WoS Book 3 4th Edition, Ziel model doesn't appear. (1.31.1)

Created by RazorclawX, Wanderers of Sorceria tells an epic length story through multiple chapters and books for WarCraft III.

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Terran Settler (Unemployed)
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WoS Book 3 4th Edition, Ziel model doesn't appear. (1.31.1)

Post by Prime770 »

I decided to re-play WoS and was having a wonderful time, until I came into Book 3 and realised Ziel's model is actually not working properly. It had not appeared in the Shizuka changing her outfit cutscene, and in the cutscene where Kasumi failed cooking fish but I decided to be sure about so played until Book 3, Chapter 4; thus I'm sure it's not something that happens in only one map. Yet I'm not sure if this bug happens simply because I'm using the 1.31.1 Backup Files on Hive Workshop to play Custom Campaigns or simply model file of Ziel not working on Campaign files anymore. (I personally checked models and Ziel model doesn't show itself on editor when I especially scroll on it, while Hikaru and many other models do) I also tried to reverse engineer my way by using Medivh model for Ziel but this bugged it's Soul Power so I decided to carry this over here. I want to know if it's due to my WC3 patch or simply campaign files.

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Xel'naga World Shaper
Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: WoS Book 3 4th Edition, Ziel model doesn't appear. (1.31.1)

Post by RazorclawX »

Yeah that's a mistake on my part. I must have messed up somewhere when I was updating models. It's fixed now (I just copied over the files for Ziel from Book 4 where I know it works correctly), you just have to re download Book 3.

I don't know which file ended up messing up, but its moot now.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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