Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

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Terran Goliath Dome Polisher
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Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

I've currently been in the process of creating a "Next Generation Bank A.I." for Starcraft 2. Its objective is to simply out-play the opposition to its fullest capacity. I am still working with some bugs that reside within Blizzard's annoying and painful Data-AI Editor; Right now, everything is pretty well hard coded. Due to Starcraft 2's Insane AI being an easily defeatable piece of crap, I decided to go inside its code-banks and delete all the goodies that made it terribad and carried some older yet more reliable code files from WC3's Insane AI over.

In this topic I will post my progress and what effectiveness this A.I. may acludivate into. Right now I'd say the the full effectiveness is quelling. I'm in an attempt to make it extrordinarily unbeatable in standards of "Not" giving it free stuff.

Current Progress: 34% (Will be Updated)

--Zerg A.I. Cerberus Brood--
Macro: Incomplete
Micro: Incomplete
Counters: Complete
Rotations: Complete
Focus Casters: Complete
Strategizers: Incomplete

--Protoss A.I. Umbra Tribe--
Macro: Complete
Micro: Incomplete
Counters: Incomplete
Rotations: Incomplete
Focus Casters: Incomplete
Strategizers: Incomplete

--Terran A.I. Terror Wing--<3x1>
Macro: Complete - Gather/Rate<SETspawnNote><#Item>
Micro: Incomplete
Counters: Complete - SAV<System>UnitIDVeriCode
Rotations: Complete - DDM
Focus Casters: Complete - Exit<Proj>SetupCasterUnit<AcceptLocatium?)NNL(60.00)
Strategizers: Incomplete - Ghost/Caster Setup Completed Progress 79%

The pathing code setup is a bit skittish at times and I have found on numerous occasions it refuses to work properly due to Blizzard's incompetence with fixing the Data Editor. Hopefully will be fixed in the upcoming patches. The pathing code allows me to have the A.I. Micro and Rotate units all in one, in order to minimize casualties of course making it all that harder for the player to kill it's units. The pathing code is currently sticking my A.I. on a loop because the Data cannot be help in the simple bank.

I have delved into a strategizer bank for the A.I. and so far, it is only applying to Terror Wing. The Strategizer Bank allows the A.I. to save Data on builds and micro management after every game based on its own improvisory and that of the offending player/person. In simple peasantry terms for morons. "It learns from the players it fights" whether it be a loss or a win. Sadly this feature seems to bugout once and a while and requires constant saving of the Files which I personally find annoying.

But anyhoo that is progress so far: More to Come-------------------------------------------------------------

I have managed to sub the non-existent banks for the "Terror Wing" A.I.. Fortune showed the path it will now properly rotate units in return and try exhausting tactics to demoralize the player its fighting.
Last edited by Vetraeus on Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by IskatuMesk »

Why not X-generation? Like RequiemX but more Xtreme?

Once you get it fully functional set me up a melee map to observe with it vs the default AI so I can bash the hell out of everything and make a video out of it.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

Was gunna use Super Garden of War or an ICcup map for the proving grounds. Though using Lost Temple with it would cause the AI to wipe out the other AI early or rush a player to death. It has a tendancy to rush on small maps atm. usually at 2:30 if Protoss, or by 3:55 if Zerg, or by 3:30 if Terran.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by DrumsofWar »

Is Zerg the hardest to code an AI for? I'm guessing Terran having a somewhat slimmer tech tree makes the work easier.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

Each & every AI has to have an entirely different code setup unless your blizzard and do the same thing with every one making them do the identical things. As for the Zerg being hard to code? In some areas based around the pathing and strategizer A.I. yes, in others, not soo much. Terran being the easiest to manipulate due to the small tech tree and abundance of Counter vs All Counter units. The Protoss coding a bit gritty and buggy at times. If anything the Protoss setup is based solely around the Strategizer/Pathing/Macro makeup. With that; The whole pathing A.I. is broken at this time in the editor until blizzard fixes it in some upcoming patch.

But yes in short:
Zerg - More Work
Protoss - Even More Work
Terran - Very Little
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by IskatuMesk »

rofl @ thinking blizzard will fix anything to do with the AI

Never played brood war or warcraft 3, have we? Do you want me to get into diablo 2?

in BW zerg was the hardest to work with but the most rewarding.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by DrumsofWar »

Every minute the default Zerg BW AI doesn't send a unit to attack you, take a drink!
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

Or become a zombie.

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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

Been a while since I last posted, To good luck, Blizzard fixed the SC2's Pathing manipulators last patch for the regular insane AI so I can now use that and mod it. Fortunetly, things are bad & good, thanks to Blizzard they broke another function in the bank systems, so I'll need to fix that. the very good thing is that I have a strategy that I took notes on while watching Dtox play Zerg in FFS. It will be given to Cerberus the Zerg AI. Thankyou Dtox for your useful strategy, APM, and Build orders.
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Ricky_Honejasi »

Vetraeus wrote:Blizzard they broke another function in the bank systems, so I'll need to fix that.
Care to tell what bank-related triggers/aspects they broke?
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Re: Starcraft 2: Custom S-Generation A.I.

Post by Vetraeus »

They fixed it with the server restart earlier this week. So its fixed, it was a serious bug with the Banking Threads. Every time they'd try to generate an error would occur and lag a walrus fountain from the Aether.
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