The Stars Align!

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Let the coils of hate unfurl!"

High Priest Venoxis served as the high priest and mortal champion of the primal troll god, Hethiss. He and several other high priest had banded together in order to prevent the Gurubashi from successfully summoning the blood god, Hakkar the Soulflayer, into the world. Despite their best efforts, however, Venoxis and the other high priests fell under the control of Hakkar, and now serve him.

Thankfully, a group of adventures assaulted Zul'Gurub to put an end to Hakkar at the request of the Zandalari Tribe. Using the ancient technique of "killing him until he is dead", the adventurers were able to free Venoxis from Hakkar's control. Escape, however, proved to be short lived. Jin'do the Hexxer, having clawed his own way back into the world of the living, resurrected Venoxis against his will as a slave of Hakkar.

"Let the coils of death unfurl!"

Following the Cataclysm, Jin'do was approached by the Zandalari Tribe. While the Zandalari Trolls had previously stepped in and stopped their efforts to summon Hakkar, and resurrect the fallen high priests as zombie slaves, they now wanted to help the Gurubashi reclaim their former glory, and together form a new Troll Empire. Jin'do agreed to take part in their plans, and unleashed Venoxis on his enemies in Stranglethron Vale. Summoning a vast army of snakes, Venoxis sent them against any settlement in Northern Stranglethorn that was not aligned with the Gurubashi.

In the wake of Zul'Gurub's attacks throughout Stranglethorn, adventurers once again banded together, this time at the request of Vol'gin and the Darkspear Tribe, to stop the Gurubashi. Venox was slain once again, and freed from the influence of the Soulflayer.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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"Failure to comply will result in offensive action."

The Curator was an arcane guardian who guarded the Menagerie within Karazhan. It was tasked with guarding the various museumesque displays stored within, and did so with the sort of passion that only an emotionless robot can muster. The Curator was likely destroyed by adventurers exploring Karazhan. Without The Curator's supervision, those adventurers probably proceeded to make a huge mess in the Managerie, and probably touched all the displays.

The Curator acts as sort of the middle-most boss of Karazhan. By some weird quirk, The Curator is the only boss in Karazhan I never fought at level. Every raid I joined either fell apart just prior to it, I was called in as a spare after it was downed, or else we just bypassed him by using the backstairs.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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Aptly named, Landslide is among the foremost of Princess Theradras's elemental minions.

Landslide was a mountain giant who made his home deep within Maraudon. For many ages, he tended to his own crystal gardens inside. However, he quickly fell under the influence of Princess Theradras when she decided to make Maraudon her new home.

Like all of Maraudon's monsters, time has not been kind to him. The Cataclysm dropped the entire dungeon down about ten levels, Landslide included. Landslide is either dead, killed by adventurers when they ventured into Maraudon, or else the adventurers skipped him entirely and he's still alive, free of the Elemental Princess's influence and has since returned to gardening.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"The work must continue!"

Mennu the Betraryer is a jerk.

Following the destruction of Draenor, Zangarmarsh became a safe haven for many the Broken draenei seeking to escape the wrath of Magtheridon, the Burning Legion, the Fel Orcs, and whatever remnants of the Horde that remained. Full of vicious natural predators, and mud, no one really wanted to go there. As a result, the Broken draenei were able to establish multiple villages in relative safety. Mennu, his brother, Nahuud, and their tribe lived together peacefully in one such village. Until the naga came.

The scattered tribes of broken draenei were no match for the well equipped, veteran naga forces of Lady Vashj. As a result, many tribes attempted to flee the marsh, although the naga would have preferred that they stayed, as slaves. Mennu and Nahuud's tribe, realizing the naga's intentions, planned to flee to Nagrand. Having successfully eluded the naga so far, they had nearly made it to safety when they were ambushed and captured by the naga. Nahuud managed to escape, and eventually made his way to the town of Telaar in Nagrand, where he learned that his own brother, Mennu, had sold his people, and his own family, out to the naga in return for assuring his own freedom. From there, Nahuud hired adventurers to venture into the naga Slave Pens to kill his traitorous brother, and free his people.

As for Mennu the Betrayer, the naga were true to their word. While his family, and fellow tribesfolk were forced to endlessly toil for the naga, he was allowed a much more privileged position as a slave driver from which he lorded over them. This arrangement served him well until the adventurers hired by his brother found him and killed him.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"He was a despicable dwarf, hell-bent on twisting my life's work to meet his diabolical needs." -Lotwil Veriatus

Golem Lord Argelmach is dead. He has been for the last ten years, after being killed by the gnome, Lotwil Veriatus, following a dispute about ethics. That setback, however, has not prevented him from appearing to be alive and well, leading Dark Iron golem armies, and being in charge of Shadowforge City's Manufactory.

While Lotwill had succeeded in killing Argelmach, it turned out that the Golem Lord had made a golem duplicate of himself. Sadly, Argelmach forgot the most important rule about using robotic duplicates: the robotic duplicate is there to take the shot for you, not the other way around. Despite this oversight, Argelmach's construct was more than capable of assuming its creator's identity. No one suspected a thing.

Lotwil, however, was shocked to discover that his old foe had somehow survived when he saw Argelmach's signature on a recently produced golem. Desperate to learn the truth of the matter, he sent a group of psychic Horde adventurers into Blackrock Depths to kill Argelmach and bring him his head. Head in hand, Lotwil confirmed his suspicions about Argelmach's survival, and speculated that by the time the adventurers had returned to him, another Argelmach construct had already taken the place of the old one.

For there will always be... a Golem Lord.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Adventurers hate him! Gnomish Engineer learns one weird trick to turn a prosperous city into an awful dungeon.

"Explosions! MORE explosions! I got to have more explosions!"

Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg was once a brilliant and ambitious gnome. He dreamed of becoming High Tinker, and leading his people into a new age of glory! He would carve out a new gnomish empire out of Dun Morogh (never mind the dwarves that lived there too), and become the first true King of the Gnomes in over four hundred years (never mind democracy). Everything was going to plan until the gnomish people elected his much more humble best friend, Geblin Mekkatorque to serve as High Tinker instead. Turned out gnomes were more interested in mechanostriders than VISION FOR THE FUTURE. Enraged at his best friend's sudden and unexpected betrayal, Thermaplugg decided that Gnomeregan would be his, or he would see it burned to ashes around him.

Thermaplugg naturally became one of Mekkatorque's chief advisors, the newly elected High Tinker had no reason to suspect that his best friend was harbouring some sort of insane grudge and burning hatred for him. As chief advisor, Thermaplugg was happy to feed Mekkatorque all sorts of terrible advice until he could finally claim the position of High Tinker for himself. Despite constantly scheming to destroy him however, Thermaplugg and Mekkatorque continued to work well together: their continued engineering collaboration resulting in the construction of the Deeprun Tram, and the development of the steam tank.

During the Third War, Gnomeregan was unexpectedly attacked by rampaging troggs. Thermaplugg's plan to exploit the trogg invasion was simple: give Mekkatorque terrible advice, watch him botch everything, and then swoop, save the day, become a hero, get elected High Tinker, profit, become King of the Gnomes, win everything forever. Mekkatorque initially wanted to turned to their allies in the Alliance, however Thermaplugg noted that they had troubles of their own, what with plague and an undead invasion overrunning most of Lordaeron at the time. Also something about demons. Not wanting to be a burden on his allies, Mekkatorque followed Thermaplugg's advice and temporally withdrew from the Alliance, and closed the gates of Gnomeregan while they resolved the trogg menace on their own. Despite the gnomes' ingenuity, there were still a lot of troggs. Thermaplugg convinced Mekkatorque the the only solution was pollution. Specifically, an emergency venting of the city's radioactive waste tanks. The deadly gases would pool in the lower levels of Gnomeregan, wiping out the troggs, while the gnomes would be safe in the upper levels. Also, maybe throw in some sort of radioactive bomb just be sure.

"Usurpers! Gnomeregan is mine!" -Sicco Thermaplugg

Naturally, everything went wrong just like Thermaplugg planned. However, things ended up going more wrong than Thermaplugg wanted, and in fact very quickly spiraled completely out of control as the deadly radioactive gases filtered into upper levels and killing way more gnomes than intended. Instead of abandoning Mekkatorque in droves, the gnomes actually rallied to him as the situation suddenly became much more desperate and radioactive gases began to circulate throughout the gnomish city. Also, the gases seemed to make the troggs both stronger and angrier rather than killing him. Mekkatorque quickly gathered up as many survivors as he could, and evacuated the city, fleeing to the safety of Ironforge. As for Thermaplugg, he ended up trapped within Gnomeragan as he lost control of his schemes.

Trapped within the depths of Gnomeregan, Thermaplugg did not die. He refused to. Instead, he was mutated into leper gnome, losing what fragments of his sanity that he still retained. Declaring himself High Tinker, and King of Gnomeregan, Thermaplugg rallied the other similarly mutated leper gnomes who had remained trapped in the city. He had achieved his dreams, albeit not as he'd intended, or wanted. He was now king of a dark, dank, radioactive hole in the ground, that was still full of angry, now mutant, troggs.

After analyzing the evidence, it became clear to Mekkatorque that his best friend had, in fact, been the architect of this disaster. However, his initial assumption that Thermaplugg had been killed was soon proven false. Declaring Thermaplugg a traitor to the gnomish race, Mekkatorque put a bounty on his head and waited for adventurers to do their killing thing. Sure enough, a group of brave and foolish adventurers soon ventured into Gnomeregan and killed Thermaplugg. However, further analysis proved that they'd just killed a robotic duplicate. Unlike Golem Lord Argelmach, Thermaplugg knew how to properly pull off a robotic doppelganger gambit. Despite his insanity, however, Thermaplugg was able to open diplomatic channels with the Dark Iron dwarves, allowing them access to Gnomeregan and aid in their plans to take Ironforge, in return for a piece of Ironforge for himself.
"No more shall our people live as refugees, as outcasts, as wretched, irradiated slaves chained to the yoke of a madman's war machine!" -Geblin Mekkatorque

After years of planning and preparation, Mekkatorque was finally ready to launch his assault on Gnomeregan and reclaim the city from Thermaplugg, and the troggs. While Operation: Gnomergan was able to secure the surface area around Gnomeregan, efforts to reclaim the city depths were halted when Thermaplugg unleashed his trump card: a new radiation bomb, twenty six times more powerful than the original. The extra radiation made for any further large scale operations impractical until it cleared. Mekkatorque instead decided to bide his time, building up his own forces by rescuing and curing irradiated leper gnomes, and sending survey and salvage teams, and adventurers, into the city until the time comes for a final strike.

On one survey mission, Thermaplugg nearly trapped and killed Mekkatorque with some troggs and his awesome new battlesuit. This backfired when Mekkatorque managed to cut him in half, leave him for dead, and escape.

Although Thermaplugg is only half the gnome he used to be (possibly less), he continues to rule the city, even if it is full of radiation, and mutants. Mekkatorque has since dispatched the G-Team, an elite force of gnomish commandos, as well as more adventurers, to deal with Thermaplugg. They have since successfully killed another robotic duplicate.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

And so, we celebrate the newly upgraded forum with a trip to Zul'Aman. Because nothing says upgraded forum like trolls.

"Spirits of da wind be your doom!"

Jan'alai was the Amani troll god of the dragonhawks. Hex Lord Malacrass chose the Amani tribe's best rogue to embody the dragonhawk spirit's power.

During... Budd Nedreck's... uhg... treasure hunting expedition to Zul'Aman, Jan'alai captured and held the orc, Kraz, captive, as Hex Lord Malacrass intended to sacrifice him and other captives as part of a dark ritual. Kraz was successfully rescued by speedy adventurers, and would later travel to Northrend, seeking revenge on more trolls for his imprisonment in Zul'Aman. As for Jan'alai, he was killed.

That wasn't the end of Jan'alai though. He was somehow restored back to life as part of Amani's contribution to the Zanadalari Tribe's plans to create a new, united troll empire. However, he was soon killed once again by adventurers when they stormed Zul'Aman to put an end to the Zandalari Tribe's ambitions.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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"Too many paladins have lost their lives and their honor since the Third War."

Commander Springvale was a paladin, a member of the Order of the Silver Hand, and served Baron Silverlain as captain of his keep's guard. As the Scourge threatened to overrun all of Lordaeron, Springvale was prepared to lay down his life, if necessary, to protect his baron and their people from the horrors of the Scourge. Turned out, however, that the Scourge wasn't the horror that would do him in.

When Archmage Arugal arrived at Baron Silverlain's keep seeking shelter, it seemed at first to be a great blessing. Having a powerful archmage at their disposal would greatly aid them in holding off the Scourge. Not to mention Arugal's promises of summoning a powerful army capable of holding their own against the Scourge. If it sounded too good to be true to anyone, that's because it was. While Arugal's summoned worgen minions initially performed as promised, driving the Scourge away from Baron Silverlain's keep and nearby Pyrewood village, he soon lost control over them. The rampaging worgen turned on their former master's allies and assaulted the keep. Despite Commander Springvale's best efforts, there were simply too many worgen for him to stop them all, and soon he and his men were overwhelmed. Springvale was killed, and the people taking shelter within the keep were slaughtered, including Baron Silverlain.

Out of loyalty to his fallen baron, Commander Springvale's spirit haunts the halls of the newly renamed Shadowfang Keep as he continued to defend the keep in death as he did in life. Adventurers later stormed the keep and defeated Commander Springvale, however that failed to release his spirit from the mortal world, and the paladin continued to haunt Shadowfang Keep, even after the death of Arugal.

"Our vigilance is eternal..."

Undeath eventually took its toll on Commander Springvale. While he initially retained his holy powers in death, overtime they became warped, and twisted into shadow, causing him to become more akin to a Death Knight than a paladin. This hasn't seemed to have changed Commander Springvale himself much, as he still continues to defend Shadowfang Keep with the honour and integrity he possessed in lifeh. Despite his corruption, Springvale's faith and sense of duty have made his holy symbol a powerful relic of the Light, which has resulted in many young paladins and priests seeking it to make cool magic items.

The Keep's new master, Lord Godfry decided to make use of Commander Springvale and his ghostly guards, positioning himself so that anyone attempting to attack him would be forced to contend with the keep's spectral garrison first. While Lord Godfrey and his allies were later defeated and killed (again), Commander Springvale remains. Eternally guarding Shadowfang Keep.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Nana nana nana nana Batroll! Batroll! Batroll!

"Lord Hir'eek, grant me wings of vengeance!"

High Priestess Jeklik was the high priestess of the Gurubashi bat god, Hir'eek. She and her fellow high priests banded together to prevent the resurrection of the Blood God, Hakkar the Soulflayer, within Zul"Gurub. However, she and her comrades ended up falling under the Blood God's sway, and served him as his minions. Unlucky for her, a band of adventurers stormed Zul'Gurub and freed her from Hakkar's control by killing her and releasing her soul. She wasn't too upset about this outcome though, and cursed Hakkar with her dying breath.

Following the Cataclysm, Jin'do the Hexxer and Zanzil the Outcast attempted to resurrect her as part of their contribution to the Zandalari New Troll Empire Effort and bind her will once more to Hakkar. Adventurers were able to prevent this however, by destroying her body before it could be reanimated.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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Today, it's not just one, but two dragons!

"Turn back! Do not wake the dreamer!" -Dreamscythe

Hazzas and Morphaz were two of four young green dragons who traveled with Eranikus and Itharius to the Swamps of Sorrow to prevent Hakkar the Soulflayer from being summoned there by his exiled Atal'ai priests. After driving the trolls from their temple, they acted as its guardians to prevent the Atal'ai from returning. Unfortunately for them, they too succumbed to the corruption within the Emerald Dream, and were driven mad by its tainted power.

Previously, all four of them hung around in the passageway leading to Eranikus' chamber, but now only Hazzas and Morphaz continue to patrol that area. Dreamscythe and Weaver moved into the now vacant upper levels, and fly down to harass adventurers who just fought Jammal'an the Prophet. While Hazzas is rather boring, Morphaz was actually interesting! Or at the very least, the target of the level 50 mage, priest, rogue, and hunter quests.

"The green drake Morphaz is known to be immune to all forms of poison and disease -- many druids died to bring us this information." -Ogtinc

At some point, Morphaz ventured out from the temple and seems to have gone on quite the adventure. At some point, he encountered encountered Archmage Xylem and got in a fight with the mage. Morphaz was able to overcome the mage, devour his apprentice and then fly away. While Xylem felt the apprentice was replaceable, the arcane shard he had been carrying was not. Years later, Archmage Xylem would send adventuring mages to kill the dragon and retrieve the shard from his stomach. Additionally, a group of druids attempted to determine if his blood had any medicinal properties. Morphaz, unwilling to volunteer for medical science, killed many of them. Ogtinc the furbolg would send priests to collect some of Morphaz's blood to help restore the corrupted animals of Felwood because of those medicinal properties. He'd also send hunters to hunt down the dragon, suggesting that he may have had something of a grudge. Finally, Morphaz somehow stole the Azure Key, an item necessary to open a magically sealed, mysterious blue bag containing item belonging to Lord Ravenholdt. How the key fell into his possession is unknown.

Hazzas and Morphaz, especially Morphaz, were both killed by adventurers.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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"You should not be here! Slay them!"

Lady Sarevess was a naga cult leader for the Twilight's Hammer coven operating out of Blackfathom Deeps. Her group initially went there to worship Aku'mai, a hydra pet of the Old Gods, who dwelt within the ruins of the ancient shrine. Unfortunately, Aku'mai had a habit of eating the cultists while they were trying to worship them, so Lady Sarevess focused her efforts on devising a means of magical protection to help Aku'mai recognize them as friends and allies, or at least not as food. Her research proved fruitless, however, and members of the cult began to lose patience with her. Domina, a Forsaken cultist, ritually sacrificed Lady Sarevess, and fed her remains to Aku'mai.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

I spit on you, surface filth!"

Lady Vashj was once a highborne night elf and served Queen Azshara as her handmaiden. She was the daughter of Lady Lestharia, and heir to the city of Vashj'ir. Everything was looking pretty good for her until the War of the Ancients happened, tore the ancient night elf empire apart in a civil war, and the Well of Eternity, the empire's source of magic, was destroyed, sundering the world and plunging most of the night elf empire under the sea. That should have been the end of young Lady Vashj, but her mistress, Queen Azshara, made a hasty deal with an Old God to save them, transforming the highbourne night elves, ill suited for life underwater, into the naga.

Illidan, well aware of the survival of his ancient higbourne allies, called upon their aid following the Third War and his most recent falling out with his brother over that whole 'turning himself into a demon' thing. Lady Vashj was one of many who answered his call, and chose to aid him in his quest to rid the world of the Lich King and earn Kil'jaeden's favour. She helped Illidan secure the Eye of Sargeras, a powerful artifact of demonic origin that may or may not be the Dark Titan's literal eye, from the Tomb of Sargeras on the Broken Isles. Illidan planned to use it to destroy Icecrown, the Frozen Throne and the Lich King by association. Unfortunately, Maiev destroyed the Eye before Illidan's spell was complete, ruining that plan. Illidan, however, was able to use that as opportunity to patch things up with his brother, and save Tyrande from the undead. He then fled for Outland, concerned that Kil'jaeden might be irked at him for his recent failure. Lady Vashj, however, chose to stay behind in Lordaeron, having seen some potential in the blood elf prince, Kael'thas.

Vashj successfully recruited Kael'thas and his blood elves into Illidan's service, by revealing their shared origins as descendents of the Highbourne, helping him when Grand Marshal Garithos left him without the necessary resources to complete his mission, and finally saving him and his people from the Grand Marshal's delightful combination of racism and paranoia. With no where else to go, and this Illidan fellow sounding better and better by the minute, Kael'thas agreed to join him and Lady Vashj in Outland. Together, they escaped from the ruins of Dalaran using the remnants of the portal Kel'thuzad had opened to summon Archimonde.

Arriving in Outland, Vashj and Kael'thas found that Maiev had managed to get there first, and had actually successfully recaptured Illidan. Together, they rescued Illidan from Maeiv, and together they decided to conquer Outland. Together, they defeated and enslaved its current ruler, the Pit Lord, Magtheridon, and claimed the Black Temple as their new headquarters. Before they even had a chance to redecorate, however, Kil'jaeden dropped by to check up on Illidan and find out how that whole 'destroying the Lich King' quest was going. So the three of them ventured back to Azeroth, and invaded Northrend, hoping to destroy the Lich King and the Frozen Throne the old fashioned way.

Unfortunately, that ended in a complete rout, and the Illidari retreated back to Outland. With no hope for third chances, Illidan decided that their best option was securing Outland for themselves and bunkering in for the inevitable assault by the Burning Legion. While Illidan set about fortifying the Black Temple, and Kael'thas went around exploring Outland and starting up various weapon development projects, Illidan tasked Vashj with securing Outland's water supplies. Seeing how Draenor's oceans were long gone, and the rest of the water was slowly draining off the shattered continent as it floated in the Nether, it seemed likely that it might be something a non-renewable resource. That, and there was something about maybe the two of them trying the make a new Well of Eternity thing, but that was never really fully explored, and might have just been speculation.

Lady Vashj relocated the bulk of her naga to Zangarmarsh and began enslaving the local broken draenei population to help in the construction of a series of pumping stations throughout the marsh. She also began construction of the Coilfang Reservoir, which served both as a place to hold the stolen water from Zangarmarsh, but also as home to her naga.


Unfortunately for the naga, many of the local inhabitants didn't take kindly to the whole 'enslaving them and draining all the water from their marshy home' plan, and the Cenarion Expedition made it their mission to preserve what was left of Draenor's natural ecosystems. As a result, adventurers stormed their watery hole in the ground and killed Lady Vashj.

In her boss fight, Lady Vashj has a buff she can stack that also increases her size. It's amusing to see just how big she can get. Caps at 99, sadly.


She should have seriously considered just swimming out of Serpent Lake and going all Godzilla on Shattrath City.
Last edited by Thalraxal on Sat May 16, 2015 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Lavarinth »

Nice username quote, @Thalraxal :3
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by IskatuMesk »

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Lavarinth wrote:Nice username quote, @Thalraxal :3
Thanks @Lavarinth I was worried @Sodon might feel left out.
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