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The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:04 am
by trondor
9 out of 10 campaign-projects never finishes, probably fewer. Let's talk about those projects that never became reality.

Many years ago, around 2002ish, I tried to make a starcraft campaign where Kerrigan was uninfested. It wasn't as stupid as it might sound, albeit it was pretty stupid. Duran needed Kerrigans psychic abilities "untainted", in order to combine the potential of all three sc races, terran, protoss and zerg. A supah mega terran-protoss-zerg hybrid  8)
Kerrigan managed to escape, and alligned herself with a group of earthlings whom came to Koprulu to gain support for a revolt against the fascist UED. It ended tragic tough, as Kerrigan was killed by Raynor (who wouldn't believe Kerrigan was back on level) while the revolt group was executed by the Dominion since the Dominion now was allied with the UED.

Needless to say, the project failed as I lost interest and began playing other games. What failed projects have you worked on?

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:08 am
by mAc Chaos
Every big map I worked on always ended up getting corrupted because I would go over the string limit with triggering in StarEdit. :P

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:42 pm
by SaintKerrigan
I had a ginormous trilogy concept that spanned over 200 missions that, needless to say, never saw the light of day (the plot wasn't nearly on par with the expectations I place on my material today, aside from the implausibility of creating all those missions). Although I abandoned the trilogy, I did end up working on a prequel to it that became StarCraft: Uprising (a campaign that I entered in last year's campaign contest) which, due to mental health issues, I never got around to finishing. I was going to reenter Uprising in this year's contest, but the new lore restrictions (i.e. you can't make an alternate timeline) prohibit me from doing that.

So, I guess Uprising's on hold while I come up with an acceptable campaign for the contest. But I hope I'll still have time to make it, because it seriously was one hell of a story.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:54 pm
by Ricky_Honejasi
Failed projects? Hmm, let's see ...

Usually my projects didn't finish out of lack of motivation. But it didn't help that I often had big ideas that I just didn't felt like devoting the time down the road. Thus, I tend to try to do either small projects or a much smaller minimum requirement for the map to be considered "playable".

Also, I tend to avoid losing projects to save-related issues since I tend to make separate saves often (ex : map v0.01, map v0.02, map v0.03 ...) so that if stuff blows up then I always got a older backup to fall back on.

===My abandoned War3 Open RPG map===

One of them was a War3 Open RPG map where you could pick a role between an Adventurer, Bounty Hunter, Thief, King, Wizard and Necromancer. It was intended to be a more player-based adventure rather than the ultra-generic mass creep feast that plagues almost all Open RPG maps.

For example, the Adventurer (indirectly "Hero/Legend" as well) is the closest to the common gameplay yet could act as a King's bodyguard, was the only done to be able to do 100% damage (others 5%) on god-like special monsters and had abilities to make creeping easier and faster.

Bounter Hunter basically have more bounty-related quests and skills including PK'ing other players although weaker than the Adventurer in the creeping aspect. More to add spice to the boring creep-feast.

Thief is basically permanently invisible and can steal from others including a King's Merchandise in their own towns (they can even "climb" the city's walls) and steal someone else's inventory. In addition, they can see invisible including hidden thieves' guilds in the world map + even hidden gold mines that they can reveal to a King in exchange of gold.

The King is basically the first "town hero" in which you are focused on making your town up to even an empire. Your King's EXP raises mostly by building and got greatly reduced EXP gains for creeping. They can even set up merchant shops for non-town heroes. Their units mostly come out of raw finance thus gold mines comes in handy.

The Wizard is the second "town hero" in which you make your town based around mana. The Wizard starts with a large pool of mana and each unit, building, etc. is made out of mana some way or another. You want to find large mana stones to draw mana from as well. While the Wizard isn't dependent on gold compared to the King, they have less potential to rush build units since all mana sources must regenerate thus you need to plan more in advance.

The Necromancer is the third "town hero" which it adds a twist to making towns. You needed bones to create buildings and the easiest way is to mass creeping with your army and convert the various corpses into a "bones" resource via your Necromancer hero. Territory is much more important in this case and is more likely to come into conflict with the other types of towns by nature.

If Starcraft 2 allows multiplayer game caches then I would be much more tempted to seriously try to make this map with more space-oriented terms but basically the same thing.

===Other projects===

Yeah, there are other projects but I just became lazy to write more in detail just now.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:06 pm
by Lavarinth

I have three notable projects that have failed to come to be. Judgment, Return to a Race, and The Tavern.

Judgment was my first project which only had around ten missions mapped out. Needless to say my age, and lack of scripting and character building created some ghastly maps I thought were amazing back in the day. The maps created a story where multiple arcs came from your actions, so multiple versions of maps were produced and so forth. Unfortunately it was too large to simply continue with such unmemorable characters, and my partner at the time vanished out of thin air.

My second, well known failure was Return to a Race. A popular concept, apparently, of having Kerrigan uninfested. Of course this was non-canon at all as I introduced new characters and placed well-known characters in impossible situations. It was more of a lol-project as I included each staff member as a secret hero unit in each map for the site I was currently running. I look back at it and define it as bloated and included many unnecessary aspects. I can only apologize to Maglok so much for having him produce a sound track for a project that never came to finalization.

My third project was The Tavern, where I worked alongside Maglok, an excellent story writer. My limitations in knowledge with WorldEdit quickly stumped this project, however. It simply was not the able to portray what it was I was attempting to conceive, especially considering I am more focused on the cinematic portions of things over the gameplay aspects. A spinoff project which would require extensive knowledge in JASS was planned as well, this also never came to be aside the terrain.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:09 pm
by Whiplash!
I finish most of the modding projects I start so that makes me special.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:11 pm
by FlyingHat
I let go of several modding projects.

Medieval Madness was the most notable one, but it died a swift death. Several others were Astromod for Tuxedo Templar's Astrogears, F&I Mod and some other mod called VMR.
I wish I was able to remember more.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:18 pm
by omega20
I attempted to made two projects, that now are dead for SC I.

The first of them was Fall and Rise, which covered the survival of several Confederate factions after the fall of Tarsonis. The plot was great, as well as the missions. Unfortunately, at the point I announced it my grammar and my spelling weren't precisely 'perfect' (I'm from Spain). it was too ambitious to me.

The other was the Protoss campaign 'My Life for Aiur', which plot covered the story of two Protoss warriors who struggle to survive on the Koprulu Sector after the Zerg invasion of Aiur and the Overmind's death.

I'm right now working in two more projects: Enslavers - The Dark Experiment and Yells of Freedom. I must admit that I've developed three entire maps in the first one. However, it is put on hold, due mainly to the new Campaign Contest. The second project is one of the contestant campaigns. It is ambitious, but I think that my motivation is stronger this time. Perhaps these projects can see light someday, only time will say it.
Whiplash! wrote: I finish most of the modding projects I start so that makes me special.
And I don't finish most projects I start (I must admit it's not something I can be proud of). That also makes me special... only in a different way. ::)

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:34 pm
by IskatuMesk
copy pasta time

Ever wondered just how many projects I've started, failed to finish, or never announced? Well, here's your chance to discover! I'll try to go chronologically but my memory is absolutely terrible so yeah. It is sure I have forgotten a lot of them as my memory is very bad.

~2 Ages of Empires campaigns, too far back to remember details. Featured very strong custom AI. Were largely complete

Scorpy's AI - AI mod
Game: Starcraft
Date: Very early, very early AI editor version
% Completed: 100
Death by: Virus

My very first 'mod' mod. Replaced all 3 race's AI with much superior AI. Would later introduce me to actual modding.

Ascherzon's Rebuke - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: Somewhere around 1999-2000
% Completed: around 80
Death by: Virus

AR was my first Starcraft TC. It had three fully converted races and was completely voiced. It was created at a time when MFTG and LS were still the same universe. It featured to my knowledge... The Zegredark, the Scorpy Confederacy, and the Lour? It, along with two other of my early TC's, died from a virus that raped the old 100 mhz compaq I was using back in the day.

Zelconian TC - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: Somewhere around 1999-2000 iirc?
% Completed: 90
Death by: Virus

Zelconian TC featured the Zelconian, the Mantis, and another race I can't recall. It featured viscious AI and voice acting by DarkPrimus.

ScorpyCraft - Total Conversion PRIVATE
Game: Starcraft
Date: Somewhere around 2000 iirc?
% Completed: 80
Death by: Virus

The first Scorpycraft was completely 100% private as it featured primarily graphics pulled from various websites (gifs and jpgs) and from Star Wars Dominion. It had virtually unbeatable AI and featured the Skelmasha, the Scorpy Confederacy, and another race I can't recall. This was the first and original fleet-based conversion to set the foundation for my future projects.

~2 Red Alert 1 TC's; These were largely attribute mods waaay back in the day that made the AI cover the entire map. Just inane stuff like flame towers shooting nukes at the speed of a minigun.

There was also a MFTG-styled Tiberian Sun mod but the AI was so stupid and the game was so unstable on my compaq that it didn't really show anything other than the most utterly retarded weapons ever, including a glowy ball that made a huge crater and a landship that lagged the game with some 250 debris chunks when it died.

ScorpyCraft - Second version, Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2000-2001 - I think? I might be wrong.
% Completed: 70
Death by: Schizophrenia

In this project HKS joined as a wireframe editor but to this date never once has made a wireframe. It featured the Skelmasha, the Scorpy Confederacy, and the "Rebels" (Lour). This conversion was publicly released but received no publicity at all because at the time I was hosted at AEN that was shunned by the community. It was almost completely voiced. This was when I began the big spree of making a project ridiculously fast, running out of motivation, going into a pause, then starting something new.

This mod had legendary Skelmasha AI who would remain silent for the good portion of a game and then run out and kill everyone all at once.

Infantry Gunner - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2002ish
% Completed: 60ish
Death by: Corruption, Schizophrenia

IG Also received absolutely no interest because I was hosted at AEN and by now the modding community for starcraft had died. Regardless I attracted the attention of WarGiant, the supreme modeler and graphics artist of our community, and here his early work began to show. At the time, I was still using shitty programs like ICE and Arsenal which caused major corruption and instability in the mod.

Scorpycraft: Battle Tanx - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: Unknown
% Completed: 0
Death by: No motivation, no graphics

I had conceived of multiple projects that aimed to bring the fun of Battle Tanx, which I had played for years before going to the PC, into starcraft. All of them failed miserably although some concepts were made.

Blades of Thorium: Cataclysm - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: Unknown (Early 2003 maybe?)
% Completed: 40
Death by: Everything

BoTC was an interesting conversion and it started to gather attention. It featured the Asthurr, the Biotic Legion, and the Drennokk (Scitor). It was my first true foray into messing with models. I used Lightwave and screenshotted assorted positions of models and then mspainted player color onto them. At the very end of the project's life I was introduced to Rhino and used Rhino to import a stupidly high poly ship model I had downloaded and threw it into the game with mspainted player colors. Despite its shortcomings BoTC was a very well balanced mod and played very well. I also was introduced to lygher_Xero in this project who did a few graphics (mostly Biotic buildings) which were a real pain in the ass to convert from enormous render jpeg to ingame material. BoTC also had a lot of voicing done, not only by myself, but by an old acquaintance (Sabin).

MFTGATRL - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2004 or 2003 iirc
% Completed: 90
Death by: Schizophrenia, lack of graphics

MFTGATRL was my first truly publisized work and featured a lot of effort on behalf of HKS as well. Production spanned around a month - an extremely long time for me - and a vast deal of starcraft's features were either modified or replaced entirely, including the UI.  MFTGATRL was based on the newly reformed MFTG universe and featured three races - the Gallantry Crew (unrelated to Desler's work), the Undead, and the Pants Legion. It had a huge amount of work put into it but the lack of grapics meant that I had to use any source possible. I used Rhino and rendered out hackjobbed graphics I downloaded, WarGiant did a handful, and DeathSythe7 also lended a hand. Ultimately the graphics looked really random. HKS also did the only few kitbashes he's ever done and they looked far, far superior to any other kitbashes out there right now and they all had animated overlays to boot. Unfortunately when I resized some of them they got seriously mangled.

At one point MFTGATRL's AI got broken somehow and now it really doesn't function that well.

MFTGATMF - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2004ish
% Completed: 20
Death by: It had no real reason to exist

MFTGATMF had the most powerful zerg AI ever built to date simply because it rushed with an unstoppable wave of Undead ships that could clear of the map of 7 players in about five minutes. It wasn't that the ships were overpowered, it's that the AI was so freaking fast in getting them. Other than that, this fleet-based mod had no real strong points other than the introduction of my first real models and entirely custom sound effects. They were all terrible.

Undying Fury - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2004
% Completed: 60
Death by: Engine limits

Undying Fury was the most publisized of my mods and just like MFTGATRL it was overshadowed by the long-dead player-base for starcraft mods and this would hurt it a lot. It had a lot of manhandled graphics jacked from games like Homeworld 2 I fucked with inside rhino for new ships and stuff. WarGiant did some of his best work in this mod with the Confed buildings. The Xy`Kranasha AI was amongst the most viscious AI ever created but for some reason it is completely broken in my current version. UF suffered from being a fleet-based mod; maps were just too small and strike craft could never be balanced correctly. For a 2004 mod, though, it'd feature effects and systems that most mods here in 2008 do not have.

Khan the Destroyer - Total Conversion
Game: Diablo 2
Date: 2004ish
% Completed: 5
Death by: Schizophrenia, D drive crash

KTD had a very strong start and then quickly suffered from monumental difficulties in overcoming problems with the game. In particular, diablo 2 is a motherfucker to debug and I received little help at the time. KTD had several massive maps done and a variety of monsters. It was also dragged down by the inefficient and very difficult methods required to mod the game at this patch version and so the project gradually fell into obscurity and its data was lost in the D drive crash. The mod's idea was never lost, though.

Paradise and Hell - Total Conversion
Game: Homeworld 2
Date: Unsure
% Completed: 1
Death by: Close-minded community, schizophrenia

This is a Throne of Armageddon-prelude conversion that was supposed to introduce races like the Xy`Kranasha into homeworld 2 but failed oh so miserably as at the time the Homeworld 2 community was filled with pompous assholes who wouldn't share any information excluding a single dude. It was also greatly limited because I couldn't model. And so it died very quickly.

Alpha Eclipse - Entire revamp
Game: Half-life 2
Date: Unsure
% Completed: Conceptual stages
Death by: Everything

A half life 2 project that desired to turn the game into a fleet-based RTS. Hahahaha! Yeah fucking right. This never had a hope in hell and for some reason I actually wasted the effort in writing out a game document for it. This was doomed to failure from the start.

Unknown wc3 project - Campaign
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: Concepts, demonstrational cinematic
Death by: Everything

A wc3 projected doomed to failure from schizophrenia. The project was a campaign intended to follow the trails of one of the Templar who managed the frozen prison/torture world of Nazadune, in Zegredark space. It was a strong concept and had some very nice terrain work I did but a lot of false promises from retards in the wc3 community who claimed they'd help and then dropped off the face of the earth would merely echo a prelude of uselessness of people for years to come.

Middle Earth - Total Conversion
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: Concepts
Death by: Everything

A pretty hilarious wc3 conversion I was duo-designing with Dreadnaught, I think. This was doomed to failure. It wasn't a lotr conversion but a lot of people mistook that. At the time I was running with the name Middle Earth but later planned to change it. Unlike all of my previous conversions the story and universe was not pre-created for this project and the demands for graphics neither of us could create doomed it to failure very quickly.

The Dark Messenger - Campaign
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: Conceptual Stages
Death by: Everything

Another wc3 campaign. I had planned probably a dozen wc3 projects but they all had the same problems. This one was going to follow the Gya Ambassador, Auumar, as he traveled the depths of the memories in the universe before being sent on his mission to support the Zelconian. At the end of this project I learned how to convert WoW models to wc3.

Eternity - First Rendition - Total Conversion & Campaign
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: Concepts, foundational maps, first mission
Death by: Everything

An early Eternity campaign that was an entirely new universe. Using converted WoW graphics and an uncannily strong terraining sense I was able to build the maps for several missions but the project would quickly die as the motivation versus time factor quickly killed off any hope.

Throne of Armageddon - Campaign, TC
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure (Pre-Eternity I am sure)
% Completed: Concepts
Death by: Everything

A TOA campaign for wc3. Oh come on. The game would never take this universe, and I can't model or animate! What the hell was I thinking? I had it all planned out but it would never move an inch forward.

Eternity Second Rendition - Campaign, TC
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: 3 maps playable
Death by: Discovery of massive engine limitations involving AI and pathing

The second attempt at Eternity. Warbringer was helping at this point and produced some artwork and terrain I could use. However, schizophrenia by now was gaining major strength and the mod soon died. Additionally I discovered the game had cripplingly AI stupidity and major pathing limitations.

Eternity Mark 2 Third Rendition - Campaign
Game: Warcraft 3
Date: Unsure
% Completed: 7 maps terrained, 4 playable
Death by: Engine limitations

A very serious attempt at recovering the Eternity story and dream. A huge amount of effort went into terraining this and it was amongst the most well-terrained set of wc3 maps ever made. I went to the effort of converting doodads from WoW and everything. But there was a big, big problem. The AI refused to co-operate with me and wouldn't ever even travel the lengths of these large maps let alone get around simple obstacles like ramps and cliffs. The AI could also utterly cripple the performance of an extremely powerful computer and so with just 3 computers the large maps became unplayable even though the AI never did anything. I had put a lot of effort into designing the missions, dialog, and cinematics, but this effort would never be justified.

Heidomus Kaladonmus - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: Unsure (2004? Early 2005?)
% Completed: ~50
Death by: Schizophrenia

A strong TC that started off with real power. With Wargiant I was able to revolutionize the way starcraft looked graphically. His structures combined with my units and design produced incredible results. But Schizophrenia was too powerful to let the flame last and as I ran into a host of other issues the project went from road to ruin almost instantly. HK revolutionized the way Starcraft was modded by introducing complicated critical hit systems and advanced use of images.dat modifications among other things.

Blood and Bones - Campaign
Game: Wc3

A wc3 campaign I have a small amount of data for. I can't recall much about it. I think it was tied to TOA in some way.

MFTGAT... some 30+ characters - TC
Game: Starcraft
Date: ??
% Completed: ??
Death by: D drive crash, unknown

My memory is foggy on this third MFTG installation that had a 32-letter acronym. I know it didn't live long.

Ground Zero - TC
Game: Starcraft
Date ??
% Completed: Demonstrational concepts
Death by: No purpose to exist

A mod based on the early pages of the new Augostradia version. Featured the Alzerians, the Scitor, and an uncertain third race. Died very early in.

AR2 - TC
Game: Starcraft
Date: ??
% Completed: 10
Death by: No reason to exist, Schizophrenia

Another very short-lived fleet-based TC intended to revive the old AR by introducing the Lour, the Zegredark, and the Xy`Kranasha. Was doomed to failure.

In The Admiral's Service - Total Conversion
Game: Starcraft
Date: 2005
% Completed: 30
Death by: Completed its purpose, Schizophrenia

ITAS had a production time of two weeks and was intended to exercise my modeling capabilities in Rhino. It is the premiere of fleet-based conversions and later on after its showcase at Maplantis, a whole host of fleet-based mods sprung up seeking to explore the fleet-based ideas that ITAS had reincarnated from my previous works. ITAS had a number of notable problems including the fact that the greatly dumbed-down weapons still devoured the sprite limits. Later on, DoA would make a limit expander that corrected this, but by then the mod was long dead. By the time ITAS showed up I had learned my lesson to never rely on teams. I had learned that large teams for projects or making a project in the hopes I'd find staff to fill a certain position was a death sentence and so I did the entire project on my own without ever asking anyone for help. It worked very well, because I was in my own league. ITAS would later become a very well respected mod by all who played it.

In the Admiral's Service: Ultimate Showdown - Total Conversion
Game: Varies
% Completed: Concepts, Supreme Commander demonstrational units
Death by: Lack of talent, schizophrenia

Another project that would die from my sheer lack of capability as a person. I modeled a number of ships but they would never be skinned or textured. Upon realizing that Starcraft 2 would not be a good engine to base this in, as it was a fleet combat conversion, I tried supreme commander and ran into major engine limitations that immediately killed the concept. An attempt was also conceptualized for Homeworld 2 but didn't get off the ground.

The Legend of Stabbyman - Campaign
Game: Wc3, Starcraft 2
% Completed: Early concepts
Death by: Lack of talent

A campaign I wanted to make based on the Loladins of Legend universe, specifically the Orc Stabbyman who is comissioned by the Doom God to stab everyone. He's a monk that stabs people. I could use entirely WoW graphics for this. Wc3's engine has too many retarded problems and I somewhat doubt it would be any easier to do in SC2. I don't consider the idea completely dead but the chances of attempting it inside starcraft 2 are very small. The idea was to create a campaign with a very action-oriented RPG gameplay style based on reflexes, combos, and other such things. It would be very heavily cinematic driven with entirely voiced dialog by the most hilarious actors possible. (ie me and ricky and probably milldawg)

Loladins of Legend: The Movie - Movie/Cinematic Production
Game: Wc3
Date: 2007
% Completed: Early first episode watchable
Death by: Schizophrenia

A perfectly feasible wc3 project that was essentially a string of trigger-driven cinematics that told the story of 2042 or at least the beginning days. Unfortunately the project called for a lot of WoW conversions I didn't have the dedication to do and a lot of trigger tuning I didn't have the skill or willpower to figure out. Voicing it would have been extremely easy.

Loladins of Legend: The AoS - Wc3 map
Game: Wc3
Date: 2007
% Completed: 20
Death by: Lack of triggerers/ lack of motivation or reason to continue

The LoL AOS was a private project for wc3 and members of the SS gaming group. As I couldn't trigger very well I depended heavily on Tipereth and Xenon to do the majority of trigger work. When they decided to not do anything anymore the project died. I attempted multiple times to revive it, including by redoing the terrain to a more standard and open design, but by then I didn't have the heart to continue onwards. LoL featured the best terrain work ever created for an AoS, a combination of WarGiant's and my own handiwork which also included a lot of WoW doodads. Unfortunately the complicated terrain meant that the map took forever to load on all of the twits who were too lazy to upgrade from their 2001 computers and terrain deformation spells caused tremendous lag as the game has to recalculate every single verticie for some stupid reason. Despite this I learned a lot about map design and multiplayer map balance design I may one day find use of.

Loladins of Legend: 2042 - AoW2 TC
Game: Age of Wonders 2: Shadow Magic
Date: 2007-2008
% Completed: 50
Death by: Lack of graphics & Corruption

One of the strongest projects I've ever worked on, with production spanning over a year. An incredible amount of effort went into this vast conversion for AoW2 from organizing a 700mb soundtrack to organizing a 2gig sound effects archive - both of which were extensively utilized. The only AoW2 project ever to feature custom voice acting, from me, Lavarinth, and even Legion, along with utilizing the vast archive of graphics submitted by Kirky including entirely new ones HKS and I created. The game has 15 or so races and the mod converted each and every single one of them, aiming to make the gameplay more exciting and less based on enchantment spam or miss streaks. While the gameplay still needed a lot of tuning due to the game's limitations (you can't set the minimum damage of a unit, it's always 1, this is a BITCH to balance with), it was tough to balance the game. Unfortunately, in the height of the mod's life, the editor corrupted the data and it crashes and fails to generates maps a lot, now.

I'm sure I've forgotten a lot, but yeah. There's a glimpse of where all of my years have went.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:41 pm
by Thalraxal
I am an unfinished campaign factory.

I've pretty much been making campaigns since I got my hands on StarEdit.  Most of them are too horrendously bad and, thankfully, destroyed in a "tragic" hardrive crash to ever see the light of day.  Heroes, Heroes 1.5, Heroes 2 and The Argoth Trilogy was an incredibly long series of campaigns that detailed the exploits of a group of heroes based on me and my friends.  We battled Zerg, Power-mad Terrans, Traitorous underlings with ancient super weapons, Evil Clones and a Zerg Cerebrate who was intent on making himself the new Overmind.  Interestingly enough, I finished all of those.

Colonial Defence
A short two-part campaign about Terrans fighting Zerg Invaders.  That's about it.  I don't have a copy of this anymore.

Vertigrath Trilogy (2000-2001)
My first campaign that didn't totally suck.  It's actually got some redeeming qualities.  It's never leaving my hardrive again though.  It's a continuation of the earlier cycle of the campaigns.  Ultimately, ignoring the whole revenge for being stranded on a planet plot, the campaign was about a Zerg Cerebrate who'd made a Mind Control Virus and the heroes race against time to stop him before they themselves got infected.  I ended losing interest in it, and stopped working on it mid-way through the third part.  Still have a copy of this one.

Alt World (2000)
I played around with this one while working on Vertigrath.  A short campaign set in a parallel universe where the Protoss had decided to conquer the Terrans.  Had alternate universe counterparts of most of the heroes from Vertigrath.  I don't have a copy of this one anymore.  Which is a shame, because I had a totally evil teleport maze in there.

Duath (2001)
The first campaign I made after I discovered a wonderful little program called 'StarDraft'.  All new cast.  I only finished the first few missions though, and I've forgotten what my plot was going to be.  Oh, well.  I ended up recycling some characters and locations from this campaign in 'All Cerebrates Must Die!!'.  Anyway.  Duath was scrapped in favour of...

Sindar (2002-2005)
A two part campaign.  It's actually not bad.  It's not good either, but it's not bad.  My first campaign that I did alot of modding for.  Started off much the same way as the Heroes, Argoth and Vertigrath did.  I said to my friends: "Hey!  Who wants to be in my new campaign!" and went from there again.  I got bogged down in an excessivly large installation mission and excessive modding and lost interest when I decided to retire from SC campaigning.  Which I prompty didn't do.

Thunder and Lightning (2006)
Then I started working on this one just for fun.  It's a sorta sequel to Sindar, since the villains in this one are the villains from Sindar.  It was about an intelligent Zergling and his Overlord buddy trying to survive without their Cerebrate.  I actually some ideas in this campaign and might revisit it in SC2.  Killed by technical error: You can't move flag beacons after ten minutes.  I might actually release the first act and a mission of this one sometime.

Argoth Fleet Adventures (2007)
I got bored again.  SC2 was just announced.  So I decided to start working on another new campaign for fun.  I always liked The Gallantry's idea of short episodes, and so I went with that in this campaign.  The heroes from Heroes/Argoth/Vertigrath/and one from Sindar return.  I completed three Episodes (Ship of Fools, The Hunter, Triumph of Death), about 2-3 missions each before getting distracted.  I tried to name all the episodes after pictures by Hieronymus Bosch, but couldn't think of a good one for Episode 2.  It was almost 'Death of the Mizer', but then the Mizer ended up not dying, so I changed it to 'The Hunter' and ruined my theme.   I want to work on this one again sometime though.  I borrowed some elements and terrain from this one for ACMD0.  The terrain in ACMD0's epilogue was actually designed for one of missions in Episode 4.  I probably will actually release this one sometime.  As soon as I get around to formatting all the text...

After that, I started work on All Cerebrates Must Die!, which I then put on hold for it's prequel, ACMD0, and it's now on hold again for God of Thunder.

There's also two RPG maps I never finished (ARPG, Guardians of the Elements: Reign of the Overlord) and a Zerg vs Terran installation map which was kinda cool, but I never finished because my friends got sick and tired of me always trying to get them to help beta-test it with me.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:25 pm
by l)ark_ssj9kevin
Mercenaries FFA, a PvP version of the offical blizmap, died early, and eventually the files were deleted.
The Ghost Program, a Portal parody, died, and the files were lost.
The Auir Levels, a campaign on Auir, died after map one, files lost.

The Red Dawn may or may not survive, because I only have the will to work on that or the contest campaign >_>'

And as for modding, I never successfully even modded a single unit. Things kept crashing, and somehow wrong dat files were imported, and it got confusing D:

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:03 pm
by trondor
Whoa, some of you guys have had alot of projects. The next question can be "what project have you actually finished" ;)

Anyhoo, I have more failures to confess.

SC campaign, about a year ago or so.
Thrilled by playing the campaigns that won the last contest here on CC, i started a campaign of my own with was situated in a far away sector called Titu sector. I think I uploaded most of the missions I actually finished on this place, you can probably find them back in the starcraft section of this forum. However, that interest died. Didn't actually finish the story either, the concept was that a Cerebrate invaded a fresh sector, and the Terran factions dominating the sector suddenly lost control, making other Terran take advantage of the situation and gaining power. Very much like the vanilla Terran campaign I realised.

SC campaign
About a girl (Mari Mannes, i think i called her) escaping the Dominion and joining and rebel group under the leadership of Commander Hamilton. I released two missions of this campaign, which got labeled as "decent" on this very forum. I was so proud  ;) This campaign stole alot of ideas from the bw campaign, ex. were there a mission where you had to steal battlecruisers with civilians, then destroy a city with all those battlecruisers.

Red Alert2
Chrono Guild
My one and only finished project, a mission for Red Alert 2. Sucky story, but alot of challenges in a small little mission, and I am actually a bit proud of it, I accomplished something afther all. Some say it was on par with Concolor1's missions (Concolor1 was the greatest ra2-missionmaker in that community at the time) and I won a "thumbs up" award for the terrain.  :D  Downloadable here:

WC3 campaign.
Thale, 2004 till 2007 or so.
About a girl having to save her boyfriend, by defeating an ancient evil during a loooooooong quest. Very romantic, and boring, as the missions I made took hours to complete (most missions had around 20 quests, however I made only 5 missions before i discontinued). However, I learned alot with that campaign, it is better to make it small and achievable then to make the next supah mega campaign. Plus I learned alot about triggers and other logical stuff, which will come in handy with Starcraft 2 (example: english terms for math, which I never learned since I'm norwegian and math terms was not what we where teached in english class')

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:34 pm
by mAc Chaos
Thalraxal, your campaign with you and your friends sounds fun.

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:27 pm
by Legion
trondor wrote: 9 out of 10 campaign-projects never finishes, probably fewer. Let's talk about those projects that never became reality.

Many years ago, around 2002ish, I tried to make a starcraft campaign where Kerrigan was uninfested. It wasn't as stupid as it might sound, albeit it was pretty stupid. Duran needed Kerrigans psychic abilities "untainted", in order to combine the potential of all three sc races, terran, protoss and zerg. A supah mega terran-protoss-zerg hybrid  8)
Kerrigan managed to escape, and alligned herself with a group of earthlings whom came to Koprulu to gain support for a revolt against the fascist UED. It ended tragic tough, as Kerrigan was killed by Raynor (who wouldn't believe Kerrigan was back on level) while the revolt group was executed by the Dominion since the Dominion now was allied with the UED.

Needless to say, the project failed as I lost interest and began playing other games. What failed projects have you worked on?

1999 - Homeworld
Ambitious project. Protoss campaign, fully voiced. A precursur was released but it's lost. Looking back, it had a bad story.

2006 - Homeworld
An attempt to revisit the old campaign. 3 maps done.

A movie map project, centered around a man without a memory named Wallace. 1.5 maps out of 4 done.

Asgoth's Legion
Zerg campaign about a renegade cerebrate infesting protoss. Complete, but I hate it.

The Spartan Fleet
Terran campaign about a secret terran faction unraveling ancient secrets. Kekeke. 3 maps complete.

Probably some more

Re: The Campaign that never was

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:28 pm
by AA7Dragoon
1999-2000 - Protoss Domination Clan History

This was actually a StarCraft campaign based on the channel chatbox drama of my StarCraft clan.  It chronicled the history of my clan and all the clan wars we fought on  I finished or was close to finishing 3 maps of the campaign.  However, my ideas became too complicated where I had trouble testing triggers in maps spanning 1 to 2 hours of gameplay.  Plus, the clan later defaulted and I moved onto posting on Campaign Creations more than chatting on and playing games.