Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Created by RazorclawX, Wanderers of Sorceria tells an epic length story through multiple chapters and books for WarCraft III.

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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

On a whim, I made a model of a Wrathguard, an Eredar warrior from World of Warcraft. I've had it in mind for a while to use them as Duke Shivak's elite guard when you go face him.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by muaddib »

i was certain eradors were just kiljeaden, archimonde, and the lackeys at TFT.
but hell, it sounds like fun  ;D
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Sorceria is divided into five primary districts: the four compass points and the center. The central district, the Nexus, is the smallest of the four, but instead of being built across it's built vertically (that is to say it's up and down like a tower). The city is only loosely-based on the lost city of Atlantis, in that it is divided into such districts and is built below sea level, but technically the four compass points are supposed to be the river divisions of the districts in Atlantis (which is to say the districts are arranged diagonally). 

Each of the outer four districts corresponds loosely (only in certain aspects which were probably noticeable to those of you who played the campaign long enough) with the region outside the city and is the connecting point between those Cauldrons found in the outside world with Sorceria (which is the main reason why there's only four major continents in Purgatory).

I just finished the layout of the West District. It has a lot more water in it than I initially planned, though, but it works out for the multi-pathing model I was going for with it.

Now it's only a matter of how I want to lay out the other four districts.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by killer-bee »

by the way who is the lucky one who can test it first when its ready :o
wanderers of sorceria kicks ass
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by muaddib »

the fans of warcraft and WOS ^^
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Finished the South district. Distinctly a volcano-like level (well, there's really no volcano), its divided into two parts-  a tug-of-war-style zone which is probably going to be between the Sorceria Guardians and the Burning Legion, and the second part is Burning Legion territory. The said tug-of-war is probably going to resemble the ground path in the burning ships level in Book 5, as I figure that's actually a pretty good setup I made there and fairly adaptable for what I need it for.

For the most part this is the district that is probably going to draw the most from the campaign's Warcraft lineage (well, possibly the North district as well, as that's the home base of the Mur'guls that attacked you in Book 4). So far the Burning Legion creeps are a lot stronger than the average creep, but their power is probably on par with the city Guardians.

Back when Blizzard announced the Burning Legion they wanted to make them out as some nigh-invincible interdimensional army, but the way they keep jobbing to the denizens of Azeroth makes them seem real weak. The only thing that SHOULD be keeping them in check is something more of an even match, and the city Guardians themselves are very much nigh-invincible on their home ground, subject to the whims and failings only borne of the Lord of Sorceria (in one regard they are pretty similar to the Zerg in their command structure, but they can be individualistic in order to carry out their duties).
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Working on the East District... or, at least, trying to. It's quite possibly my least favorite one right now, not because of the design, but because of its theme. I hate trees.

I'm having difficulty deciding how I'm going to lay out the North District. I'm seriously thinking about making a heavy water-based map like the Book 4 mission where you're against Metallus's army. 
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by Whiplash! »

water battles are always fun
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Playing Tales of Phantasia for the first time in a long time. It was such a long time ago. Mint, the priestess character, was perhaps the strongest influence design-wise when I made Shizuka (as opposed to being loosely-based on her, like Adol Christin and Dogi from the Ys series are to Hikaru and Johan; Shizuka's character is mainly based around a concept taken from a what-if scenario if the title girl, Sakura, from Sakura Taisen were a villain). By and large of course they don't look too much alike, but that's where she came from.

That must've been 10 years ago. That was such a long time ago (of course my campaign-creating days are obviously not as old as that).

Some of my characters are really old; they came from my old days as a hack fanfic writer:

Shizuka- as above, a concept given form. Something which I found rather silly as an Anime commonality is the whole love and friendship schtick that triumphs over evil. So one day I thought, what if I took the same principles on that is based on, and work it into a villain? I ended up basing the character after Sakura (Sakura Taisen) and took some design elements from other characters around at the time and there she is. Of course it took time itself to refine the whole thing to something a little more well-rounded than that, but the basic underlying principle is still there. Pairing her with Deathclaw came later, and for whatever reason when I wrote them they played off each other as characters quite well.

Shion- another character based on a concept-- what if there were a more realistic super-hacker? This is a character born out of too many IRC chats with people dissing the script kiddies, and the underlying truth that any hacker worth his salt covers his tracks and makes sure nobody thinks to look for him.

Kanna- A retooled character of an ultimately-unused character in a doomed freeware RPG. When I was writing Ranma 1/2 fanfiction I wrote a certain character horribly out of character, so in order to fix that I passed on all of the out-of-character traits to Kanna and went from there. Her name is taken from the character of the same name in Sakura Taisen (all the girls in that game are named after flowers and stuff, or something like that), but her nerdy strategy side only came much later after I reacquainted myself to the Three Kingdoms by playing Dynasty Warriors 3. Since then she's become something of a brainy martial artist, but she's also a horrible tactician (as opposed to her being a master strategist).

Ayame- originally a flunky character. Kind of sucks, but I wrote her as being the brat of a techno-crat (something that came off watching All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku-Nuku, the link is obvious), so there's some silly use for her.

Chika- originally a flunky character. She actually kind of sucks, which is why I don't use her as often.

Miranda- Wicked bully-type girl spawned after I watched Battle Athletes (the character she's based off of is pretty obvious). I haven't written her in an antagonist role in a long time, though, since it really didn't seem to work.

Mizuki- When I was writing fanfics I needed someone who served as a positive influence on Shizuka. Mother would be too strong, so I made Mizuki a Big Sister-type-- enough to have some influence, but not enough in order to steer Shizuka off her path. For the most part Mizuki is the only person Shizuka truly cares about. On the other hand, if you take away Shizuka, Mizuki doesn't really have a reason to exist. She's kind of a weak character for that. As an aside, I found out later about Love Hina, and the relationship between Motoko Aoyama and her big sister; it somewhat resonated with me with my own characters so I added a few elements of that into their relationship (of course while Shizuka doesn't fear Mizuki in any way, she also knows her BS doesn't fly with her).

Cinder- A retooled character I used in a Pokemon fanfic, which is based on a what-if a Pokemon were enhanced with cybernetic parts and became superintelligent. That obviously sucked, but he was such an interesting character himself I found a way to use him by drastically altering his appearance and backstory into being a fire elemental in an obsidian-scaled lizard shell-- with cybernetic enhancements. Well, he's not really a fire elemental, but that's as good enough a description as any to describe what he is.

Sypha Blade- named after the Castlevania character. I created her to somehow explain why some humans would have dragon blood in them-- by forcing a dragon into a human form and forced to interact with them for a couple thousand years. Her original story did involve reassembling the Dragon Pearl, but Nekurow being a part of it didn't come until much later. She's basically the central figure in a rebellion against the Celestial Armies, and for that reason she largely stays out of human affairs (and for good reason because she's pretty damn powerful with the Dragon Pearl).

Hokuto- I don't remember why I made her, but she's like a walking plot device. I wrote her as being attracted to Shizuka in order to give her a reason to keep pestering her even after she served her purposes. Even with the introduction of that certain Warcraft III campaign she's still a walking plot device.

Ziel- I think he was perhaps the last of my original 'original characters' despite the fact that he was written really late and BEFORE I made Nekurow. I don't even rememeber when I made him.

Higure- originally a bad guy who turned good in the end, he's a shapeshifting old geezer who for whatever reason I kept using.

Nekurow- I needed a bad guy, so I came up with him. He didn't get his magic sword until I wrote him into the Warcraft storyline because he originally had the sword Shizuka has now-- Orochi. He's basically the demon-hunting antagonist of Shizuka; they are mortal enemies and they can't seem to defeat each other. So maybe they're more like rivals. I wrote him toward the end of my fanfic-writing days so he was largely 2-dimensional until I put him in Warcraft III.

Kosseimaru- I needed a bad guy, so I came up with him. An evil bone spirit who uses the lost art of Magic. Stereotypical bad guy, he appeared at the same time Nekurow did to give Nekurow a reason to be in the same place as Shizuka. And the bugger died at the end of the story, too.


Campaign-wise, finished the layout of the East District, so now I'm going to start on the North District. Or the opening cinematic... nah, that can wait a bit longer.
Last edited by RazorclawX on Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Changed Scaldar's Ultimate yet again (if I hadn't noted before his previous Ultimate, Burrow, is now a regular skill and is not his Ultimate). It's another attack similar to Hikaru's Ultimate with a different flavor that involves Scaldar tossing a huge ton of Death Coils as part of the combo. While it is generally weaker than Hikaru's Ultimate when it comes to taking out multiple guys, Scaldar's version is very well-suited to taking out single targets (his soul power is already good for that).

Pretty much the revamped Scaldar is going to be a real killing machine.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by SantaBla »

Hey in the last book of chapter 5, you made Dalles talk. Will you be doing that in chapter 6 during cinematics too? Cuz I personally think that the voice act was very good.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Nah, I threw that in there because I could. It's a re-enactment of the opening scene from Ys II.
-- Razorclaw X
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by Lavarinth »

RazorclawX wrote: because I could.
Now that's a true project designer.
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by SantaBla »

I still think it would have been awesome with good voice actors  ;D
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Re: Wanderers of Sorceria Dedicated Update Thread

Post by RazorclawX »

Well instead of doing the terrain for the North district, I went and completed the first map. It's actually not terribly long (the gameplay portion lasts a total of 2 minutes), but it's different.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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