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New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 8:17 am
by SteakofStake
The next 2 heroes for the game were announced a little while ago, so I am just gonna make this post about them.

The first hero added is Chromie, that time dragon gnome thing.
[bbvideo=560,315] ... dricSwissh[/bbvideo]

She is a long-ranged assassin, but isn't going to be good at sieging structures. She also get all of her talents a level earlier, so at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 19. My opinion on her - Skillshots will be missed a lot. Also great delaying on maps like cursed hollow. Also probably some retarded shit with her dragon and her ults.

The second one is Medivh, the last guardian of Tirisfal who was corrupted by sergeras in the womb and aided the orcs in getting to azeroth and like a shit ton more things
[bbvideo=560,315] ... dricSwissh[/bbvideo]

He is a ranged specialist, but unlike other specialists he is not there to deal damage to structures. He is more like a support, but again, not like any other support. He is there to disrupt and de-buff the other team, and buff his own team.
He can also turn into a birb that flies over everything. He is also invincible while he is a birb, so that is gonna be gay

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:55 am
by Zilla-
SteakofStake wrote:
The second one is Medivh, that wizard guy from warcraft who was possessed by some dude and I don't remember his story.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 10:03 am
by SteakofStake
Check again, I just needed my memory jogged about him. I read like a whole book surrounding him and khadgar like a year ago and forgot most of it then zilla did that thing and I fixed the thing and things

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 10:45 am
by Zilla-
that wizard guy from warcraft?

dude is literally the entire reason the franchise can exist
no medivh, no portal, no orcs vs humans, no zug zug.

its like saying, oh yea, george washington, he was that general guy or something from america right?


Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 11:14 am
by SteakofStake
Lol I knew he was important but I just forgot when the 5 minutes it took me to make this post, so sorry for triggering you

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 4:17 pm
by Church
come on steakofstake, warcraft lore is a BIG DEAL

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 11:12 pm
by RazorclawX
Medivh is being pushed out for the impending Warcraft movie tie-in. I was banking on Gul'dan for that, but I guess we'll have to wait a while longer.

I'm still wanting to know what happened to Zul'jin.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:03 am
by SteakofStake
I'm still wanting to know what happened to Zul'jin.[/quote]

Yeah, I think they data mined a model of him and a gyrocopter a long time ago, as well as blizzard showing off the model at blizzcon

Everyone wants kel'thuzad because they showed off this model of him at blizzcon as well.

I think there is a joke that people try to make whenever they tease a new hero, like chromie's clairvoyance talent makes a dragon's shadow appear in the area shown, and someone said it was zul'jin riding a flying raptor

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:42 am
by IskatuMesk
Medivh seems extremely strong. He's one of those heroes, like tracer, that will be unbelievably broken in the right hands but most pugs will probably just greed out and make him appear deceptively weak until a few weeks or months pass and some pro publishes a guide everyone copypastes.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:41 am
by Thalraxal
Not surprised to see Medivh added to the roster, he's pretty important guy. I feel like he would have been kind of a blank slate power-wise though. While we're told he's a crazy-powerful wizard, we don't ever really get to see him do much beyond opening the Dark Portal, turning into a raven, and burn a blue dragon alive from the inside out, causing him to suffer a slow and painful death as he tried to flee Medivh in pain and agony. Overall, I like the direction they've taken him in.

Kind of surprised to see Chromie. I like Chromie, she's cool, but I would have expected HotS' first dragon to be one of the bigger name ones, like Onyxia, Nefarian, or that boring blue one who's name I can't remember who succeeded Malygos as the Aspect of Magic.

I want Azuregos as a HotS hero.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:50 pm
by Krazy
Chromie's slowing ultimate lasts as long as her mana pool... that will be pretty significant on certain maps like towers of doom where there's heavy combat over very tight chokes.

Kinda surprised they haven't brought out more overwatch heroes honestly. I would have thought two in a row.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 4:47 pm
by SteakofStake
They added widowmaker. As a skin for nova......they really just gave a widowmaker model nova's animations


Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:29 pm
by IskatuMesk
That wrist looks really uncomfortable. I feel the arthritis crystals cringing even now.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:43 pm
by RazorclawX
SteakofStake wrote:Yeah, I think they data mined a model of him and a gyrocopter a long time ago, as well as blizzard showing off the model at blizzcon
Zul'jin was in the Lost Vikings trailer from a year ago. He's the only Hero teased in that that hasn't shown up yet.

Re: New Hots Heroes anounced

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 4:18 pm
by SteakofStake
Chromie and the various buffs/changes/nerf (mostly buffs/changes to tanks) are on the PTR now, but you can't play chromie unless you buy her with real money :/

They changed all of the conjurers pursuit talents and regen master talents to be quest talents, as well as a lot of other generic talents, like battle momentum (also changing their names on characters (EX: Tyrael now has angelic momentum)).

Arthas' and Stitches' quest talents give them a bonus 10% speed.