The Campaign that never was

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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by tipereth »

A campaign for vanilla War3 about a group of humans and orcs that had fled one of the last battles of warcraft 2 and inadverdantly ended up on the same remote island. And oh, the fun they had!

A campaign for TFT involving a naga priestess and the naga fighting a slave rebellion and travelling to northrend to steal a piece of red crystal from the faceless ones which turned out to be a demon general who was turned into crystal and so it gave the priestess super amazing powers and she ended the rebellion but got turned into a statue. Yeah.

A much more well thought out TFT campaign called Violet Blues about the regular non-magic users who policed Dalaran, and what they were doing right before Dalaran was destroyed. The main antagonist was a banshee, and there was a paladin who used to be a warlock and he had a scene where some old god or something was trying to tempt him and he was just like 'fuck this, i quit' and resigned to be a farmer.

A campaign about the void heroes i made up for LoL, it had a paladin and an undead archer get somehow cursed by antimatter or some shit so the paladin was stuck using death magic and the skeletal archer was stuck shooting holy arrows. And oh, the fun they had!

A second attempt at the Violet Blues concept, this time about a psychopathic dark wizard and his non-magic using handlers, sent to investigate a village plagued by a necromancer. I think it turned out that the non-magic guys were actually demons or something, this one didn't get very far.

Bear in mind that most of these didn't get past terraining the first map and some preliminary triggers. I just can't be bothered to make cinematics in WC3.
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by Rocco »

I've never once been able to finish a single project, modding or campaign, it saddens me for the numerous ideas that seemed good that go undone.
No homo.
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by trondor »

I guess it now is safe to say that my last project is a failure.

Basicly a 'choose your direction-style' campaign. Inspired by the promises of choice in SC2, I made a campaign where you could choose what to do in certain situations. You began as a draenei doing the legion's bidding, just entering Azeroth from the portal in Dalarn, at mission 1 you get to choose betwen betraying the legion or remain loyal.. Then follows a generic mission where you travel across the sea, before you in mission 3 must choose if you'll join the alliance or the horde if you betrayed, and If you remained loyal, you could choose to be 'rescued' by night elves or continue to show loyalty. Then all 4 endings get a generic mission, before the big finale where I planned to extract the map for the last mission in vanilla Warcraft3, Eternity's End (one of my favorite missions), where you are playing as the draenei and the faction you choose to join, and their respective heroes.

I started on the first 3 missions and the last one (which would come in four versions, one night elf version, one orc, one human and one demon) but even that was too huge a project for me :P
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by Taeradun »

earliest was some StarCraft campaign I started in high school when some friends of mine started joking about taking over the world and stuff, it was never that serious but I half completed a fair few maps and a bit of mod work, though the storyline/objectives for each map were pretty much entirely ripped off various bits from StarCraft and Tiberian Sun

then there was some other dumb thing based on some random alien creatures me and a friend drew one day but that never went far because it meant doing a total conversion and yeah screw that
Lavarinth wrote: I can only wonder how many community based maps were scrapped which detailed the current forumers at the time.

Good times.
lol yeah I remember Quirriff working on a mod + UMS map with that concept, and somehow he talked me into taking over work on it but I pretty quickly gave up on it and was like "wait why am I making this again?"

the main one was a series of campaigns about the templar Taeradun, it all started from when I joined CC forum and randomly picked "green templar" for my username and later changed it to Taeradun to have a proper character name for Quirriff's project (a name taken from one of the starcraft compendium pages, that I later found out had also been used by Antioch Chronicles) and later that year I got a PM from Euphonium BC suggesting I make a light-hearted campaign explaining why the character Taeradun is green
  • Legacy of Taeradun Chronicles was the main campaign, originally yet another comedy campaign parodying StarCraft & other popular fan campaigns, but later on for some reason I changed it to an RPGMaker project instead. I started on it when I was only 16 and the storyline was developed and evolved over a fairly long period and looking back on it now there were some awesome jokes in there but also a lot of worthless crap. Also funnily enough it didn't actually answer why Taeradun was green. The campaign ended with a protoss, terran & zerg alliance and various other soopah battel croizers being recruited from around the universe (including from a planet of forum cameos) to aid them with their final showdown against Duran's hybrids, only to have the main characters disappointed to be informed that the campaign has just been cancelled. Also the credits at the end would say "Dedicated to Razorclaw X and Metathrom, the only 2 people to ever finish making a StarCraft campaign". Funnily enough, instead of making a complete campaign that ends with a joke about it being cancelled, I just cancelled it instead.
  • I also planned to have a Warcraft III campaign involving heroes from Legacy Chronicles accidentally going through a wormhole to Azeroth to do a parody of Warcraft III & fan campaigns. I was never really that interested by Warcraft III though, and due to other stuff like its poor performance on my old computer and the lack of Protoss models in the early days, I never really planned this one out much except a few individual jokes like adding drug references to Rise of Krill's terrible "search for a herb" or whatever storyline, and "the emerald dream" etc
  • Code Red was another weird one, I came up with that one while I was doing Legacy Chronicles as an RPG but decided I wanted to do a Brood War project anyway, to do some cool stuff with modding. The original idea was a ground combat mod with new units and stuff like adding further distinction between "templar initiates" and hero "high templar", making psi-storm damage upgradeable, increasing bunker capacity, giving sunken colonies lurker-style splash damage etc, basically to have a huge meat grinder thing. Somewhere along the way I abandoned that aspect of it but started doing tileset editing (my main actual accomplishment with Brood War is doing some of the tileset stuff for Metathrom's campaign Aeon of the Hawk) and had this idea of a badass capital city of a P/T/Z alliance, combining parts of Jungle, Space Platform etc. Since P/T/Z are all allied I needed a new enemy so added Soviets as a Red Alert reference. I'm still kind of considering actually making a map or two from this project, but not in any particular order (the one I most want to make at the moment is the final map in the original campaign plan's storyline :P)
  • I also had an idea of making another RPG that's more of a parody of various RPG games, and with a storyline that has some weird space/time stuff that resets all the changes I made to the SC storyline and ties it all up to fit with StarCraft 2, and I was kinda thinking of uncancelling that project as well, but I wouldn't want to do a halfarsed job of it so it'd take forever to do and I don't realistically think that's possible for me to do :P
The Taeradun campaigns were a cool way of wasting my time (without ever getting any progress done) back in their day but I've mostly moved on from them now, save for maybe making a Code Red map or two (but even that looks unlikely). The storylines had some cool bits but were mostly stupid ideas cobbled together over time and even when I was still adding new bits to it I should've been overhauling earlier stuff from when I was younger and dumber. It's nice with StarCraft II on the way so I can move on to a new game and use completely new storylines with new characters (giving the main character the same name as my forum name is something I'm very glad to be walking away from, it's also nice to have the option to move on to a different forum name as well) and also be able to better know my limits of what I'm likely to actually achieve :P (I'm planning a SC2 project but the storyline & is very "episodic" so I can even cancel it after 1 map and still say "well hey at least I actually made 1 map")

oh also Lavvs asked me to do some mod work for Return to a Race and I actually did do a bit of it but it soon went the way of that Quirriff thingy

edit: trailers, yay!
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by Lavarinth »

Yeah. You made a penguin unit for me, thanks. :D
- - Lavarinth
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by WB »

Divine Right was by far the biggest project, but the mod portion of that was eventually completed and released. At the same time I was working on "The Mortal God" trilogy with Whip_Boy. We realized our worlds complimented each other and fused everything into a single universe. Dawn of the Rebellion and Divine Right were the first two chapters of that being made. Dawn of the rebellion was...maybe 20 maps total? Most were playable (I did all the terrain and a lot of the triggering), I'd estimate it was about 70% done. Divine Right was a bit slower, about 30% done (done and polished, though). We were working on 4 campaigns total, the other two (whos names I forget) were never beyond basic map layouts and a very detailed design doc. If it wasn't for college, all four were on the track to completion.

There was also Chronicles of Rhea/Legacy of Pharoll (same campaign, had a name change) that was a precursor to the Divine Right campaign, it eventualyl was cancelled because I was more interested in DR.

Thats the projects that were "mine" that failed. I don't want to think about all the shit I made for projects at that failed, chief among them was Fury of Kadesh, which never saw the light of day.
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Re: The Campaign that never was

Post by coko »

Maglok wrote: *Cough*Mysteria*Cough*
What? Where? TWC OOOOH
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