Model Kit Shennanigans

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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Finally got around to getting Hikaru done. He'd been mostly done for a real long time-- it's only recently I figured out how to solve his head problem (I was originally going to give him the head of 30 Minute Sisters Alka Carti, but I've seen enough reviews of the kit to realize that wasn't going to solve anything).


Base model is 30 Minute Missions Spinatio Sengoku type. The weapon is from Star Wars Black Series Kylo Ren while the rest is from MSG Magia Blade. The samurai armor is from the MSG Samurai Armor kit. Head is from Sousai Shojo Wig Set A (purple) with eye decals from Frame Arms Girl Magatsuki Kikka. The head turned out more mannish than I expected so I had to find a way to attach it to Spinatio's body (using a 5mm poly-ball inserted into a cylinder piece glued to Spinatio's chest).

Kurumi Succubus (revised)
Just switched her legs out so now she's even more naked.

Gina (Bust)
Leftover parts from Figure Rise Standard Ayame kit. The hair is from ATK Girl Serqet and the face is a spare from ATK Girl JW-059 (with custom mask and eye decal from Ayame set). Clothes is from Serqet set (no leather jacket, but this does a good enough job hiding all the uglyness). Forearms and claws are from Transformers Power of the Primes Skullgrin.

Base model is 30 Minute Sisters Luluce. Face is from 30MS Rishetta, Hair Set 2, and boobs is from Mobile Doll May. Cape is from ATK Girls Santa Set. Skirt is custom made.

Mizuki (without the extra addons)
Go figure I didn't have a picture without any accessories already.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Re-arranging parts and posted them.

Did a bit of model surgery here and went back and added more volume with hot glue and painted it over. It's not perfect, but it does look a lot better than the standard hair (although I have no plans on doing this again)

Using her newer head as her 'main' head since it's way better. I did a slight fix of the older head by adding bits of discarded fringe hair from Shizu's front hair so it looks a bit better than before.

Pretty much just a better quality picture. I WAS going to change out her legs, but that turned out to be unnecessary so she remains the same as before.

New pictures of a more complete Chika. She's still made up of spare parts; the cheerleader in particular is entirely spare parts. I was weighing whether to make her the cheerleader or Miranda, but Miranda would be the heroic athletic type so she wouldn't be cheering from the sidelines. Chika as I originally conceived her is a tennis player, but that's mostly an informed attribute (much like how Ayame was designed to be into rhythmic gymnastics, which also is an informed attribute and she's entirely the wrong body type for that). I generally think of Chika being a bit on the fatty side so I don't think being a cheerleader fits her, either, since I don't think she's capable of doing flips or cartwheels or pyramids or any high flying stunts cheerleaders do.

Then again Chika being athletic period seems kind of an informed attribute. She always struck me as being the lazy type. Maybe she's just into cosplay?

Of particular note I gave her blue eye faceplates to help differentiate her from Ayame when I need to. She doesn't really have blue eyes in my mind.

(Against all odds Chika is managing that sitting pose without showing off her panties. Any other angle and you could definitely see them while she's sitting like that)

The Maids
I managed to get their arms in their sockets so now they've got fully functional arms. I also fixed the garters so they fit where they're supposed to on the seam of the thigh (of course since there's only two between the two, only one of them is wearing a set of them. Tough tamales. I still would prefer the other to be wearing thigh high stockings, but I can't really fix that)

I don't know what to make of these two. For now they're just Kanna's maids; she comes from a 'noble' family that was formerly a samurai lord under the Tokugawa Shogunate so she came from money. Of course they're a little old fashioned so they trained her in the naginata which is why that's her weapon of choice-- this probably also why she gets along with Shizuka so much because they're both 'born out of time' like that. Maybe that's why sometimes Kanna and Shizu can be sometimes be seen wearing their maid uniforms....

(I'm aware of the fact that I frequently dress Kanna and Shizuka as maids so maybe they don't mind it as much as they protest it in front of the guys?)
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Another set of new toys to play with.

Count Zule Whitemane
You're probably thinking WHAAAAT? when you saw that title. It's true... sort of. It's more like Mecha Zule.

The way he came about was a bit of an accident, but once I put together a list of parts I wanted I went ahead and did it. It's not perfect and there is some cost-cutting involved (the claws were originally to call for two Cielnova armor kits, but I only wanted them JUSt for the claw arms. I determined it was cheaper to do it this way, even though these claws don't function as actual hands). I was looking into a number of backpacks I could use as wings and fell in love with the MSG Killer Beak set (it didn't hurt that I got it for a dirt cheap price). This uses the backpack from that set; the only parts I haven't used from Killer Beak are the sniper rifle and the drone bird head.

Miranda (Idol)
I wasn't planning to get this set, but I really wanted it for the bodies and it came real cheap (it's almost absurd how you can get the ATK girl spare bodies cheaper by buying the clothing sets). The clothing itself actually sucks, but it was a starting point. Granted, the result makes her look like an adult baby, but the only thing I think that can fix this is putting on a vest or jacket (which I don't have). Then again, idol singers probably would stoop that low in order to get popular (ps, if you haven't noticed I have a really low opinion of the idol scene so don't try to convince me otherwise).

If you think those limbs look familiar, they are-- they used to be on the Santa girl. Santa girl Ayame now has a more conventional set of limbs, and... actually looks better now because of that. Maybe this would look better if I was using real forearms and legs, but... somehow I doubt that.

Nekurow's New Hat
New face mask, new hat.

"Gothic Lolita" Shizuka
Honestly... it's not close enough (skirt is way too short), but I don't have a way to make a better one at the moment.

Genbu Armored Form Kotetsu
Honestly, I spent more time on this than I should have, but it turned out that Spinatio Assassin's blue matched the blue of Neko Busou Fukamori's blue. Add on the fact that Spinatio Assassin is primarily black and... well, yeah. It was pretty obvious what I had to do. Of course, I had a bunch more parts to spread around, which leads to...

Smaller Updates
Hikaru gets a bunch of white armor plates, Tendaro gets her bladed bow weapon, and Byakko Armored Form gets a new torso and armor plates.

Kanna's Maid can't catch a break
You only need to look at the Back picture to see why the ATK Girl Casual Wear set is so stupid. Since I decided to use one of the Maid Dresses as Shizuka's Lolita dress I had this Naked Apron thing left over, but then I decided to put on one of these tramp clothes on under it so it wasn't completely absurd. Honestly, whoever made these later clothing sets seem to be working on a different scale than the earlier sets-- the earlier ATK Girl clothing actually fit better, but the maid outfit and casual wear seem to think the waist line is right under the girls' boobs. It's not as bad if you put the apron on the maid dress (since the maid skirt is actually fairly long even starting up that high), but these skirts are just way too short and they don't even sit on the waist correctly (not that sitting at the hips is really that much better).
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Been working on this for a while. Realized with the Casual Wear set I could actually finish it.

This is basically inspired by her 'Summoner' class look (her original, default appearance) with some concessions (such as, she doesn't have the sleeves). Her outfit is redesigned a bit to more reflect the coat that inspired her appearance so now it's a duffel-style coat over a miniskirt with thigh-high boots (and they even have the fold-over tops-- that's a feature of the 30MS Tiasha set). The fuzzy worm used as a scarf is more of a lazy man's way to do it and because I had it available; normaly it shouldn't be so fuzzy, but oh well. I've got a lot of them and if I can use it I'll use it.

Decided to put on the rest of the Luluce armor on the Luluce legs (which I wasn't using at the moment) and stick them on. They're much beefier than the other legs, at least, and more monstrous.

Shizu Gothic Lolita
After the previous post this is a more complete Gothic Lolita look (I know it's not quite there, but getting clothes in this scale made takes a lot of work).

The stockings are the same ones from earlier pictures, except this time they don't have to go through a whole foot and loose a bunch of real estate. Instead, I cut a hole at the end of the stockings (I'm going to hell for this) so I can stick the foot peg through it-- this also gives a bonus and allows me to use the Mary Jane style shoes that came with Serqet a long time ago, which I always intended to use with this look. The result is as seen and the over-knee stockings now reach all the way up to the thighs (so now she has some real zettai ryoikki going on).

Her train skirt and miniskirt combo makes her look a bit like Orphea from Heroes of the STorm in a way-- the only thing really missing is a corset (yeah, good luck with that)

The ATK Girl casual wear miniskirts at least can be used in other ways. In this one it's used as a bonnet.

Kanna's Maids
The Maids need names.

The embarrassing retro gym clothes is a given. The casual wear is pretty NSFW because her tits are poking through the shirt (combination of thin material of the Casual Wear's shirt and the boobs being really pointy on the ATK Girl Spare Body). Her exasperated expression really sells the humiliation she's enduring.


Other minor pictures are posted at
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Finished a new set of kits and customs.

Shizuka Lobster Armor
30 MS Alka Carti body with 30 MM Spinatia Commando Type's limbs. Took a while to figure out a decent configuration to do here, but it was worth it.

30 MS swimsuit body with Tiasha limbs and a fuzzy worm toy used as a scarf. This is something I'd been planning for a while.

Kurumi Armored Form Seiryu
Almost straight 30 MS Far Farina with a few pieces moved around from Tiasha.

Kurumi Succubus
Basically finished what I was planning to do with her from the start.

Shion New Head
New 30 MS head and hair option part. Got a decent short haired brown hair so I didn't have to use the red head one.

Ziel Armored Form
Switched bodies, and switched armaments. Liked the tank armors going with the dusty cloak look. Notably the face is more mannish.

Mizuki New Head
Fitted on a 30 Minutes Sisters head with option hair parts. Would have preferred black, but this is what was available.

Miranda Idol
Based off Magical Baselard. This is the kit I'd been thinking about using for her for a long time.

Miranda Schoolgirl
The latest version of passing around the school outfit.

Ayame Armored Form
Got Asra Archer Aoi. This is the result.

Ayame Bunny Suit
Because she came with another head, it goes here.

Kasumi Armored Form Suzaku
Almost entirely replaced the body, but the armor pieces for the wings are the same. The legs are from 30MS Alka Carti's backpack, the body is Spinatia Commando Type.

Count Zule
Gave him a new set of wings and claws.


Other pictures can be found here
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Another month, another round of pictures.

Shizuka (Sorcerian P3 Costume)
Been thinking about doing this for a long time. Only managed to do it because I got fed up with Magical Girl Darkness and disassembled her. The weapons are from ATK Girl JW-059 and I'd been saving it for this build. The samurai armor pieces were sadly stripped off Hikaru so he's got no armor on him. That'll be fixed eventually, but not right now.

Shizuka (Maid Costume)
Basically because I was unhappy with the previous configuration, so she's back as a straight up maid. Seems to be the thing she gets stuck with a lot.

Kanna (Witch)
Replaced the face plat that's been shuffling around for a bit.

Kanna (Bodysuit)
Probably the first time Kanna had a decent head since all the previous ones were jury rigged. The hair part was originally reddish-brown, but I painted it over in black (because I honestly had no use for it otherwise).

Shion (New Hair)
Basically switched hair with Hokuto. Mostly because of the parted hair, even if it is the wrong direction.

Hokuto (New Hair)
Switched hair with Shion. Sure, it's more shaggy.

Ziel (Armored)
New head, some under the hood revisions (it's only an upper body; the rest of the limbs and torso are not actual body parts. It's all hidden by the cloak). The head is 30MS Rishetta's with the sidelicks cut off (which always bothered me) and the torso is from Asra Archer (without the boobs, otherwise it would never fit in the cloak). Face plate is from 30MS Laranel.

Ayame (Leotard)
First iteration of making a gymnastics leotard. Obviously not 100% the way it should be, but I can't go all the way at the moment.

Ayame (Armored)
Same as the previous post, only branding the nodachi.

Chika (Retro PE Uniform)
The clothes are hiding the fact that there isn't a torso under it. It's all leftover parts. Surprisingly works pretty well. The limbs are of course the real deal.

Miranda (Armored Bunny)
30 MS Laranel, mostly, with the chest coming from an option set. The hair is also from an option set, was originally yellow, but I painted it over with the light sky blue color I've always done for Miranda. I had nothing to do with the yellow hair otherwise, and realized it worked perfectly in the right colors.

The body used is mostly because it can get into the right kicking poses. The fact that its still putting her in a bunny suit is more of a happy accident.

Straight up Megami Device Exorcist Widow.

Suzaku, Genbu, and Byakko
Basically what they look like now. Mechanical Genbu changed the most.

Unknown Scorpion Girl
I don't know. Did it because I could. Honestly should be used for Mizuki (because that's her associated animal), but her hair gets in the way of the tail attachment. Would have to think about that for a bit.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

More stuff because I bothered to take pictures this weekend.

Most of these things aren't characters specifically (yet) except for this one.

Basically needed the jacket to make this work. In my mind she's a girl in a school uniform wearing a leather jacket so this is enough to make it recognizably her.

The rest are miscellaneous pictures (other than Shizuka and Kanna wearing school swimsuits looking awkward)
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-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

Kotobukiya AUV Amaterasu Regalia
Well, here she is, the goddess herself. For a while, thanks to Kotobukiya reissuing Ninetails, I was seriously considering getting that over Amaterasu. And then the BAIT version of Tamamo no Mae was announced and I was considering that, too. In the end I didn't order any of them until one day I came upon an overseas listing of Amaterasu discounted well below her asking price... so why not?

From my experiences the AUV body seems to be a descendant of things that went into the Bullet Knights Ex girls and Megami Device Baselard (of which I did Magical Baselard). The body core seems to be a successor of what was in Baselard and the leg armor solution was something that made more sense to me than Exorcist Widow's did (in fact previously I had a huge rant about how stupid it was done on Bullet Knights to the point I swore off them). AUV Amaterasu does one of the logical things and gives an entirely different lower leg part.

Amaterasu, fully built, has a really imposing presence to her. One of the things that made me wary about Ninetales and Tamamo no Mae was how messy their armor pieces looked on them, while AUV Regalia series the giant armor was effectively one whole piece with sturdy arm attachments (basically the same as was done with the Bullet Knights). As you can see from the pictures I was debating on whether to go with stock or go 'Susanowo' style and decided I liked how they were configured on Susanowo Regalia more.

The water slides went on fine for the skirt parts, but the long red pieces on the armor pieces were a pain in the rear. I shredded one of them, but managed to get it oriented in the right place, and another one ended up on the piece crooked, and yet another went on like a parabola. So basically, there's no 'perfect' looking armor piece, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Now, Amaterasu Regalia isn't all sunshine and rainbows, because she's got flaws, too. For one, her shoulders... for whatever reason Kotobukiya still hands out ABS shoulder joints on this thing even though they give out POM joints in the Tops sets. The thing is... the stock shoulders didn't want to go into the socket at all, which confused the heck out of me. What I ended up doing, and for sanity's sake, I took the POM shoulders from a Tops set and used them on her. The POM shoulders fit exactly as they should, and not only that, I don't have to worry about her shoulder armor weighing her arms down like a mofo (something I would consider a design flaw; for instance, Exorcist Widow has enough mounting parts to stick something like that on her mounting bracket and that's what's done to mount her Grave arms. Amaterasu they expect you to mount the thing on her arms, and those things are a little on the heavy side + gravity will win)

The second thing is her staff. I don't really understand why this thing is designed with two handles hanging off the shaft unless that's to help with the fact that you could easily snap the staff in half in her hands if you put it on directly, but that itself is a design flaw, too. That's beside the fact it's just another comically oversized weapon like Magical Baselard's staff (which she has trouble holding at all because of how top-heavy and modular it is). I guess I should be glad Amaterasu can in fact hold it herself, but it still looks VERY strange.

Before I forget, there's a weird quirk about her hair. The side bangs are only held by a friction slot on each side with nothing really holding them in place. One of them kept sliding off until I actually attached the front hair piece onto Amaterasu's face... after which the side bangs are firmly held in place because they're apparently held on the other side by Amaterasu's face plate.

I don't know if I'd say I was 'wowed' by this kit, really. The engineering that went into the body is generally better than what I expected for Megami Device (even the shoulder sockets take after the Tops set and you don't have to glue the lousy shoulder blades on anymore), but I think it's clear whoever is working on this line needs someone to hang around them and help them through some of the design flaws. I don't expect the upcoming Buster Dolls to be flawless, either, and I'm mostly sitting those out because I don't like the way they look (on the other hand, I am thinking about getting the Chaos & Pretty face plate sets and possibly Queen of Hearts, but we'll see. I mean, I did skip Alice because I couldn't get over how stupid the Rabbit looked)

I would rate my experience building AUV Amaterasu Regalia about on par with Asra Archer Aoi. Nothing really bad happened and it looks good.

Fun note, though. Although most of the parts are in fact used, there are a few leftovers, some of which are useable: another set of arms, another set of feet, Susanowo's head core, and two of Susanowo's boobs (although you can't complete one of them). Amaterasu's lower legs I stuck on SST Madoka Summer version's 3/4 second body to complete her since her second set of legs ended at just below the knees, so now she's a complete girl (already had a spare set of arms on her).

(yes, I did put one of her knees on upside down. I don't even know which one is upside down. Functionally, it doesn't really matter)

Other Things
Ended up getting 30 Minutes Sisters Siana and Lirinel on sale (Laranel I bought full price). I wasn't going to get either of them until this happened; Lirinel was pretty much a crime of opportunity. Siana I was eyeing for a time, but didn't want to pay full price for her since there's really not a lot you can do with a shark girl (or, at least, I can't think of much to do with her).

Siana-Amarica at the very least I like a lot more than Luluce, not just because of the shark limbs, but her faceplates are more... well, pleasant to look at. Her hair is kind of garbage as it's entirely stiff with no articulation like Lirinel or Neverlia's hair, so it does limit her head movement quite a bit. In the pic she's mostly stock except for her thighs, which are from a swimsuit set. It wasn't all bad, though, since she's basically building a 30 Minutes Mission set with a girl body attached to it instead (but I still think she's overpriced for what you get; Far-Farina still remains my favorite of the 'deluxe' original girls, but that's probably a 'me' thing).

Lirinel I think she's garbage. Her faceplates and hair are not good (heck it's almost entirely the reason why Laranel's head is in the picture instead). Some people might like that sort of thing, but I don't and why I passed her over the first time. The skirt piece is one whole piece which limits her leg articulation. She comes with another skirt piece that allows her to do a 'sitting' pose (for whatever that's worth) which I'm not using for anything. The only real positive thing I can say about it is she comes iwth a second set of arms.

Between the two rabbit twins Laranel is a lot better, particularly since she's supposed to emphasize her legs you can get her into interesting kicking poses (not only does she come with two sets of legs, she comes with two sets of hair). I've gotten her to stand on one leg with the armored legs, as weird as that sounds.

Ritsuka, meet Ritsuka
Snow White Winter version meets my custom'd Noble Rose Summer version. I was really under the impression that Snow White's skirt was a good deep blue, but under certain lighting it looks purple and nearly matches what I did with the Summer version skirt (basically how C&P Witch Darkness's dark blue seems to be really purple). Frankly if hindsight were a thing I could've saved myself some trouble, but I don't regret doing it (because I really didn't care for Noble Rose's wine red coloration).

The Rest
I've posted these before, but they've changed since then. Basically decided on a Heavy Melee theme for the first one and a long range sniper for the second. And yeah, I did in fact buy a second Chaser costume set on sale... basically for the mask and the parts to complete the bodysuit look (you can guess what happened with the other body. I'm not showing).
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-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Model Kit Shennanigans

Post by RazorclawX »

I've had these things for a while, but I didn't unload them off my phone until this weekend. This constitutes updates to the Model Kits page.

When I saw the Spinatiio Knight set I knew I wanted to do this. The head is different, of course, and is made out of a spare 30 Minutes Sisters Chaser Costume hair piece, then painted. I mean, it's not perfect, but it is pretty much him.

Kurumi is basically on the Figure Rise Standard Miorine kit. To be honest, what I really would've wanted was the other one, but I got Miorine on discount so you make what do.

The 'idol' version is basically leftover parts, including a cobbled-together set from the Idolmaster set (see below).

This is the 30 Minutes Sisters x The Idolmaster collaboration, Beyond the Blue Sky. It is MUCH cheaper to buy the headless set and it gives you three options for chest sizes (although you can only make one of them) as well as two thigh lengths (technically you can only make one of them since the set only provides one set of polycaps, but if you have more you can use them here, and the polycaps are REALLY common in 30 Minutes Missions kits)

Hana and Riko
These are characters that appeared in the Fiction story Prism: The Second Generation. Hana is a violinist, but I don't have a 1/12 scale violin, so she'll have to make do with a whip sword I don't know what to do with yet.

I picked up two 30 Minutes Sisters: Alpha Sisters Phantasm sets and decided to make one a 'mirror' of the default. I also painted the blouse black. They do appear in the fiction with these appearances and the model kits were the inspiration.
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-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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