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Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:49 pm
by IskatuMesk
The Space Defense center is already wheree it will be. Load up a sp game as Evil and study the surrounding area. It is basically what the "backdoor" area is for.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:03 am
by Mr.
dudes wrote:Mana burn
Oh, right, mana burn!  I forgot about that  :D

Yeah, okay.  I remember now, that mana burn did tend to wreck dudes.  Yeah, you might actually want to nerf that a bit :P  And I'm glad to hear that the HP regen has been buffed some, that should help immensely.  Perhaps now I won't have to loloport back to base every wave to heal.  By the way, Mesk, good job fixing the creep wave spawn times, it felt really even all the way through.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:30 pm
by IskatuMesk
shizzle b unlokt

An alpha edition of the Division unlocking system, stuff that's added and to be added.


Some upgrade levels provide "Nothing". It may remain this way due to balance reasons, or these slots may later be filled up. It depends.


The Evil side focuses on chaotic cosmic magicks and overwhelming firepower. They summon a variety of brutal warriors and vast demonic beasts to their bidding, also employing maniacal Scorpies to fill in their ranks with lethal machines and suicidal lunatics.

Demonium Magick Division - Epic Unit Relation = Akredian Colossus (Akredian Upgraded)

This is the Evil-side's major casting division. It isn't as powerful or as specialized as either Loladin casting divisions, but instead grants a basic roundation of either powers (supportive and offensive) for the price of one division.

Level 1 - Enables the Rookery Whelp (Support-Offensive Caster).
Level 2 - Nothing.
Level 3 - +1 Rookery Whelp.
Level 4 - +1 Magicks Upgrade (damage/regen)
Level 5 - +1 Rookery Whelp. Enables the Salesman (Offensive Caster/Purger).
Level 6 - +2 Magicks Upgrade (damage/regen)
Level 7 - Enables the Renegade Cassowary (support caster)
Level 8 - Nothing
Level 9 - +3 Magicks Upgrade (damage/regen), +1 Renegade Cassowary, +1 Salesman
Level 10 - Enables Firebolt Whelp spell. Enables the Politician (Offensive Caster)

Demonium Chaosmeld Division - Epic Unit Relation = Dream Hunter (Chaosmeld Upgraded)

A rounded division that counters the Loladin Infantry division. Enables a variety of units and makes a great game-starter.

Level 1 - +1 Flesh Hunter
Level 2 - Enables Flesh Stalker (melee light dps)
Level 3 - +1 Chaos Upgrade (Damage)
Level 4 - Nothing
Level 5 - Convert Flesh Hunter -> Bone Hunter (medium melee hybrid)
Level 6 - Enables Bloodstone Warrior, +2 Chaos Upgrade (Damage)
Level 7 - Enables Bloodstone Flamewielder, +1 Flesh Stalker
Level 8 - Enables Sunder Bone for Bone Hunter, Shield Bash for Warrior (NPC-only debuffs)
Level 9 - +3 Chaos Upgrade (Damage), +1 Bloodstone Warrior
Level 10 - Enables Chaos Drake (Heavy Melee/ranged DPS hybrid)

Turtle Torrent Division - Epic Unit Relation = Blackened Drake (Satanium Upgraded)

The Evil-side Tanking division. Turtles don't do much damage but are necessary to absorb it. Mystical turtles are powerful defensive buffers.

Level 1 - +1 Mega Turtle
Level 2 - +1 Magical Turtle
Level 3 - +1 Mega Turtle, +1 Turtle Powar (damage/defense)
Level 4 - +1 Magical Turtle
Level 5 - Conversion, Mega Turtle = 2 Ultra Turtle (Medium Tanker), Magical Turtle = 2 Mystical Turtle (Strong Support Caster)
Level 6 - +2 Turtle Powar
Level 7 - +1 Ultra Turtle
Level 8 - Taunt for Ultra Turtle (NPC-only)
Level 9 - +3 Turtle Powar
Level 10 - Enables Giga Turtle (Heavy Tanker), ability Turtle Reincarnation for Mystical Turtles.

Flail Division - Epic Unit Relation - Dream Hunter

The Flail division was originally intended as a "zerg"or "overwhelm with numbers" division, but has been changed to a speed-based dps division. The Lawyer is one of the best level 10 Evil-side units and packs a wide range of assorted abilities.

Level 1 - +1 Grimy Little Scorpy
Level 2 - +1 Scorpy Stick-Thrower
Level 3 - +1 Grimy Little Scorpy, +1 Confederate Creaminess (Damage) +1 Scorpy On Fire
Level 4 - +1 Stick-Thrower
Level 5 - Conversion Grimy Little Scorpy -> Molestinator x2 (Medium Melee DPS) +1 Scorpy On Fire
Level 6 - +1 Scorpy Stick-Thrower, +2 Confederate Creaminess
Level 7 - Enables Accountant, Enables Molest for Molestinators (NPC-related damage) +1 Scorpy On Fire
Level 8 - +1 Molestinator
Level 9 - +3 Confederate Creaminess
Level 10 - Enables Lawyer (Heavy Melee DPS/Disabler/Tanker)

Mechanics Division - Epic Unit Relation - Giant Robot (Heavy Siege, Mechanics Upgraded)

The Evil-side siege division. The major differences between the Evil and Loladin sieges is the level 5 units. Burninators make poor tanks, unlike the Loladin Battle Wagons, but are considerably longer ranged (Although not enough to be outside tower range). Also, the Mega Tank is better as a direct siege component, even though it has a lot of life, while the Loladin A.G.W.S. can participate on all fields of battle with great efficiency.

Level 1 - Enables Hand-Crafted Catapult (Long-Range anti-infantry)
Level 2 - Nothing
Level 3 - +1 Hand-Crafted Catapult, +1 Pointy Objects (Damage)
Level 4 - Nothing
Level 5 - +1 Hand-Crafted Catapult, Enables Burninator (Medium-ranged Siege)
Level 6 - +2 Pointy Objects, Burning Ammunition for Catapults.
Level 7 - +1 Burninator
Level 8 - Nothing
Level 9 - +1 Burninator +3 Pointy Objects
Level 10 - Enables Mega Tank (Long-ranged Siege/Anti-infantry)

Shipyard Division - Epic Unit Relation - Giant Robot

The Evil-side aerial division. The Evil air units are more geared towards siege and taking damage rather than destroying large amounts of infantry. Evil Spirits can suicide enemy air units.

Level 1 - +1 Scorpy Attack Shuttle
Level 2 - Enables Evil Spirit (suicide flyer)
Level 3 - +1 Ludicrous Engineering
Level 4 - +1 Scorpy Attack Shuttle
Level 5 - +1 Evil Spirit, Convert Shuttle -> Battle Barge (medium flyer)
Level 6 - +2 Ludicrous Engineering
Level 7 - Enables Cursed Tanker (medium bomber)
Level 8 - nothing
Level 9 - +3 Ludicrous Engineering
Level 10 - Enables Mining Ship, Convert Evil Spirit -> Wicked Appiration x2

Akredian Division - Epic Unit Relation - Akredian Colossus

The Akredian Division is Evil's anti-Avatar heavy singular DPS division. They are tough as nails and deal a lot of damage but come in small numbers and are easy to overwhelm. Best as a secondary or tiertary division.

Level 1 - Enables Akredian Scarab (medium DPS)
Level 2 - Nothing
Level 3 - +1 Akredian Scarab, +1 Akredian Evolution (Damage/Poison)
Level 4 - Nothing
Level 5 - +1 Akredian Scarab, Enables Akredian Hunter (heavy DPS)
Level 6 - +2 Akredian Evolution
Level 7 - Enables Akredian Blood Weaver (DPS buffer), +1 Akredian Hunter
Level 8 - Nothing
Level 9 - +1 Akredian Hunter, +3 Akredian Evolution
Level 10 - Enables Akredian Ravager (heavy DPS/aoe)

Satanium - Available only after all other divisions are maxed out. All new unit types are Level 10 type. Epic Unit Relation - Blackened Drake -

The Satanium cleans up the Evil army in an insanely late game and provides them with their most powerful spawn - the Blackened Drake. It reduces lane clutter and makes it easier to finish the match.

Level 1 - Remove Ultra Turtles, +2 Giga Turtles
Level 2 - Remove Molestinators, +2 Lawyers
Level 3 - Remove Bloodstone Warriors and Bone Hunters, +2 Chaos Drake, +2 Blood Hunters (mad dps)
Level 4 - Remove Battle Barge, Enable Flying Fortress (Epic Siege)
Level 5 - Remove Akredian Scarabs/Hunters, add Destroyers x2/Face-Borers x2
Level 6 - Remove Burninators, +1 Mega Tank
Level 7 - Remove Stick-Throwers, Salesmen, and Flesh Stalkers - Enable Isadorian Berserker
Level 8 - Remove Rookery Whelps and Catapults - add Isadorian Battlemage
Level 9 - The end draws near... for all things...
Level 10 - Remove all current Epic Units, and enable the Blackened Drake (Racial Epic).


The Loladins, with their carefully organized armies, consilidate their forces in an even and arranged fashion. They are more defensive and protective, preferring to take their time to dismantle the enemy's forces. This doesn't mean they are slow in the offensive front, with powerful dps chart-crazy knights leading the charge and siege engines smashing down enemy structures left and right.

Infantry Division - Epic Unit Relation - Dpsadin (Mad dps, Infantry Upgraded)

The Infantry division summons a wide variety of warriors to the Loladin's side. With the damage-absorbing warriors and the damage provided by Lolonels and Templar, this division is an excellent game-starter.

Level 1 - +1 Padawon
Level 2 - +1 Musketeer
Level 3 - +1 Padawon, +1 Tempered Pies (Damage)
Level 4 - +1 Musketeer
Level 5 - Convert Padawons -> Loladin Warriors x2 (Medium Tankers)
Level 6 - +2 Tempered Pies, Enable Longbow Archer (Medium ranged dps)
Level 7 - +1 Warrior
Level 8 - +1 Longbow Archer
Level 9 - +3 Tempered Pies, +1 Amazonian Skirmisher
Level 10 - +1 Lolonel

Knight's Guild Division - Epic Unit Association - Dpsadin

Summons the armored expertise of both the Knight's Guild and the Southern Amazons. With their mounts and heavy weaponry these units serve as a primarily damage-related division.

Level 1 - +1 Light Cavalry
Level 2 - Nothing
Level 3 - +1 Light Cavalry, +1 Man On Horsie Tactics (damage)
Level 4 - Nothing
Level 5 - Convert Light Cavalry -> Field Cavalry x2 (medium dps)
Level 6 - +2 Man On Horsie Tactics, Enable Amazonian Panther Rider (light rapid ranged dps/aoe)
Level 7 - +1 Field Cavalry
Level 8 - Enable Heavy Cavalry (heavy dps)
Level 9 - +3 Man On Horsie Tactics, +1 Amazonian Panther Rider
Level 10 - Enable Paladin (Heavy dps/support)

Holy Division - Epic Unit Association - Giga Pony (Melee Siege/support)

The Holy Division houses the Loladin's supportive casting. The only offensive unit in this division is the Inquisitor. This division best syncronizes with the Infantry and Knight's divisions as the healers it provides will support them in battle with great results.

Level 1 - +1 Bard
Level 2 - Nothing
Level 3 - +1 Bard, +1 Holism (regeneration)
Level 4 - Nothing
Level 5 - Convert Bards -> Priests (medium healers)
Level 6 - +2 Holism
Level 7 - Enable Inquisitors (medium support/healers/Redeemers/debuffers)
Level 8 - +1 Priest
Level 9 - +3 Holism, +1 Inquisitor
Level 10 - Enable High Priestess (heavy healer)

Arcane Division - Epic Unit Relation - Giga Pony

The Arcane Division houses the Loladin's consolidated offensive casters. These units will require tanks to allow them to be completely efficient. They will also require healers to be able to last against the Evil's mechanics division, which will otherwise destroy them.

Level 1 - +1 Sorceress
Level 2 - Nothing
Level 3 - +1 Bling (Damage/regen)
Level 4 - +1 Sorceress
Level 5 - Convert Sorceress -> Mage (medium offensive caster)
Level 6 - +2 Bling, enable Evoker (Aoe offensive caster)
Level 7 - +1 Mage, enable Magic Arrow for Mage
Level 8 - +1 Evoker, enable Wizard (nuker caster)
Level 9 - +3 Bling, enable Froststorm for Evoker
Level 10 - Enable Trinket Mage (heavy offensive caster)

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:13 pm
by tipereth
As of this week's SS, at least 4 new heros will be implemented, the Void Talker, Mucky Z, Fatboy Sidekick Y, and Oros.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:23 pm
by tipereth

Stabmaster Stabbyman:

Stabbyman has one goal in life, to stab everything ever made. He is capable of dealing immense damage in short amounts of time with his backstab ability, and then Eviscerating heros while they are disoriented. With training, he has learned ways to make his attacks cause awfully painful hemmorhages, which, with psychic prompting, can be made to bleed out the enemies life essence before they can reach safety.

Icarus the Lead Zepplin:

Icarus was manufactured by a guy. It is a flying machine, made out of lead. Needless to say, it requires SUPAH MAJIK ENGINZ to stay afloat. By diverting all power to the aforementioned engines, it can ram it's way through enemy ranks to reach it's target. The shady corporation who owns the zepplin likes to upgrade it, both with general enhancements, and devestating weapons of destruction. Nobody is safe.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:23 pm
by IskatuMesk
did someone say BACKstory!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Lord Isador -

Lord Isador was the second Demon King forged by the power of the Doom God. It wasn't long before the half-reptilian half-demon sought home in the searing pits of Mars, and not yet a day had passed since his arrival had he began to wield his power to reshape the world.

Isador stands taller than any man, wielding a Bloodforged battle hammer and an ancient demonic sigil into battle. He forever resets atop the Throne of Thorns, surrounded in endless skulls and scorched bodies of the Righteous that have challenged his power. Few may tell the tale of his name, for his attacks are swift and carry the weight of ten thousand men.

It is said that Isador can command the very element of atomic energy all around him, and that he can wield this power at will to strike down anything that dares challenge him. The huge searing braziers that surround his palace serve as a reminder to those of what will happen to them should they let down their guard.

Lord Isador was tasked by Lord Dread to harvest the bodies of any Loladins that may fall in battle. It is thought that the two demons have figured out a possible way to bring about the reincarnation of the God of Doom. Should such an event occur...

Lord Dread -

Lord Dread was the first and is the most powerful of all the seven Demon Kings. He is second only to the God of Doom itself. Lord Dread has many shapes but he most often appears as the skeleton of some massive frozen dragon, towering over man and demon alike, breathing a sulfurous breath that melts and freezes anything it gets near. Lord Dread's power over the elements is thought to be unmatched by any creature currently in existence; he alone is responsible for Winter on Modern Earth, and the moving of his kingdom, the Sun.

When Lord Dread takes to battle, his huge frame will sweep the land with its unearthly grace, inspiring horror upon mere mortals that dare to look at him. His eyes are burning sapphires and his wings emit a ghostly darkness that consumes the minds of those that look upon his form. It is said that when Lord Dread is faced in combat he can unleash the supernatural, great bolts of crimson fire that lash the flesh of that they strike, causing the organs of those they touch to explode on contact, gaining strength for every mortal they cut down. It is said that if faced with dire consequences Lord Dread may recieve a godly boon from the Doom God, a power capable of devouring even the mightiest of armies beneath his shadow.

Woe to thee who laugh at death itself.

Lord Mal`Gammagon -

The Lord of the Underworld does not let down a chance to strike down the righteous where ever they may try to thwart his brothers. The third most powerful Demon King, Gammagon often takes the form of a great burning monster of some fictional novel, drowning men in seas of molten blood and reveling in their soulless screams.

Where Gammagon may strike no one knows, for he is cunning and sinister.

Mal`Ash -

Mal`Ash in the human tongue basically stands for "Really mean guy". He knows no ally but himself, creating draconic warriors called the Ashen Brood, and setting them loose on either side to draw the most blood where he possibly can.

The God of Doom -

Little is known about the heart of all evil. It is known that where evil grows strong, so does the God of Doom. The God of Doom is currently sealed deep within the Sun by a plot device that demands he may only be reincarnated if he feeds upon the blood of the righteous, to break a seal that bound him when Sir Lol defeated him in a game of chess. In raw power, no divine being may stand against the power of Doom. Should he ever return to the physical world, his return would mark the beginning of a dark age, an age where there would be no light, no fine whiskey, and certainly no long nights with the waitress.

It is possible that only if a few Loladins were to feed his power, he would be capable of channeling an Avatar, or a weaker projection of his true self, to some location. Such an Avatar would still be immensely powerful.

Sir Lol -

It is thought that Sir Lol is the son of Pie itself, a prophet of untold holiness. His very presence demands authority, demands respect. His skin glows with a holy aura that heals the sick and strikes down the wicked. It is also thought that while Sir Lol may fall in battle, he can never truly die. His massive hammer has struck down more demons than the entirety of humanity combined, and he alone is responsible for delaying Evil's expansion in the galaxy. He is the alpha, the omega, and everything inbetween. He is our savior.

Sir Flailsaloot -

Sir Lol's most trusted adviser, this grizzled Loladin leads the Knight's Guild into battle against Evil where ever it may rear its ugly head. He has strategically plan and achieved victory in endless delicate conflicts and has earned a place of religious respect from the pilgrims.

Sir Robert -

Sir Robert is the youngest and newest addition to the Loladins, but shows the potential for greatness. He came from a simple farmer's bloodline when his father taught him how to swing a sword. He initially enrolled in the Knight's Guild and participated in many battles across Modern Earth before finally being recognized by Sir Lol and being granted the opportunity to become a Loladin. This will be his first mission with his new title.

Doctor Doack -

There is many insane, mad scientists in the galaxy, but Doctor Doack is crazier than the rest of the lot put together. He is so insane, in fact, that Isador commissioned him personally to lead his engineering team to power. Doack's many inventions included the lethal Death Ray, the Tesla Coila, the Atomic Bomb, and American Television. He is a diabolical individual that seeks only to light people on fire, dismember them, or subjecting them to any one of his endless biological experiments.

When faced with the design challenge of the floating fortresses that defend Mars, Doctor Doack wasted no time in combining the arcane forces of the Atomic Reactor and the spiritual powers of the Satanium, forging massive flying bunkers that could unleash both the technological superiority of the Isadorians and the horrific forces of Evil. Doack is also responsible for designing many of the battle suits that the Isadorians field in battle. All creatures learn to fear him in the end. If not for his ingenius ways to kill people, but for the black mind that fuels these thoughts.

Gnomecrusher -

Gnomecrusher is the most fearsome and inspiring of the shamans. He travels the universe frost shocking all in his path without remorse for the devastation such a rampage causes. He was offered a power he could not refuse in order to turn to the dark side ...

Morak -

Morak is a well-known Minotaur Battlemaster from the deep reaches of the universe for his epic quest to get the bear trap on his head off. How the bear trap actually got on his head, and why he needs to make a quest to get it off, are questions left unanswered as he mercilessly bashes in the faces of nearby salesmen.

Sweaty Lenny -

Sweaty Lenny is a satanist janitor that took his job a bit too seriously, and was eventually caught raising the dead and cursing fellow shipmates by the righteous Loladins. Ever since, Lenny has been cursed to a life of pancake flipping. No more! Lenny is a close-combat specialist adept at grabbing his enemies and making their life a living hell. All janitors are trained in the dark arts of evilism, but Lenny is particularily good at what he does.

Slick Willy -

Slick Willy was always good with a match, but when Evil itself offered him the freedom to burn shit like never before, he could only accept with such lack of hesitation and foresight as when he blew up his first school. Now Slick Willy runs rampant in the universe, lighting everything on fire that he possibly can, even those things that can't logically burn

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:16 pm
by Arcan
tipereth wrote: As of this week's SS, at least 4 new heros will be implemented, the Void Talker, Mucky Z, Fatboy Sidekick Y, and Oros.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:16 am
by IskatuMesk
Ok some more stuff hopefully for tomorrow's SS. Consider this a log, as I'm typing what I'm doing as I go along.

Some abilities were rebalanced, ie mana burn and Glacial Spike. The Isadorian Warlord is now considered complete. The Blood Warden now has a functional skillset (which may later be modified). Many abilities for Tip's new heroes have had their level requirements properly adjusted. Several heroes have had their TGS-modified health regeneration defaults reset back to the LoL default of 0.25. Some heroes have also had their stats adjusted according to existing or future changes. These do not include tips' "Void" heroes.

Lord Dread and Sir Lol now have significantly more HP. It was found with the introduction of certain new units they actually died waaaay too fast (as in seconds). Also, Lord Dread somehow lost his flight ability, which I have re-added. They also have slightly less regen.

Isador now wields his hammer instead of CTS. Unfortunately the hammer does not yet have fire particles. Additionally it was a bit hard to see Isador in large battles so he is a little more sized to his lore. Isador's Blast Wave ability is now a bit stronger. His Searing Revenge has also become a little warmer.

The healing power of Bloodstone Guardians has been reduced slightly. Additionally, they have been given more mana and will hopefully use their offensive abilities more often. I also fixed a bug that will probably correct their lethargic attitude towards returning fire.

Cassowary healing abilities improved.

Tower hit points have been increased to 2000. Additionally, towers now give slightly greater rewards when destroyed. Towers will also now slowly regenerate health.

Loladin Longbow Archers are now more deadly.

Epic units are now classified as ancients ie some abilities will not function on them, such as NPC (ex. Lolonel) stuns.

Colossi attack cooldown lowered slightly.

Some divisions modified to fit the 0.01 Alpha ruleset. (Incidentally some typos in that post will be fixed.)

Evil Fortress defenses have been modified slightly.

The two Guardians at the base of Isador's throne have been removed. Eventually that is where Champions will be, but since Champions don't have healing powers, it is currently a lot harder to kill Isador that it should be.

Lawyer-spawned Raccoons now have beam attacks. Additionally, both Lawyer and Salesman abilities have reduced cooldowns.

Began the process of reducing creep bounty to start the item system.

Got graphics from HKS for Khane's meteor and the to-be-added Arch-Mage hero for the Loladins. Also got a fixed ragnaros model which will be used as a level 10 event boss whenever I get around to fiddling with the boss system.

Scarab Sunder Armor ability is hopefully fixed.

Isadorian Missile and Flakk cannons (Inner Satanium defenses) buffed since they are not working correctly.

Stick-Thrower cooldown reduced slightly (since Musketeer's rapid fire completely owns Flail)

Both Relief Shacks and Security Posts now have 3k hit points. They have also been given a minor long-ranged attack so that they aren't completely vulnerable when their two towers go down.

Levels of base creeps reduced to stop insane early power levelling as a result of the new creep system.

Remembered I forgot like 2 evil divisions to add to the Alpha ruleset. Know of at least 1 more Loladin division, being the Tavern Division, which includes thugs and pimps.

Hopefully Mucky Z will not 1-shot Lord Dread, now. (His % skill does not work on ancients)

Shira got her ultimate.

I'll be changing the way the "Backdoor" area functions. Until then, if you try to backdoor, you will get a nasty surprise.

Lord Dread is more aggressive.

Terrain updates to the lanes to make it not only easier to see some units but to make it more asthetically pleasing, and to make each lane unique looking.

To be updated.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:15 pm
by Mr.
Doctor Doack wrote: I'll be changing the way the "Backdoor" area functions. Until then, if you try to backdoor, you will get a nasty surprise.
Backdooring will obviously be the first thing I do next time we play LoL
ie mana burn

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:27 pm
by IskatuMesk

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:15 pm
by Mr.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:25 pm
by IskatuMesk

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:20 pm
by tipereth
Coldmaster Crunk is in the hizzouse.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:02 am
by Arcan
Well, I think I figured it out (among other stuff)
Here's a comparison of two level 42 heroes.

STR: 127
AGI: 149
INT: 66
Total: 342

Morak Beartrap:
STR: 163
AGI: 63
INT: 60
Total: 286

It's also the fact that most heroes have a balanced skill set and allows some skills to scale better than others - ALL of Rakusu's skills scale well, because they're all percentages or multipliers. Where most characters start to mellow down after 25 or so, Rakusu just keeps getting better and better. It's just the way she was built as a character.

So in conclusion...
Lower her crazy stat growth. It isn't surprising with that much agi that she was auto attacking as fast as X did with Holy Hell Hope Sword Spec up (after all, she IS an agi hero), but she had that with +6900% damage, crit, and a good amount of HP.
She or Morak need to have some skills rethought. Both of them are almost identical, except Morak has a much more tame stat growth, a Pulverize instead of Critical Strike, and Thunderclap instead of Engineering Upgrade. There's no real reason you'd want Morak over her (since both of them have Deathwish and Battle Shout). Yeah, I realize that they were early heroes and not as much thought was put into them as later heroes, so get around to this whenever.

On a completely different note:

I can't think of anything I'd want changed with X (IE, I'm happy with the way he is right now), besides lowering the cost of DXM by 25-50 (for a very hopeful chance to evade an AoE attack or directed attack, it's a bit costly, and a STR hero with three 150 mana spells is kinda aaaa) and his voice set, but neither of these matter all that much.

Y still didn't really seem to have a splash attack (if it existed, it was way too tiny to have an effect), and he also needed to get that frost effect to replace his Improved Pies spell. Or do whatever Mucky wanted you to do. Change his projectile to the Frost Wyrm's attack rather than the crates he throws now. I'll have to speak to Cheese about the hero a bit more, since he played it twice.
EDIT: Regarding Y, I did a bit more testing. Right now, the splash is practically nonexistant (I hit a scorpy right next to two others and only the primary one took damage).
Impale mines have a trigger radius longer than the actual Impale can reach. If possible, just lower the radius at which they're triggered by 100 or so, or increase the length of the impale. Most importantly - the Impale does NOT give gold for the units killed by it, and that might mean the hero isn't getting experience for the kills from Impale Mine. The skill itself is much better than what it was a few days ago, but the fact that you get nothing from kills with it makes it rather undesirable unless fighting another hero.

I don't really like Void Talker as a whole. Right now, he had an 8% Bash, a War Stomp, an Immolation (which was terribly useless and I assume will be changed) and his ultimate was a self-Endurance Aura (30% movement speed PERMANENTLY is quite a bit, even for an ultimate). "Chancy" spells that give high effect with a low chance to occur are not something I really agree with.

Make all of the buildings that spawn things in every lane have at least a 1-1 damage projectile, so that creep waves don't just walk right by them.

If possible, let there be at LEAST a minute before the first wave comes. It's good to have a lot of time before you do the first wave, since people have to decide a hero, declare a lane, buy items, etc. The current 30 seconds doesn't really give much of any time to do things like these.

That's all I have from yesterday.

Re: Loladins of Legend

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:24 am
by tipereth
Void Talker's immolate will likely be changed to a negative frost armor that increases attack speed and move rate for shit attacking the target. He's supposed to be THE chaser hero, and his bash goes off fairly often once he starts leveling up.

Rakusu was bugged and Morak's skillset isn't complete.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that orb splash effects only splash the bonus damage. Impale's range can be fixed. I dont know why you wouldnt get gold for kills with it, since it's your units shooting dudes.

Coldmaster will no longer freeze herself with comet to prevent exploits. Also, I've decided to make Frostizzle have a 5 second cooldown between procs. Not only will this stop douches like Q, it will keep it from being too ludicrous at high levels.

Zilla, if you want to make tooltips, open up the map, make some, copy them into notepad and IM or PM them to me. I wont bother unless you do at least 21 skills, tooltips aren't important in the grand scheme of things. I tested Zepplin, it was working perfectly, the way the icon timer works and it's positioning were intended.