LP Update/Comment Thread

The source for all things IskatuMesk and then some. From projects, to articles, and even Let's Plays- it's all here for the taking.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

I have deleted my soundcloud account on behalf of the following;

- Has been unstable on modern browsers like Pale Moon for years.
- Ridiculously bloated and heavy on resources.
- Tries to promote paying for space/duration despite how cheap this stuff is.
- Extremely low quality reprocessing for uploaded content.

I will not be releasing voice acting or other similar media in the future.

5 new SSC videos are now available.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

General casting is considered on hiatus. I may return to it later in the year, I may not.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

I'm not entirely sure why, but I received a notice of some file being approved on GameFront and it seems that may have been due to a migration or something of some uploads from 11 years ago. I'm not entirely sure why I uploaded my music to some sc2-related thing 11 years ago, much less why I got a notification today of it, but I've had the files removed accordingly.

Assuming anyone actually wants my old shitty music for their projects or somesuch, they are free to PM me here.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

I was going to make a coffee hour for this but I really wasn't able to put together the information and my thoughts coherently enough over a dozen tries. So what I'll instead do is simply make a post.

Currently, I am on hiatus from casting. That means that, other than very rare cases such as the Albion 3 commentary, I am not actively recording or seeking to record. There's a lot of reasons why. Too many to post or recount vocally apparently. Going forward, these are the following changes I have so far decided on.

1.) The priorities list will vanish

I will no longer discuss about what I am doing or planning to do. It's a major source of panic attacks and has repeatedly resulted in me deciding not to be productive.

I can tell you the current priority list is not an accurate reflection of what I want to do. I hope to switch back entirely to spontaneous recording since it has been historically successful. I'm not likely to try to finish the compilations for quite some time (maybe in 2020, we'll see).

I still want to do stuff like SD3. I don't want to feel obligated to doing xyz instead of cvb. I don't want to feel like I have to account to all the people asking why I run X instead or Y. I don't record because a game is good or bad. I record because I want to record and usually have some curiosity. Almost everything in the past five years has come from that. Every other time I end up guilt tripping myself out of being productive. That ends here or casting ends here period.

To be clear, I am not blaming anyone else for this. I'm blaming myself. I cannot handle any kind of pressure. I'm very thin skinned when it comes to dealing with any kind of semblance of scheduling or routine. I just can't handle it. Even the garbage schedule stresses me out enough to kill my sleep for days.

2.) Extraneous content will likely die

EDU, TFT and similar content is not likely to see new releases for a long time, if ever. Suffice to say, I've reached subjects I cannot put into words. I'm not an educator. People who are bad with people and words can't educate. It's time to give up.

3.) Considerations of publication closure

I am actually seriously considering stopping releasing all content publicly and cutting everything that is currently up. It's a major stressor in a long line of super bad decisions I've made including involving myself with social circles (D&D) and going to youtube (Starcraft 2). But I'm not going to do anything at this exact moment in time. I've thought about it for years, but ever since 2017 I've had some very strong reasons come up for why to disappear completely. The only thing that stops me is I don't feel viewers should be punished just because I am mentally disabled. But at the same time I can't function properly with a conceptual public presence no matter how small or distant.

The only thing keeping me going right now is SS. Without SS I literally am doing nothing and don't want to do anything. This is the worst I have felt since 2006.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by nu1x »

Who cares. Just do what you want. We the imaginary public do not care. It's best when you don't, too. Just do whatever you want, or go to hiatus for years if that suits you, god knows, you have enough content released for lifetimes already.

Just branch out, like a tree. Where does a tree branch out to ? Wherever it feels like, at the given moment. Sometimes nowhere.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

I have solved the murder mystery of why wc3's later videos have video corruption. It's due to recordings on the new system using the official version of OBS which is still, to this day, bugged and doesn't support i444. Somehow I had been lead to believe the severe bugs had been fixed but they weren't. You still need an unofficial version that changes 3 simple lines to use the most important setting in the entire fucking program.

Additionally, there will be a small format change in upcoming productions. I will be transitioning from NeroAAC to Vorbis for all related audio releases where applicable. Also, I've phased out the Audition AAC encoder for a variety of reasons, not the least of which it being inferior to all other AAC implementations.

The net result will be much more accurate audio, especially in higher frequencies, and perhaps an unnoticeable increase in file size.

It's worth noting I encountered a lot of desync issues with vorbis in the past but those were probably due to Adobe and VBR.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by loha4 »

Hey not imaginary public here to say your LP's are amazingly entertaining but do what you have to do for your sanitys sake I know I'll regret just leaving a comment in public nevermind hundreds of hours of video content. I mistakenly thought your site was down for a while so I broke my infinite lurking streak to ask if you went through with shutting it down but it turned out I was trying to load campaign creations for the past however many days rather than gameproc goddamn I'm stupid, but so pleased to find your still there!
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

Yeah, I have received a lot of messages about CC over the years. Prior to GP I always pointed people to CC since the forum is where I stored most of my information/release details/whatever so it's understandable some people might get confused if they didn't follow GP exclusively.

Glad to hear you are enjoying stuff. I've slowly started up editing work again but it'll be a while before we see some releases - maybe Autumn.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

Today sees our first updates of the second half of the year.

- SSC 21-24
- WoW Rant 2 Side A Seg14
- The BDO Experience Psychological Adventure (enjoy that gross compression rate on pixelated grass)
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

I have re-released a selection of Starcraft 2 casts from the uub days.

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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

After nearly a year since inception, the Albion project has been completed.

During game 1, 6 sessions were played, for a total of 9 maps. The original estimated scope was 3 sessions.

Game 2 was effectively a repeat of game 1, with 9 maps, an estimated 3 sessions, and the final being 6.

Game 3 was a little larger of a beast, with an estimated 12 to 16 maps, concluding at 46, with an estimated 12 sessions, concluding at 14.

Due to the larger scale of Albion 3, the recorded material is also substantially larger. With the summary video, it will be 6 videos in total.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

The latest video processing article, posted around this time last year, has been modernized to reflect new changes and more comprehensively cover my current pipeline. Some articles are still in a state of flux - you might notice the odd update that goes unannounced, or they are simply considered drafts - I'll eventually return to clean up some of the mess later on.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

Seems like my headphones have finally thrown in the sweat-drenched towel. I thought it was the cable breaking (again), but a brand new replacement cable yields the precise same problem (only left channel) on separate output devices.

So, not only am I stuck with shitty speakers which will make processing D&D audio and other stuff really difficult, I basically have to stop all recording projects just as I was getting started up again unless I feel like playing muted.

I'm going to experiment with noise gate setups but I think in many cases my voice will still be getting muddied by background audio. It's a pretty bad spot to be in.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

In anticipation of future releases, the Compilations section has been divided as mentioned in the past. I've also updated several Graveyard titles to reflect the fact they are discontinued and not dormant.
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Re: LP Update/Comment Thread

Post by IskatuMesk »

WoW rant 2 side C 9, 10, 11 are now available, as well as a new dnd intro video, and 3 new hots replays.