Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

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Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

I have decided to take a pause on my StarCraft campaign "Call from the Abyss..." due to I’m a little spent on the StarCraft creativity after making Legacy of a Warrior in the Campaign Creations StarCraft Mini-Campaign Contest. And now I wish to test my creativity to make a WarCraft 3 Campaign right now, "Land of Despair".

Playable features are:

Races: Humans, Orc
Races that will appear: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Undead, Dragons, and Demons.
Playable Heroes: Melean, Halad, Grollok, Sirithil.


Age: 22
Personality: Strong, Fear-less, Arrogant, Jumpy, and Loyal.
Class: Student Paladin
[imgwh 309x433][/imgwh]
Biography: Melean - the son of Malan, a High Elf Paladin that fought in the Second War alongside Uther and was a decorative war hero to his people and the Lordaeron but killed against the Scourge in the siege of Quel'Thalas - is a young prodigy under Halad in Lordaeron. He was always a lot like Arthas in attitude, jumped to conclusion and didn't think of the consequences. Melean though holds his people and kingship ahead of his own life; he has served Stormwind after Lordaeron's fall justly and fairly and loves his race more than anything. When ordered to retake Boralis he swiftly takes the town back but before going to Southshore, he leaves on his own to chase the Demon that was present at the town, unknown to what is coming.

Lord Halad Lightbinder IV
Age: 36
Personality: Strong, Loyal, Honorable, Peaceful, Calm, Just, And Fearless.
Class: High Lord Paladin
[imgwh 640x421] ... aladin.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: Halad was a student among many - including Arthas - of the great Uther Lightbringer himself. His mind was able to quickly be at peace with the teachings and was able to grasp the knowledge and technique to use to the Holy Light. He quickly rose through military ranks when Lordaeron was invaded by the Scourge led by Arthas his former friend. Halad led the refugees quickly to remaining Alliance kingdoms, Ironforge and Stormwind. When he returned to Stormwind he led the armies to halt the advance of the marauding Scourge. To the present day, Lord Halad now serves as Commander of Stormwind and Silver Hand armies under Lord Tirion Fordring after Uther's death. His new prodigy Melean is relentless in attacks on the Undead, but under Halad's guidance will keep him calm and steadier.

Lady Timarian
Age: 23
Personality: Weak, Calm, Cautious, Care-less, And Loyal.
Class: Arch-Mage
Biography: Lady Timarian is a newly appointed Arch-Mage of the Kirin Tor and recently new leader of the Kirin Tor War Mages that fight along side the Silver Hand and the Ironforge Stone Legion after her leader and mentor Sir Hans was killed by the Lich Raxzz deadly gaze. She is too inexperienced to command the War Mages of the Kirin Tor against the Scourge. She does what she thinks is right but horrible consequences. She sometimes refuses to listen to reason from Halad or Thane Norgi, though Halad has let her run her own troops but must report now to him as orders from Dalaran's Kirin Tor themselves.

Thane Norgi Rageaxe
Age: 57
Personality: Fearless, Relentless, Bloodlust, Loyal, Brutal, Strong.
Class: Barbarian
[imgwh 270x270] ... 70x270.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: Thane Norgi leads his own clan of Dwarves - an offshoot of the Ironforge brothers - back to relationships with his brothers Ironforge and Wildhammer Dwarves. Thane Norgi leads the armies alongside Halad and Lady Timarian but is the backbone of the Grand Alliance Crusade. His warriors are fierce and brutal than anything the Undead can dish out. His forces have survived countless ambushes in the line of duty.

Age: 3,611
Personality: Relentless, Vengeful, Loyal, Strong, Calm, And Majestic.
Physical Appearance: Majestic Wings, 3,000 km long, large sharp jagged teeth.
[imgwh 320x240] ... dragon.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: Sirithil like all Red Dragons serve their beloved queen Alexstrasza with love and care. Recently in Alterac, the Stormpike Dwarves and Frost Wolf Orcs have been battling but all has ended when the Undead rampaged their lands and slaughtered both of them quickly. A peace treaty has been signed between the two warring factions to fight the Undead. Due to this cause in rapid change of life and nature, Alexstrasza and her sister Ysera agreed to send their younglings to combat the Undead at Alterac. Though Ysera due to problems in the Emerald Dream could not send anyone so Alexstrasza agreed to send her own children to deal with the Undead. The majestic Red Dragons fought valiantly but even they could not escape the powerful deadly gaze of the Lich Raxzz, with his glare the Dragons were under his sway and begin to tear apart the allied Orc and Dwarven lines. Sirithil was able to break free from the corruption and retreat to the mountains where he plotted his next moves. As Halad and the Grand Allied Crusade marched towards the battle they saw Sirithil being attacked by his decaying and corrupted Dragon brethren. Sirithil was rescued by Halad and was able to defeat the Undead Scourge and force the Lich Raxzz to retreat except for Halad to banish the Lich permanentley. Sirithil owed Halad and Norgi a life debt till the very death of Sirithil.

Age: 56
Personality: Brutal, Smart, Strong, Relentless, Vengeful, Peaceful.
[imgwh 320x240] ... shaman.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: Grollok was born like all Frost wolves in the Alterac Mountains in the heat of battle and death. He was a great warrior raised by many of the Frost wolves and studied the Stormpike Dwarven technique in combat and was able to better himself in battle. At the young age of 23 he met the elements of nature first hand and was convinced that Shamanism was the better path and began to study at the foot of Drek'thar. At present day at the age of 56 when leading his forces into a key resource lei area that was recently controlled by the Dwarves, the Undead were arriving and immediately Grollok peacefully signed a treaty to fight alongside the Stormpike and try to defeat the Undead. The combined forces were near defeated until the Grand Allied Crusade arrived and fought back the Undead, giving time for Grollok to use the assistance of the elementals to bury the northern hidden pass - that leads to the Plaguelands - in rocks permanentley, currently now he leads the Frost Wolf Clan alongside with the Grand Crusade.

Death Lord Serataz
Age: 12,419
Personality: Dead, Vengeful, Strong, Relentless, Brutal, Bloodlust, Dark, Cruel.
[imgwh 226x300] ... 0Death.gif[/imgwh]
Biography: The Death Lord was once a ancient guardian of the Tirisfal Order that fought against Sargeras, he was the leader of the order before Aegwynn, he died in the fight against the Legion's Creator and was buried in the sacred garden of Tirisfal that is untouched by Undead corruption, until recently. Arthas, Lich King of the unholy Scourge has had Kel'Thuzad send a vast amount of Necromancers to the ancient garden to ressurect the vastly powerful Guardian Serataz into the new Death Lord Serataz. Many other creatures and people that were buried in the garden were also raised to the Scourge if not for the Arch Warlock Draxxlj's interference who turned the Necromancer's and all they raised to the Legion's will including Death Lord Serataz who serves as the Legion's Undead Commander. The Death Lord though sometimes feels the Lich King's whisper but still serves the Legion's demonic call and is forced to make sure that none of the Undead minions break from Draxxlj's control.

Baron Manson
Age: 65
Personality: Dark, Cruel, Bashful, and Relentless.
[imgwh 287x413] ... eldulf.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: The Death Baron Manson was a kind and just paladin and leader of a town called Siefranz but when Arthas fell down the path of the Lich King and one of the few that followed his path was Baron Manson. His first task to the loyalty of the Lich King was to slaughter his town, which he did swiftly. The Baron was also alongside Draxxlj when they corrupted the Tirisfal garden. Baron Manson now currently is the Death Lord's guard and controls the fortress of Xenozal, a Demonic Black Citadel that floats over Scholomance which also is occupied by Draxxlj's forces and Kil'Jaeden's first offensive against his creation the Lich King.

Arch-Warlock Draxxlj
Age: 23,519
Personality: Dark, Cruel, Demonic, Relentless, Ancient, Evil, Fearless, Vengeful, Bashful, Bloodlust, and Strong.
[imgwh 368x449] ... eredar.jpg[/imgwh]
Biography: The Arch-Warlock Draxxlj was the Warlock under Kil'Jaeden and did not serve under Archimonde in the Burning Legion's effort to destroy the World Tree even though under his request. Now that Archimonde was defeated and the Legion's effort was thwarted, Draxxlj was now allowed to begin the conquest against Kil'Jaeden's failed creation and betrayer, the Lich King. Draxxlj led a Demonic invasion at the Tirisfal Garden to control the Necromancers raising the Death Lord Serataz. Currently he has also had the Death Knights that serve him to start to begin going against the Scourge by taking over town after town raids. Draxxlj's current agenda is to weaken the Scourge and wipe them from the Eastern Kingdoms.

Introduction Story:

It's been three years since Arthas defeated Illidan and claimed himself as the Lich King of the Scourge. The Scourge has wreaked havoc all over the Eastern Kingdom Northlands, Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron have fallen. The Grand Alliance has been weakened retreating back to Stormwind, Ironforge and Darnassus. In a desperate effort to calm down the vast invasion that is imminent by the Scourge, the lords of the Alliance kingdoms met together and formed a Grand Alliance Crusade intent on halting back the Scourge at Westfall's bridge, Thandol Span.

In the wake of this crisis, the Lords of Stormwind have agreed to promote the new High Lord Tirion Fordring and Commander Lord Halad Lightbinder IV to command the forces of the Silver Hand and Human forces while King Magni Bronzebeard agrees to send his trusted soldier and fellow Thane Norgi Rageaxe to lead the Ironforge Stone Legion alongside the Silver Hand. The Kirin Tor agreed to lend what aid they could and assigned Arch Mage Lady Timarian to lead the Kirin Tor War Mages into battle as well.

Unknown to the Alliance delaying the retaliation, the Scourge have already conquered many of the outlying towns that are key to the Alliance's well funding. The town Boralis, a key resource has been conquered but the Undead and the remaining people attempted to leave and only a handful of them survived and now live outside the burning village.

The first movement of the Crusade begins at Boralis, with Undead closing in from all directions - Alterac, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Eastern/Western Plaguelands, and the Hinterlands. - And they face the brink of defeat if they cannot start by reclaiming the key resource villages quick. Melean the young prodigy of Halad accompanies the heroic paladin to cleanse Boralis. With the leaders of the other two factions still at Soutshore planning to halt the advance at the other entrances to Hillsbrad Foothills. Halad left back to Soutshore to give his utmost trust to Melean.

The battle commenced but it was in two different factions waging against Melean, bandits from the southern river have nested and plan attacks against the refugee village while Melean must quickly deal with the Undead at Boralis.

Melean quickly cleared his way through the bandit forces and made it towards Boralis, which was quickly infested with the undead forces. Melean gave a hard effort to fight through the Undead, which proved tough; the Holy Light embraced him, which allowed the victory and the reclaiming of Boralis. Melean led his battered remaining forces to where the Death Knight was at, frozen in fear his soldiers were. A great demon covered from head to hoof in fire soaked armor speaking with the Death Knight. Regaining reality he spoke loud to the Demon to stop and prepared to strike, the Demon just turned and laughed in his efforts and left.

The Death Knight and whatever was left at Boralis were dealt with but the Death Knight dropped a blood-drenched note, Melean decided he couldn't wait for Halad and the others to think of a solution so he left, running after, chasing the Demon that was at Boralis. While leaving Squire Stanson to race to Soutshore and deliver the note. The Squire knows Melean will be found dead or captured but followed orders, its a race against time, to find out the Demons motives - was he with the Scourge? - And make sure Melean doesn’t wound up dead...

As the countdown continues, Undead are hounding through the lands. Closer to eliminating the Crusade... once and for all!
[imgwh 640x348] ... ck/1-8.jpg[/imgwh]
Enter, the ruined city of Boralis...

[imgwh 640x350] ... ck/2-4.jpg[/imgwh]
Halad and Melean meet for briefing...

[imgwh 640x350] ... ck/3-3.jpg[/imgwh]
The Necromancers raise forth fallen loved ones...

[imgwh 640x350] ... ck/4-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Militia outpost and patrols, what is left of them...

[imgwh 640x348] ... ck/5-3.jpg[/imgwh]
Another view of the ruined city...

[imgwh 640x352] ... ck/6-3.jpg[/imgwh]
Bandits still remain even though the Undead could slaughter them at any minute...

[imgwh 640x346] ... ck/7-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Ambush at the Militia outpost...

[imgwh 640x334] ... ck/8-2.jpg[/imgwh]
The Bandits hideout is revealed...

[imgwh 640x352] ... ck/9-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Welcome, to Boralis...

[imgwh 640x355] ... k/10-2.jpg[/imgwh]
The Lich is waiting for you...

[imgwh 640x352] ... k/11-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Do they serve the Scourge, or the Legion...?

[imgwh 640x344] ... k/12-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Look's like he saw us all, prepare yourselves...

[imgwh 640x350] ... k/13-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Demon has a better agenda, but he left the Death Knight to deal with you...

[imgwh 640x346] ... k/14-2.jpg[/imgwh]
Even though with little numbers, he could still prevail, VICTORY!

[imgwh 640x348] ... k/15-1.jpg[/imgwh]
Melean is arrogant and continues to chase the Demon even though that Squire Stanson knows better, but still follows orders.

(I also created a trailer for my campaign as well to give a sneak peak of what can happen.)
I have also finished earlier the first map, I think it is ready, but I made it as a BETA so people can test it, fully completed and done through I’ve tested it many times but I want now your opinion and help. ... einfo.html ... _BETA.html

Please, enjoy!
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by muaddib »

my my, it looks very promising, i'll dl it asap and inform you ^^
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

Thank you.
Progress Report:
Maps: 34%
Triggers: 43%
Sounds: 50%
Script: 100%
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by muaddib »

im afraid filefront is causing some trouble- it wont let me download :s
keeps showing errors  >:(
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

Lets me. But I'll host it on another site as well.
( ... _BETA.html)
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by IskatuMesk »

is it new
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by IskatuMesk »

are you certain
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marco »

Why do you talk that way Doack?
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by IskatuMesk »

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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by muaddib »

o.k, the other link worked just fine :)
the quests and models are nicely done too, however, as soon as i finished the mission, and entered the "next" level,it jumped into mission 2 of the alliance.
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

Oh sorry I have the triggers set for next level but I'll turn that off.
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Lavarinth »

He probably asked if it's new because of these:


- - Lavarinth
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by Marine »

Oh ya, well this one is new.
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Re: Land of Despair, a NEW WarCraft 3 Campaign!

Post by omega20 »

Marine, take your time in doing campaigns. You don't have to make a campaign if you aren't sure you're going to finish it. ;)
[imgwh 400x120][/imgwh]
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