Feedback Thread

Created by RazorclawX, Wanderers of Sorceria tells an epic length story through multiple chapters and books for WarCraft III.

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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by AngstyOwl »

General Model Stuff

I like the new Zande model; only remark is that when they belong to the Red Player they look a bit too monocolour.

Also I was a bit more of a fan of the old Miranda portrait image, she looked a lot more striking in her semi-sideways view.

Book 3

Szazabi being all Way of Peace and then casually getting Bannon to kill a bunch of civilians seems a bit... contradictory to me?

Chaos Gaunts come over very disorienting and lack a portrait.

---Chapter 1: Siege of Redmont---

Chitinstrike's legs more very slow for his movement speed.

Book 4

Sorana seems to summon goons upon all fatal damage she does rather than just her snare ability?

---Introduction: Rise of the Black Moon---

I was a bit confused due to the wording and thought the Zande and Satyr were at War in the North at first.

---Chapter 1: Orpheus Returns---

The Lich hunting your Heroes says "null" fairly often for his lines.

---Chapter 5: The Shining Blade---

You can establish contact with the Sorceria expedition with Kasumi's Owl.

---Chapter 7: Dragon's Ascension---

Warmages only have their first two spells available.
I also noticed that in several scenarios there's only 2 tiers of Weapon / Armour upgrades available?

---Chapter 8 part I and secret Level---

Shizuka has a default bunny girl model that sorta looks like Tanya rather than her maid outfit from preceding chapters.


I'm not sure if you're looking for like, spell checking and such as well but I wouldn't mind giving feedback on that too.
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

I like the new Zande model; only remark is that when they belong to the Red Player they look a bit too monocolour.
It's a little difficult to avoid that since they were designed with the white and red scheme in mind.
Also I was a bit more of a fan of the old Miranda portrait image, she looked a lot more striking in her semi-sideways view.
The problem with that was her neck was visibly bent in a horrible angle and that was bugging me.
Sorana seems to summon goons upon all fatal damage she does rather than just her snare ability?
That's intentional. The snare kills happened too rarely.
The Lich hunting your Heroes says "null" fairly often for his lines.
That's weird, they were all supposed to be plain blank lines. I wonder which patch did this.
Szazabi being all Way of Peace and then casually getting Bannon to kill a bunch of civilians seems a bit... contradictory to me?
He probably shouldn't be a cannibal anymore, either.
Shizuka has a default bunny girl model that sorta looks like Tanya rather than her maid outfit from preceding chapters.
That shouldn't be possible.

ED: NVM, thinking of the wrong levels.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by Chimto »

RazorclawX wrote:At one point you could fight that big mob of Footmen and they gave a huge pile of gold, but yeah... they caused a huge crapload of lag just for existing. Either way, the regular army wouldn't follow losers like Ayame and Chika into battle (the Army of the Dead doesn't get that option) so you could consider that they deserted or lost morale (and everyone knew they were fucked if you removed Kanna because nobody else knew what they were doing)
For some reason, you still can do so if you skip the opening cinematic.
Unrelated issues:
1. One of the allied heroes (the reskinned Blademaster) in the epilogue of Book 3 has no proper name.
2. An enemy faction in the secret level of Book 6 is still called 'Satyr Army', instead of 'Radik Empire' like everywhere else in the campaign.
Also what happened to the Shizuka/Deathclaw monster class in Book 6?
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Chimto wrote:Also what happened to the Shizuka/Deathclaw monster class in Book 6?
A while back I revised the Hero generation lists and it turns out the lists don't generate the Hero in spot zero on the list (which means it didn't generate the Dragon Slayer Hikaru or Warlock Kurumi, either).
For some reason, you still can do so if you skip the opening cinematic.
They don't get removed until after the second cutscene.
1. One of the allied heroes (the reskinned Blademaster) in the epilogue of Book 3 has no proper name.
He has a name for me...?
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by Chimto »

I took the screenshots of the problematic heroes in that level (turns out there are two, not one). The Nightblade in the same level also uses a random name pool, instead of having a consistent name like the others.
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Well I think there's a bigger problem in those screenshots if you look at the Class names of those same Heroes.

I don't suppose you altered the strings on that map somehow? That looks like something is messed up.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by Chimto »

The only modification I did is to make all mission buttons visible on the mission select screen from the start (as I didn't feel like playing the whole campaign again when there's a new hotfix). Can such a thing actually break the strings?
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

I don't know; I've never seen something like that happen before.

I've restarted the current version ten times in a row and nothing like the above has ever happened. It's like the map is reading the Strings table in a completely different way than it should be.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by NovaLan »

RazorclawX wrote:Well I think there's a bigger problem in those screenshots if you look at the Class names of those same Heroes.

I don't suppose you altered the strings on that map somehow? That looks like something is messed up.
Yeah,that's the problem I talked before,Huangzhong(BladeMaster)and this spider hero have no name because something is wrong with these two units' ID number in WE,during the translation we fixed that by copying them(to change these two unit's ID in WE)and replace the orignal units with the copy.
And in EX2 Looking through the class,the fountain I meant is the Fountain of Restoration at the playerstart,the name of fountain is 'Combat idol ' instead of 'Fountain of Restoration''.It is also because the unit's ID is duplicated.
Hope you can understand what I'm talking.These technical things are a bit difficult for me to describe in English ;D
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

No I understand what you're saying, it would make sense that it's the same problem with both of those maps since they both use the same base.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by AngstyOwl »

///Book 5///

Chapter 1: Tiger's Return

During the ending Cinematic Gunther's team colour is teal in his portrait. This happens in several subsequent missions as well.
If you choose Count Zule as companion the existing base gets turned over to your ally leaving you without a place to build a base.
If you pick Jenna as companion the Elven Swordman unit has no team colour.

Chapter 2: Tiger's Claw

The building you recruit Eagle Riders from is called Gryphon Aviary which is a bit odd.
The Nerubian enemy's female caster hero gets spell shielded as well by Hikaru (Blaze Knight)'s Soul Power.
It's a bit odd that all the ambushers are orc faction units considering you're fighting lizardmen?

Chapter 3: Tiger's Cage

The War Scholar still has a hero glow.
You get regular knights instead of the Jin ones during the opportunity strike.
The flavour text for Orb of Gravity cuts off.
The ??? Lich which I suspect is supposed to be Dallas doesn't have the right model in that case.

Interlude: Return of the Wanderers

Thistlewood has a hole in his head.

Chapter 6: Truth of the Heart

Kanna and Hikaru act like they haven't met before.

Chapter 7: United We Stand

The tribes are only melee game orcs now? Though I suppose the other tribes didn't come along cause less warlike?

Chapter 8-1: Cry For Wind

The Elf assassins are part of the Chaos Legion.
There's an Elf hero in the alliance forces but I thought the Artesia remnants sided with Ventre?

Epilogue: Return to Sorceria

Kevin is named Kasumi during the cinematics.
I've also in general noted that Kevin's Soul Power makes fighting him in the campaign really tricky since he can nearly one-shot you.
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Re: Feedback Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

If you choose Count Zule as companion the existing base gets turned over to your ally leaving you without a place to build a base.
Your goal with Zule is to make your own base and it doesn't matter which spot you build it at.
It's a bit odd that all the ambushers are orc faction units considering you're fighting lizardmen?
Why? You're also fighting Orcs, Gnolls, and Trolls.
Kanna and Hikaru act like they haven't met before.
Kanna is being polite because it is the only time they've talked to each other. Hikaru hasn't talked to these people informally like this before now (Shion is equally informal and Ziel is outright rude toward him).
I've also in general noted that Kevin's Soul Power makes fighting him in the campaign really tricky since he can nearly one-shot you.
This is similarly the case for Nekurow and Sorana.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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