Villan wars

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Terran Settler (Unemployed)
Terran Settler (Unemployed)
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:43 am
Location: Philippines

Villan wars

Post by waaaks! »

hello guys, this is my first post here, and i dunno what to post, so i will post and intoduce my map, im working on it for version 10 already, now ill post version 9 <Villan wars v9

you may notice that the spelling of my "Villan" is wrong but the reason is Villan comes from the word "Villanueva" that was the name of our town here in Philippines, maybe you wouldn't like much my map cause the terrain is much more simmilar like DotA allstars, and more of the heroe's icons are from real people, well that's just my friends here, cause they have requested me to make a game that just like dota and the characters where them including me, but soon ill delete those icons and replace with the original ones, and also the terrain i will also change it and re-terrain it....

if u have feedbacks with my map please post it, cause ill surely welcome you, whoever you are.....
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