Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

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Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by WB »

SC2 has a better chance than WC3 ever did. I prefer machines gun and and psi-blades to blunderbuss and swords.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by Taeradun »

Elves are shit.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by Xenon »

It might hinge on Startools, and whether modeling requires an $800 piece of software in a specific version that the company won't sell anymore.  ::)

Mostly I'm excited about the scripting, and being able to make the units do crazy stuff and watching AIs fight each other with them.  ;D

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Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by WB »

I own legit copies of three modeling programs, the cheapest is Silo, and its awesome. 100~ bucks, I suggest you all check it out, they have a demo available. it's purely modeling software, you won't find the same level of functionality that you would in maya or max, but it is REALLY good at what it does. Much better than Wings, much better Blender.

Besides, expensive software has never stopped the modding community before, and I don't imagine it will now. And especially now, it isn't an excuse. I'm not referring to piracy, I'm talking about freeware and opensource software. Now is probably the best time to start modding, if it wasn't for these damn time constraints.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by Xenon »

I was specifically referencing how Blizzard's official WC3 modeling tools required an out-of-print version of 3dsmax.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by chris »

hmmm, well all these sites are down SME and SEN....but lets look on the bright side at least CC is alive :)
yes I believe active CC forums count as alive.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by Kaoru »

Doctor Doack:
I love you. Have my children?  :)
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by IskatuMesk »

You'll have to ask my attorney about that one.
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by Kaoru »

Can you give me his office number so I can contact him as soon as possible?
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Re: Sovereign Modding Empire, Staredit Network, and...

Post by IskatuMesk »
