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AI Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:29 pm
by Rocco
This is a newbie question but I just started working with the World Editor. How can I give computers the AI to run in campaigns?

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:33 pm
by Lavarinth
Create a new AI script or assign one to it already created?

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:50 pm
by Rocco
The trigger editor is confusing to me, I just wanna give the computers AI scripts like build a base and stuff, I know theres Easy AI and norm etc. but can't figure how to give them to the computer.

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:59 pm
by Marine
Well for one is this like a melee map or a custom map?
If melee you can do that in the game before starting by just deciding what difficulty.
Usually if custom AI you have to make your own AI and add it by importing it, then go to trigger editor and do such as:
Map Initialization
Actions: AI - Start campaign (or melee) AI Script for Player (1) (or who ever): (put your ai here)

Thats how I would try in putting AI for the enemy,

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:23 pm
by Rocco
Yeah, for a custom. I would like to make my own campaign but couldn't figure out how to get the computers to go. Forgive my stupidity.  XD

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:31 pm
by Ricky_Honejasi
Since you just started using WorldEdit, you might consider downloading the tutorials from that thread : index.php?topic=496.0

Those are tutorials that I made to help newbies to know WorldEdit which start with very simple things and slowly gets into more detailed stuff. While it's far from being complete, it's just enough complete to learn the basics of basics which allows a much solid base for a newbie to learn more complex things (instead of trying to understand "everything").

However, none of them cover AI scripts since I have little experience myself in those and making advanced AIs is a true pain in WorldEdit.

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:44 pm
by Rocco
Thanks, I'm starting to get the hang of the WorldEditor but the lag bothers me. I find the trigger editor more difficult the StarCraft's.

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:04 pm
by Ricky_Honejasi
RCcola wrote: Thanks, I'm starting to get the hang of the WorldEditor but the lag bothers me. I find the trigger editor more difficult the StarCraft's.
Are you implying the lag when you try to make new units/items in WorldEdit's Object Editor? If so, the method to almost completely minimize that is in the earliest of my tutorials which is repeated over 4-5 times to be reasonably sure a newbie don't miss it.

And yes, WorldEdit is much more complex than StarEdit but it allows about as many new things (which is easily 100 more times than Starcraft) that you find it complex for. It is complex enough that it is likely that you will find specific things much more easier than others (ex: cinematics, "programmer" triggering, terrain'ing, etc.) and thus people tend to be more specialist of specific things.

Re: AI Scripts

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:11 pm
by RazorclawX
The AI editor is a true piece of crap, as I never got anything I made with it to work right. I ended up doing AI scripts by hand.