Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

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Zerg Hydralisk Nail Stylist
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by tipereth »

DW crits for 1k on cloth, 2h crits for 1k on mail. It's all the same in the end, if WF worked as intended.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if shamanistic rage gave you something similar to TBW, making you unCC-able for a short period of time.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

My crystal spiked maul got 1.2k crits on mail before. With TUF I got an excess of 1.3k, previous to the new formula. With the new formula I only got a few WF's off due to the broken proc rate, I suspect I could get 1.6k on cloth per crit with a 600 base AP.

With a crappy main hand (Baron Charr's Sceptor) I got ~700 WF proc crits regularily with only my totems up.

Shamanistic rage making you unstunnable would be very nice, but blizzard won't do that because they're retarded.

With some calculations, in raid buffs I could be doing almost 10k a full proc (SS and 3 hits) with Stormherald on a target without resilience. HKS would be getting like 5k white crits with bloodmoon or something, though.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by tipereth »

DTC is nice because it procs often, and crits too.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

I don't think I've even seen that drop yet. I doubt we'll be doing BWL in BC, either. I'll have to settle for a severance :p

Maybe a dark edge if we get that far.

I'm gonna be going macesmithing, so hopefully I'll have Thunder soon after I hit 70.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by Arcan »

I forgot to mention... I stole Mucky. He's now a level 27 Troll Hunter on Mal'Ganis.
[imgwh 275x155]http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/omgarcan/5c1e32e9bc2242cca51e957475e529825a4.gif[/imgwh]
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

So he's been telling me.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by Mucky »

Last edited by Mucky on Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

CC's forum mangles images. Someone go fix.
Zerg Hydralisk Nail Stylist
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by tipereth »

So like, I'm on Dudegotshot, leveling in Stonetalon, and I see this 28 orc rogue fighting this 29 night elf warrior. The rogue vanishes when the warrior has about 2 hp left, but before he can finish the job, I poly the warrior and he regens to full, and proceeds to kill the rogue. Then he helped me kill an elite harpy.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by Mucky »

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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by Xelxiuz »

Shamanistic rage making you unstunnable would be very nice, but blizzard won't do that because they're retarded.
This is by far the best suggestions I know. Completely reasonable, considering the game has never been focused on 1v1. Ever. And it doesn't overpower the already retardedly strong resto shaman either.

But even then, I wouldn't ever take a Enh Shaman given their present power. No offense. Whole-heartedly agree on buffing Enh Shaman.
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Re: Entire WoW Raiding guild BANNED!!

Post by IskatuMesk »

Basically playing is completely pointless until blizzard learns how to balance games again.

Shamanistic rage is a 41 talent Enhancement thing (And quite possibly the most useless talent for pvp... although 50% of the enhancement tree is useless for pvp too).

Some of my suggestions on the Shaman forums included Toughness giving DR instead of armor % (which does virtually jack squat), ancestral knowledge getting a boost to 10% (Otherwise it's not even noticeable), Dual Wield spec giving some OH damage too (25% would be fine), and StormStrike doing Nature Damage and/or having a chance to stun.

Shamanistic Rage would be nice to act like beastial wrath. I know some people suggested that, too, but since the only changes blizzard have done that even remotely resemble a buff is a completely pointless stoneclaw totem change, it's suffice to say I won't be playing again for a very long time.
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.