into Crypt Fiend's voice.
BOOK3:In Yellow Turban Rebellion,three random ally heroes don't have names due to the duplicate number
EX2:1. In Down the rabbit hole,the first nightmares you killed doesn't drop the book of experience(actually it isn't important)
2. In Looking through the Glass,Hokuto's camp colour is yellow,and the fountain's name is incorrect due to the duplicate number when you adapted
Yellow Turban Rebellion.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Hey thanks for this, I'll look into this.
3.In Lost Angel,Tanya doesn't have the third skill(mana regeneration)when you played in multicycle
The ability doesn't support an icon; she still has it.
6.In Fatal Duel,the pit lord doesn't have sound effects when speaking.
That's deliberate. It is just one of those things where it seemed like a good idea at the time.
BOOK3:In Yellow Turban Rebellion,three random ally heroes don't have names due to the duplicate number
I don't understand this because they've never not had names to me.
EX2:1. In Down the rabbit hole,the first nightmares you killed doesn't drop the book of experience(actually it isn't important)
I don't think they're supposed to.
2. In Looking through the Glass, the fountain's name is incorrect due to the duplicate number when you adapted
That's the name it should be. Regardless of the theme of the map it's always the Fountain of Magic even if it is simply a clone of the Supply Depot on this map.

The only reason this level exists is because I wanted to make a Heroes of the Storm style of map with the old Neutral Base mechanic I developed.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

Thanks for replying.There are still some minor problems and suggestions I forgot to mention.
Book2,In Fallen Comrades,some players use the soul gem to capture Higure and they can't accomplish the quest.I suggest you setting his armor invulnerable before accomplishing restoring five souls and make him can be attacked after restoring five souls.(That's how we cope with it XD)
Book5,In Kevin's Journey,Zava still use the name 'Nara'.Besides,the introduction of the nightmare beast quest should be revised(since Zava no longer serve Kosseimaru after 3rd Edtion)
EX2,I don't know why you remove the original Omake 1.This episode could have explained in Book1 and 2 why Shizu and Mizuki hated Reiko and the history of lobster costume,embodying the image of both Shizuka and Mizuki,I hope you can add it back.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Book2,In Fallen Comrades,some players use the soul gem to capture Higure and they can't accomplish the quest.I suggest you setting his armor invulnerable before accomplishing restoring five souls and make him can be attacked after restoring five souls.(That's how we cope with it XD)
I was under the impression he couldn't even be targetted until after the five souls were restored, like he was supposed to be invisible. Although being invincible sounds even more fun.
NovaLan wrote:EX2,I don't know why you remove the original Omake 1.
I don't like that story and a better one can be told than that. It went too far in the horror direction than it should have (X2 was written like a horror story, but that tale was excessive and too mean spirited). Later revisions were meant to dial back the horror a bit more into the morbid comedy flavor (which is the reason behind such weird things like the random bear eating people).

Well, that and I think we're all better off not knowing about the lobster suit. It's funnier that way.
Personally I think I have five-six different theories behind it just because of how weird it is. And the best part is all of them might be true.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

lol Personally I don't think the X2 story is horrible,I just think some plots are over exaggerated.The process of translating X2 is much funnier than the previous books.
I still have some questions and feedbacks.
In Book2's prologue,is that Hikaru's monologue can't be displayed a bug or it's just another legacy of the old version?
In Book4's prologue,when selecting classes,Hikaru's voice is Arthas(maybe that's because he doesn't show up in Book4 so his voice files are not imported)
Kosseimaru and Abolisher's new models are really difficult to click(And I think Abolisher's new model is a bit weird)
Some translation problems:
In X2's first mission I can't find the existence of the four fire elementals(around Zeji elemental) in WE so I can't translate its name.And In Book1 Extra stage I can't find the zerglings in WE,In Book4 the shinning blade I can't find the Goblin miner whose model is an explosive(seems to be a summoned unit)in WE.Perhaps they are from the beta version of the Warcraft?
Anyway,thanks for your hard work on the continuous patches.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

lol Personally I don't think the X2 story is horrible,I just think some plots are over exaggerated.
Horror is a type of story. Stuff like "Poltergeist", "Saw", "Scream", or "The Shining" (not sure if you know what those movies are)
In Book2's prologue,is that Hikaru's monologue can't be displayed a bug or it's just another legacy of the old version?
I don't think that was ever enabled. The speech is a copy of the opening speech for "Farscape" so it was not seriously considered.
Kosseimaru and Abolisher's new models are really difficult to click(And I think Abolisher's new model is a bit weird)
Abolisher has to be that way because of his body being irregular. His body would get in the way of clicking anything under him.
In X2's first mission I can't find the existence of the four fire elementals(around Zeji elemental) in WE so I can't translate its name.And In Book1 Extra stage I can't find the zerglings in WE,In Book4 the shinning blade I can't find the Goblin miner whose model is an explosive(seems to be a summoned unit)in WE.Perhaps they are from the beta version of the Warcraft?
There are some units that are hidden by the editor. It's controlled by a file called "units\unitUI.slk" which among other things has a flag that allows a unit to be shown in the editor. It was something that was discovered back when the game was first released so many old people knew about it.

I don't think there's a reason to hide them anymore, but I don't know if Blizzard changed that in the latest editor.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by AngstyOwl »

So I just started book 6, went to East District but noticed Kurumi can learn Chaos Sentinel now (I let her be empowered by Hokutu in book 4) but doesn't have any skill points for it and is already level 10.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

Just finished book5 for a second round.
1.In Book3,Viper's Requiem.The Blade Kraken Kurumi summoned still use the old model(it even isn't Blade Kraken)
2.In Book5,Tiger's Return,Hikaru somehow lost his third ability(I chose the Flame Lord Class),since his level is 10 there is no way to get skill points.Similarly in Book1 Miranda and Scladar(Spider God)lost their ability since you changed their abilities in the 4th Edtion.Maybe you can add Books of Retraining in the shop in the map they first appear?
3.Is the change of Jenna's voice is deliberate?I think the previous one is tender and the current one(Priestess of the Moon)is passionate(make her more like spirit leader)
4.In Book5,the addtional attributes gained in Black Dream can't be succeed to Dragon Slayer's Arena.
Last edited by NovaLan on Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

3.Is the change of Jenna's voice is deliberate?I think the previous one is tender and the current one(Priestess of the Moon)is passionate(make her more like spirit leader)
I needed the voice space to give to someone else (Ziel).

Warcraft 3 doesn't give a lot of options for using custom voice sets so I sacrificed that among other things.
4.In Book5,the addtional attributes gained in Black Dream can't be succeed to Dragon Slayer's Arena.
Dragon Slayer Arena loads from the Epilogue.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

Er.... using Books of Retraining is no use for he only has 7 skill points.

ED:It seems that I can only enter the Dragon Slayer Arena and rechoose the class to deal with it....Well,nvm,I believe this problem will appear only if you load from the old version's New Game Plus.

BTW,1.In Book5,the image/texture of Murloc flesheater and Murloc hunter are missing,and one of Miranda's new model appears in X2's interlude has the same problem as well.
2.In Book5,Tiger's cage,Dalles still use the old model.(in the ending)
3.In Book6's prologue,Deathclaw and Scaldar still use the old icon.
4.Indeed Dragon Slayer Arena loads from the Epilogue...but Epilogue loads from 5-08 instead of 5-08c for Hikaru,Johan and Sazabi...Well,I guess fix that would require a lot of work so forget it XD.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

NovaLan wrote: BTW,1.In Book5,the image/texture of Murloc flesheater and Murloc hunter are missing,
They're not missing to me.
and one of Miranda's new model appears in X2's interlude has the same problem as well.
You need to be more specific since there's like... four of those.
4.Indeed Dragon Slayer Arena loads from the Epilogue...but Epilogue loads from 5-08 instead of 5-08c for Hikaru,Johan and Sazabi...Well,I guess fix that would require a lot of work so forget it XD.
Internally they're still saved as part of the 5-08 series since that's the only level they appear in where you could do anything to them (you can't modify them in the flying stage).
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by NovaLan »

Sorry about the language.I wonder if the problem only appears in Chinese version Warcraft.(It's easy to fix though ;D )
The episode that the screenshot shows is Miranda insults Shizuka(in interlude2);this model is also used in Another Day.
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