The Stars Align!

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Overcome its shadow, or perish!"

Ebonroc was one of the black dragons who helped to defend Nefarian's lair in Blackrock Mountain. He was killed by adventurers when they stormed Blackwing Lair and killed his master, Nefarian.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"The time has come to shatter this clockwork universe forever!"

Aeonus was a member of the Infinite Dragonflight. He travelled back in time to kill Medivh, and prevent him from opening the Dark Portal. Well aware of the fate of Arcanagos, Aeonus chose to attack the moment when Medivh was focused on opening the portal, and thus could not effectively retaliate against him. Should he be successful, he would have prevented the First War, and all subsequent wars that occurred as a result of the orcish invasion of Azeroth. Countless lives would have been saved. Oh, sure, the orcs probably would have been doomed, forever slaves of their demonically induced bloodlust and trapped on a dying world, but that's outside of the scope of the Infinite Dragonflight's concerns.

The Bronze Dragonflight, sensing a disruption in the timeline, sent adventurers to save Medivh. After the adventurers succeeded in defeating several waves of his minions, Aeonus took matters into his own hands and engaged them himself, only to fall to them. Medivh successfully opened the Dark Portal, and history progressed as it always had.

"Let us no longer be slaves of the hourglass!"

He was voiced by Michael McConnohie.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by IskatuMesk »

wing buffet always did make me hungry
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"I am not some simple jester! I am Nielas Aran!"

The Shade of Aran was one of the many lingering spirits haunting the halls and chambers of Karazahn. In life, he was Nielas Aran, court conjurer of Azeroth Stormwind, and advisor to King Landen Wrynn. He was also the father of the last Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh.

Aegwynn, the penultimate Guardian of Tirisfal, sought to choose her own successor as Guardian, one free of the politics and manipulations of the Council of Tirisfal. To that end, she chose to give birth to an heir, who would in turn inherit her powers as Guardian when the time was right. Searching for the ideal candidate to serve as her heir's father, she chose Nielas Aran. Aran possessed both a powerful magical bloodline, as well as the political connections and magical strength necessary to protect her child. To that end, Aegwynn seduced Aran, vanished for nine months, came back with a child, who she placed in his care, before disappearing again.

Aran cared deeply for his son, however, Medivh would ultimately be his doom. He was killed by a backlash of magical energies emerging from his son as he came to his inherited power. Medivh, unable to control his new powers, had become a danger to himself and others. Aran, aided by the clerics of Northshire, sought to contain Medivh's power, and were just barely able to do so. Aran and Medivh ended up locked in a magical trance as a result. When it ended, Aran was dead, drained of all life, and Medivh was in a coma, which would last for another twenty years.

Somehow, Aran's spirit was drawn to Karazahn. Possibly due to his son's presence there for a considerable period of time. Adventurers would encounter Aran's shade, which immediately tried to destroy them. They succeeded in defeating the shade, potentially releasing Aran's spirit from Karazhan.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Don't let her beauty fool you. The Shadow Huntress Vosh'gajin is deadly and deranged." -Kilram

Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin was an Amani shadow hunter, and member of the Dark Horde. She was the former lover of Kilram, a master axesmith, whom she left with a particularly nasty scar after they broke up. She was in possession of a snakestone, a sharpening stone which was said to be able to keep the edge of an axe sharp for a thousand years.

She was killed by adventurers, one of which was likely a blacksmith seeking to learn the secrets of axesmithing from Kilram.
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Re: The Stars Align!

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An ornery beast, it is kept in stasis by Nexus-Prince Shaffar and unleashed on any that earn his displeasure.

Yor was a void hound given to Nexus-Prince Shaffar as a gift by Illidan Stormrage. Several of the Nexus-Prince's advisors suspected that the void hound was trained to turn on him when Shaffar had outlived his usefulness to Illidan. While Shaffar welcomed their advice, and did indeed decide to keep Yor contained in stasis, he still fed those advisors to the void hound anyway.

Yor was killed by adventurers who killed Shaffar, found the stasis key on his corpse, and decided to see what was being held in there.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Release the hounds!"

Houndmaster Loksey was a member of the Scarlet Crusade, and served as the houndmaster at the Scarlet Monastery. He is the most famous of all houndmasters. He was nearly chosen to serve as a representative of the Scarlet Crusade to the Argent Dawn, however in the end his brother, Huntsman Leopold was chosen instead. Leopold held Loksey in low regarding, suggesting that he could barely take care of his own hounds. That said, Leopold became a zombie, so what does he know anyway?

Loksey survived multiple assaults on the Scarlet Monastery, from the Scourge, Forsaken, and even from traitors within there own ranks. Despite that, he was killed by adventurers anyway. His successor, the vastly less competent Houndmaster Braun, now holds his position.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"Should you become a meal for the worgen, pray for a quick death."

Razorclaw was a worgen under the control of Archmage Arugal. After slaughtering many of Shadowfang Keep's human inhabitants, Razorclaw, having earned himself the title of 'The Butcher', made his home in the keep's kitchens, where he bided his time until his next meal/adventurers arrived.

Little is known of Razorclaw's identity prior to his transformation into a worgen. Some say he was a cook, kitchen hand, or maybe even an actual butcher. Others say that he was a writer, or game designer, his final work left unfinished with Arugal's curse transformed him into a murderous worgen. There have even been rumours that he was once a mercenary, offering his services to wizards and kings who could afford them, or even that he was actually a robot disguised as a fiddler crab disguised as a worgen.

The truth will likely remained lost, as Razorclaw was killed by adventurers when they stormed Shadowfang Keep and killed Arugal. His spirit, however, remains within the keep, sometimes called upon by the ghost of Baron Silverlaine to aid him in battle against intruders.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Zilla- »

i thought razorclaw was a modder...
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by RazorclawX »

Well that thing wasn't named after me anyway. The thing in my sig was.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

And thus, we begin Lich Week! Notoriously hard to kill permanently, liches make an ideal dungeon or raid boss.
"I am the hand of the Lich King!"

Amnennar the Coldbringer was a lich in the service of the Lich King, and the highest ranking member of the Scourge in Kalimdor. He participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, fighting alongside the Burning Legion, however he quickly fled the battlefield following the death of the Legion's commander, Archimonde.

The Lich King instructed Amnennar to established a Scourge presence on Kalimdor, and left the details to the lich. Amnennar ultimately chose to work with the quillboars. To that end, he established the Death's Head cult, similar in function to the Cult of the Damned of Lordaeron, except with a stronger focus on zombie pigmen. He also unleashed his powerful abomination, Tartek the Enraged, on the quillboar of Razorfen Downs for good measure. Sadly, Tartek was destroyed in the process, but he provided Amnennar with several thousand quillboar corpses, and enough leftover material to build a new abomination, Glutton, from his remains.

With the quillboar of Razorfen Kraul allied with him and his Death's Head cult, and Razorfen Downs serving has his new base of operations, he was well positioned to strike at Horde or Alliance holdings in Kalimdor, when the time came. Sadly for him, it never did. While he defeated initial efforts by the Horde to survey his forces, and even turned the orc shaman, Mordresh Fire Eye into an undead servant, later groups of heavily armed adventurers succeed in storming Razorfen Downs and defeating him.

Of course, being a lich, defeat was temporary and Amnennar's spirit merely returned to his phylactery. His Death's Head cult busied themselves preparing to speed the reformation of his physical form, however more adventurers, with the aid of the red dragon, Koristrasza arrived just in time witness the completion of the ritual. Amnennar was defeated once again, and Koristrasza claimed Amnennar's phylactery, with plans on finding a way to destroy it.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Lich Fact: Adventurers have only killed one lich in WoW. This is only semantic, however. Liches are already dead, thus cannot be killed, only destroyed.

"I'm bringin' the pain!"

Mekgineer Steamrigger was a gnomish engineer, and survivor of the fall of Gnomeregan. He was not, however, one of the lucky survivors who got out before Sicco Thermaplugg's radiation bomb went off. He emerged from the irradiated ruins a changed gnome. Gone was his ethics, compassion, and morality. While transformed into a leper gnome, he was still, however, a freakin' genius. Using his remaining gifts, Steamrigger proceeded to have a fine career as a mercenary engineer, solving mechanical and engineering problems for all of Azeroth's ne'er-do-wells, so long as they had the money to afford his services.

Eventually, the naga, Hydromancer Thespia sought out his services, hiring him to help her and the naga in Outland with their little engineering projects in the Coilfang Reservoir. Happily accepting their coin, Steamrigger and his minions travelled to Outland, were he now operates and maintains the machinery the naga were using to drain the waters of Zangarmarsh.

Mekgineer Steamrigger was killed by adventurers when they stormed the Steamvaults.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Lich Fact: If several liches are caught in a tornado, they combine to form a lichnado: a terrifying whirlwind of bones, and malign magic, driven by an evil will.

"Berthekk, your priestess calls upon your might!"

High Priestess was the high priestess and mortal champion of the troll panther god, Bethekk. She, along with several other high priests of the Gurubashi tribe, banded together to prevent the resurrection of the Blood God, Hakkar the Soulflayer, within the ruins of Zul'Gurub. She and her companions failed, however, and fell under the control of Hakkar.

Arlokk was freed from Hakkar's control when adventurers raided Zul'Gurub and killed her, freeing her soul from Hakkar's grasp. Unlike several of her compatriots, Arlokk has remained dead.

Her sister, Kilnara succeeded her as Bethekk's high priestess. She later aided the resurrected High Priest Venoxis in his assault on the non-troll inhabitants of Stranglethorne Vale, by unleashing her panther minions on the Grom'gol Base Camp, the Rebel Camp and the Nesingwary Expedition.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Lich week continues!

"I watched as the human, Ras Frostwhisper, pledged his undying soul to the Lich King." -Leonid Barthalomew the Revered

Ras Frostwhisper was once a lich in the service of the Lich King. Born in the Kingdom of Stromgarde, Ras was once a rogue wizard who learned and studied magic outside of the tradition training and oversight of the Kirin Tor. He was quick to join the Cult of the Damned soon after its formation. Learning the secrets of necromancy, Ras quickly rose through the ranks, even becoming one of Kel'thuzad's favourite students.

Ras would eventually travel to the ruins of Stratholme, still burning in the aftermath of Prince Arthas' purging of the city. There, he ritually slit his own throat as he pledged his soul to the Lich King. In return for this display of loyalty, the Lich King raised Ras Frostwhisper as a lich. The ground upon which the dark ritual took place was tainted, becoming holy ground for the Scourge. One day, Baron Rivendare would construct a Slaughter House there, from which he would command the Scourge forces occupying Stratholme.

Ras, after participating in many random battles during the Third War in Lordaeron, eventually retired to Scholomance, where he would begin training the students with the greatest potential in the art of necromancy. The ogre necromancer, Kormok, was one such student.


The lich, however, was eventually undone by the schemes of Magistrate Marduke, the former magistrate of Caer Darrow before it fell to the Scourge forces housed in Scholomance, which had long been hidden beneath it. Marduke's spirit remained in the ruins of Caer Darrow, and was eventually able to contact a group of adventurers and enlist their aid in destroying Ras Frostwhisper. With their help, they were able to find an item from Ras' past from the ruins of Stromgarde, and imbune it with the necessary magic to become a Soulbound Keepsake. Effectively, it served as an anti-phylactery, forcibly restoring Ras Frostwhisper's mortality, and robbing him of his lichdom. Once again mortal, Ras was killed by adventurers.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Lich fact: The plural of Lich King is Liches King.

"The Abyssal Council directs the Twilight's Hammer's efforts in the region of Silithus."

Prince Skaldrenox was one of the four Abyssal Lords, and member of the Abyssal council. Together with his fellow Abyssal council members, he commanded the Twilight's Hammer Clan in Silithus. He is known to be quite upset if summoned by people outside of the Twilight's Hammer Clan.

Skaldrenox is a firewalker, a species commonly aligned with the Old Gods and their minions, making his allegiance to them not much of a surprise.

Much like his compatriots and fellow members of the Abyssal Council, Baron Kazum, and High Marshal Whirlaxis and Lord Skwol, he and the Abyssal Council made no appearances in Cataclysm, despite their important relationship to the Twilight's Hammer Clan, and is presumed dead. He and the other members of the Abyssal Council are no longer summonable, and have been removed from the game.
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