The Stars Align!

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by RazorclawX »

Thalraxal wrote:No shiny new pit lord models yet? I thought they would have made one for sure with Mannoroth's skeleton hanging around.
Mannoroth has a high-res model and texture on him, but it's not shared with Azgalor. The Pit Lord and Succubus models weren't updated in the HFC patch (neither were the Voidlord textures, but they were still altered so they aren't just black blobs anymore).
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

RazorclawX wrote:
Thalraxal wrote:No shiny new pit lord models yet? I thought they would have made one for sure with Mannoroth's skeleton hanging around.
Mannoroth has a high-res model and texture on him, but it's not shared with Azgalor. The Pit Lord and Succubus models weren't updated in the HFC patch (neither were the Voidlord textures, but they were still altered so they aren't just black blobs anymore).
I guess it makes sense that Mannoroth wouldn't want to share his shiny new high-res texture with Azgalor. I guess everyone else will be waiting for Legion for their new models. Voidlords though? They're pretty much living darkness, how can they be anything but black blobs?

They say Dire Maul is the city that never sleeps, but that's not quite true. It just didn't go to bed.

"No one get past me and threaten da king! Ungh, take it!"

Captain Kromcrush is the guard captain of the Gordok ogres who make their home within Dire Maul. He has a short temper, and was capable of quickly flying into a rage, especially when someone brings up the painful subject of his gnollish ex-lover.

Despite his dedication to his job as captain of the guard, Kromcrush was tricked by adventurers in a clever ogre disguise, who caused him to abandon his post. This allowed the adventurers to proceed past him, and assassinate King Gordok.

Following the death of King Gordok, Kromcrush was quick to declare his loyalty to the new Kings Gordok. When asked for tribute, Kromcrush told them of a powerful set of magical gauntlets, once held by the Gordok ogres, that had been stolen from the tribe by Prince Tortheldrin.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Your behavior will not be tolerated."

The Maiden of Virtue was a Titanic Watcher who dwelt within Karazhan, making her home in the tower's guest chambers. Its unknown how, or why, she ended up in Karazahn, or what her purpose there even was.

She may have once dwelt in Ulduar, alongside the similarly-named Maiden of Grief and fled as Loken turned the various Titanic servants against each other, and Yogg-Saron's influence grew. Alternatively, she may have come from Titan complex at Uldaman, which was in much closer proximity to the future site of Karazhan. As the tower's guest chambers are currently home to a vast number of succubi, it seems somewhat likely that Medivh, always a fan of irony, may have had some responsibility for her presence there.

The Maiden of Virtue was destroyed by adventurers as they explored the tower of Karazhan.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Shall we slay them for the impertinence of disturbing our sleep?"

Jarien and Sothos were sibling warriors, and former members of the Veiled Blades. After killing Lord Valthalak, and retrieving the spellbook they were hired to steal, the siblings were given one piece of Lord Valthalak's cursed amulet to share between them. Getting a smaller share of the treasure because they were siblings may have irritated the two of them, and played a role in their own decision to leave the Veiled Blades. Either way, with everyone else either already dead, or else scattering to the four winds, Jarien and Sothos decided that it was time to finally fulfill their dreams: to join the Scarlet Crusade and fight the Scourge.


As such, the two travelled north, to Stratholme, where they applied to join the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade. Always looking for more recruits, the Scarlet Crusade gave Jarien and Sothos to prove themselves worthy of being Scarlet Crusaders. Sadly, they failed in their initiation tests, and as a result were executed by Grand Crusader Dathrohan.

As a result of having the cursed amulet in their possession, their spirits continue to haunt the halls of the Scarlet Bastion. Summoned by adventurers using a Brazier of Beckoning, Jarien and Sothos fought together one last time. They were defeated, and the adventurers claimed their fragment of Lord Valthalak's amulet, releasing their spirits and freeing them from the amulet's curse.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

The howl of this beast lets everyone know when its prey has been found.

Fenrus the Devourer was Arugal's pet worg. It's howl was so loud, it could be throughout Shadowfang Keep. If Arugal still had any neighbours, they likely would have complained.

Fenrus fought to the death to defend his master's lair against intruders. He was killed by adventurers, who claimed his hide as a stylish cloak.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"...a being of such unbelievable power that its very entrance into existence shattered all reality around it." -The Codex of Blood

Murmur was a primordial essence of sound. It was something similar to the elementals of Azeroth and Draenor, however it was considerably more ancient, and certainly not of those worlds. Murmur was summoned to Draenor by Grandmaster Vorpil and the Shadow Council. Its summoning resulted in a great explosion which shattered the dreanic necropolis of Auchindoun, and ruined the forests around it, resulting the creation of the Bone Wastes. So great the destruction caused by Murmur's arrival, that it was mistaken by the Sethekk arrakoa as the arrival of the Old God they'd dedicated themselves to. So great its power, that the Shadow Council could not control it. In the end, they were only able to keep Murmur contained, if only to prevent it from escaping the Shadow Labyrinths and killing them all on the way out.

Murmur was released from its bindings by adventurers, who proceeded to defeat it, and banished it back to whatever realm beyond time and space it came from.

In an alternate past, the Shadow Council attempted to summon Murmur, well ahead of schedule, to aid them in their assault on Auchindoun. The ritual, however, was interrupted, resulting in the summoning of a mere echo of the primordial essence of sound entering the world. The Echo of Murmur was defeated by a passing adventurer, leaving only a mournful wail behind.

One time, I fought Murmur. Someone was told to run when Murmur prepared to unleash his sonic boom. He just booked it out of there, and never stopped running.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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"Ah ~ I've been waiting for a real challenge!"

Herod was the Scarlet Champion, and one of the leaders of the Scarlet Crusade at the Scarlet Monastery. There, he was tasked with training recruits and soldiers of the Crusade in combat, against both the living and the dead.

The rebel crusader, Joseph the Awakened Crazed Insane, coveted Herod's position as Scarlet Champion, and tasked adventurers with killing him in order to rid the Scarlet Crusade of its corruption to take the title for himself in his efforts to remake the Scarlet Crusade. Adventurers, holding out hope that Joseph would be able to pull himself back together to enact his promised reforms to the Scarlet Crusade, did so.

Joseph's time as Scarlet Champion was brief, however, as in the end his rebellion failed as he was unable to oust High Inquisitor Whitemane from her position as leader of the Scarlet Monastery. Herod was succeeded by Armsmaster Harlan, who took on his predecessors role of training Scarlet recruits.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Mucky »

Thalraxal wrote:He just booked it out of there, and never stopped running.
Legend has it that man is still running to this day.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Mucky wrote:
Thalraxal wrote:He just booked it out of there, and never stopped running.
Legend has it that man is still running to this day.
Some say that Murmur still got him in the end. Did he really have any hope of running faster than the speed of sound?

Now, from sound to sightlessness.

"Finally, my banishment ends!"

Leotheras the Blind was a blood elf demon hunter. He was one of five blood elves originally chosen by Kael'thas and Illidan to be trained as demon hunters. Only one of the group succeeded in completing his training and becoming a fully fledged demon hunter. It wasn't Leotheras. The training proved to be too much for him, and while three of the others died, Leotheras instead went mad, as he was unable to maintain control in his demon form. He fled the Black Temple, and roamed Outland for some time before he finally stormed into the Serpentshine Cavern and made of a mess of things down there for the naga. In the end, the naga and their allies were able to subdue him. Uncertain what, exactly, to do with the insane demon hunter, Lady Vashj tasked several of her minions with keeping him banished, and thus unable to do anymore harm.

When adventurers raided the Serpentshine Caverns, they killed the spellcasters keeping Leotheras banished, and freed him. Leotheras thanked his rescuers by trying to kill them.

"At last I am liberated. It has been too long since I have tasted true freedom!"

When sufficiently damaged, Leotheras' will wavered, allowing his Shadow to break free, and become an entity of his own. The two were still defeated, both claiming that they'd both be back.

"The sound of death... so sweet to my ears..."

Recently, an undead warrior calling himself The Blind Hero entered the Brawler's Guild. Bearing a striking resemblance to Leotheras, it seems likely that he may be the former blood elf demon hunter, returned from the dead somehow. His Shadow remains unaccounted for.

As the new World of WarCraft expansion, Legion, is adding demon hunters as a playable class, it seems likely that Leotheras will appear in some capacity in their introductory zones.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Unlike the fire elementals, who are beings of pure flame, the firewalkers are elementals composed of flesh and blood.

Gehennas was one of the many firewalkers who followed Ragnaros to Azeroth, and made their home in the Molten Core. He was a master of both shadow and fire magic. Gehennas was killed by adventurers when they raided the Molten Core.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Unable to see, Odo uses his other senses to fight. Just like his pet bats.

Odo the Blindwatcher was one of the many worgen who made their home in Shadowfang Keep after they overran it and devoured its previous occupants. Odo, as his title would suggest, was blind. However, following his transformation into a worgen, his other sense more than made up for his lack of sight. Navigating primarily by sound and smell, Odo felt a kinship with the bats, and even kept two of them as his pets.

Odo was killed by adventurers when they stormed Shadowfang Keep in search of Archmage Arugal. His spirit, however, continues to haunt its halls, and can be called on to assist the spirit of Baron Silverlaine in battle.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Once a great ogre mage of the Spirestone clan, I challenged Urok Doomhowl, and he stole my magic and cursed me." -Warosh

Urok Doomhowl was the power behind the throne of the Spirestone clan. Highlord Omekk served as his chosen puppet, commanding the clan in name, while answering directly to him. This arrangement served Urok well, as he had all the power he desired, but didn't have to deal with all the annoying challenges by other ogres vying to claim his position for themselves.

One ogre saw through Urok's deception, however. The ogre mage, Warosh challenged Urok directly, only to find himself defeated. Instead of killing the ogre mage, however, Urok stole Warosh's magic, and cursed him, transforming the proud ogre into a trogg.

Warosh proved to be Urok's undoing, however. Wandering Hordemar city, cursed and enraged, Warosh eventually found a group of adventurers traveling through Blackrock Spire. Teaching the adventurers the finer points of ogre politics, he directed them on how to bring down Urok Doomhowl. Following Warosh's instructions, the adventurers killed Highlord Omekk, placed his head on a spike, and issued a challenge to Urok, in order to force him out of hiding. Enraged at the death of his puppet, Urok attacked the adventurers, only to be killed by them. The adventurers were able to return Warosh's stolen magic to him, restoring him to his true form.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"On the island of Caer Darrow lies Scholomance, a wretched center of Scourge necromancy and evil." -Commander Ashlam Valorfist

Darkmaster Gandling was the headmaster of Scholomance, the Scourge's school of necromancy on the island of Caer Darrow. He was the school's third headmaster, succeeding Araj the Summoner, who had left the school to rule over the ruins of Andorhal and the Western Plaguelands.

The school suffered repeated attacks by the Argent Dawn and their allies. Despite the loss of many of his subordinates, Darkmaster Gandling remained. The death of the Lich King, however, did throw things into disarray. However, Gandling was able to ensure that Scholomance remained a prestigious institute of higher education. Furthermore, Gandling found himself as one of the highest remaining members of the Cult of the Damned, and Scholomance as one of the few remaining bastions of the cult.

Working alongside Araj the Summoner, Gandling sought to maintain control over Andorhal and the Western Plaguelands, in the face of continued encroachment by the Forsaken, the Alliance, and the Argent Crusade. As such, Gandling committed much of Scholomance's forces to the defence of Andorhal. Despite his best efforts, Andorhal fell thanks to the coordinated efforts the Alliance and Forsaken commanders. Araj was destroyed, a member of the faculty was killed, and he lost several valuable undead constructs. Gandling himself took part in the battle, and was forced to retreat back to the safety of Scholomance, now the sole remaining outpost of the Cult of the Damned in the Western Plaguelands.

"School is in session!"

Darkmaster Gandling knew it was only a matter of time before adventurers would come looking for him. First, Lilian Voss, a deadly undead assassin had stormed into Scholomance, intent on killing him. Gandling, however, saw great potential in the nihilistic monster hunter, and hoped to convince her to accept her undead state and join him. However, this was interrupted by the arrival of five more adventurers, who were apparently friends, or at least acquaintances, of her.

Unable to reason with Lilian, Gandling instead simply took control over her undead body, as he would any other rogue undead. Forcing someone to fight their friends was always a classic. Curious to see how far he could push her, Gandling ripped her soul out of her undead body mid-battle, transforming it into some type of angry spirit. The adventurers were able to subdue Lilian's enraged spirit, so instead he went back to the basics, and reanimated Lilian's now soulless corpse to finish the fight. In the end, Lilian was able to break free from his control, and reunite her undead body and soul. Gandling was forced to retreat, however Lilian was no in no condition to continue fighting.

The adventurers followed Gandling, pressed on by the talking floating skull that had once been Lord Alexei Baorv. Now free from the Lich King's influence, Barov wanted nothing more than to free himself and his family from Gandling's curse, which kept his spirit bound to what had once been his home. Together, Alexei and the adventurers (really the adventurers carried him, the dude was a floating skull, after all), killed Gandling, ending his tenure as Headmaster of Scholomance.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

The strongest of Arugal's minions are given stations befitting their power.

Wolf Master Nandos was a worgen in the service of Archmage Arugal who made his home in Shadowfang Keep. He was the master of his very own pack of worgs. He, and his worgs, were killed by adventurers when they ventured into Shadowfang Keep to kill Arugal. Nados' spirit, however, remains within the cursed halls of the keep, and can be summoned into battle by the spirit of Baron Silverlaine.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Thousands of innocents have been killed to appease the hunger of this monster.

Kirtonos the Herald was a vampire in the service of the Scourge, and a member of the Cult of the Damned. His exact origins are unknown, merely that he was the master of Scholomance's Doctor Krastinov, and oversaw many of the doctor's bloody experiments on the still-living servants of the Barovs and citizens of Caer Darrow. He benefited personally from much of Krastinov's work, as the doctor would supply Kirtonos with the blood extracted from his victims. Kirtonos may have once had a brother, and may have operated a funeral parlour with him in Stratholme prior to his transformation, and the city's purging at the hands of Prince Arthas.


As a vampire, Kirtonos feasted on the blood of the innocent. In fact, he was unable to resist the stuff. He also gained the ability to transform into a gargoyle-like form, which he would use both for combat, as well as for ease of travel. Kirtonos is something of a unique specimen, as he is the only known vampire in Azeroth until the emergence of the Darkfallen, former blood elves who had taken part in Illidan's failed assault on Icecrown, who had been transformed into vampires by the Scourge.

As the number of living innocents on Caer Darrow dwindled, thanks largely due to the efforts of Doctor Krastinov and Darkmaster Gandling, Kirtonos was forced to travel further afield to feed his thirst. He would still return to Scholomance from time to time, as Krastinov would often leave an offering of innocent blood out for his master. It was this addiction to the blood of the innocent that adventurers, with help from the spectral citizens of Caer Darrow, used to lure him into a trap. Kirtonos, drawn by the scent of the fresh, innocent blood, was lured back to Scholomance where the adventurers lay in wait. Falling into their trap, he was destroyed.
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