The Stars Align!

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Voiced by Michael McConnohie!

They should have had him voice Kel'thuzad's lines for his cameo in Old Hillsbrad while he was there.

Anyway, back to Dire Maul.
"You do not belong here! Ancients, rise against these intruders!"

Tendris Warpwood was once a noble defender of the night elven city of Eldre'Thalas. Unfortunately for the ancient, the corruption that overtook the city slowly turned him as well. Twisting him into a warp image of what he had been. He's still a defender of the city (or more accurately: the city's ruins), he's just a lot more evil.

At some point, Tendris captured an Ancient Equine Spirit and held it captive. Paladins were sent to free this noble horse spirit from Tendris' foul grasp, and seek its aid in blessing the arcanite barding necessary for them to obtain an epic charger of their own.

Tendris Warpwood is dead, likely destroyed by paladins seeking to free the Ancient Equine Spirit, or maybe by warlocks on their way to fight Immol'thar for their epic mount.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"What fools! I shall bring a quick end to your suffering!"

Nightbane was once a blue dragon known as Arcanagos. He had come to Karazhan to warn Medivh of the dark power he sensed growing within the tower. Arcanagos had assumed that the wizard's power and reckless experiments into the arcane had drawn the attention of dark forces who now sought to corrupt him. He thought that by convincing Medivh to leave Karazhan, either willing or by force, he could save the wizard from whatever evil was threatening him. Little did Arcanagos realized, but Medivh himself was the source of the growing darkness, or, rather, more specifically the spirit of the Dark Titan, Sargeras, lurking within him.


Medivh refused to leave Karazahn with Arcanagos, and so a battle began. While Arcanagos was able to swat aside Medivh's initial attack, the wizard cast a spell that was able to bypass Arcanagos' magical defences, and burn him alive from the inside out. Screaming in pain, terror, and agony, Arcanagos flew away from Karazhan, off into the mountains surrounding Deadwind Pass. He crash landed somewhere in the mountains, as he slowly died a painful and agonizing death.

That really should have been the end of Arcanagos, however the spell Medivh used to kill him had imparted a small portion of the wizard's essence into the dragon's remains. Seeking to obtain that essence, the Violet Eye, special agents of the Kirin Tor who were tasked with observing Karazhan following Medivh's apparent death, tasked adventurers with resurrecting Arcanagos. After acquiring a magical urn, adventurers were able to use it to bring Arcanagos back to life, as the undead monstrosity known as Nightbane. Knowing full well that failure to defeat Nightbane would mean they just unleashed a great new horror upon the world, adventurers summoned Nightbane.

Nightbane was destroyed by adventurers, and the faint remnants of Medivh's essence extracted and brought to the Violet Eye for study.

Nightbane was my first raid boss. At the time, I was mostly into PvP and hadn't really bothered with raiding on my warlock. A few of my friends were running Karazhan, and had a few people drop out at Nightbane, so they ended up recruiting me and another friend to help finish off the dungeon. It took the group two or three tries, but we managed to take him down. The Talisman of Nightbane dropped and I won the roll on it. It's likely still stashed away somewhere in my warlock's bank.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by IskatuMesk »

Oh the fun we had with nightbane. Wiping groups from HKS hotswapping weapons (he was the tank) to 2h to get people mad at someone else for... what was it? Trying to get the boss to parry to attack faster? Khara was probably the best experience I had in the game raiding-wise if only because of the dumb shit we did in there to people. Stuff like bringing ghosts to afk people to kill them, killing people through multiple floor levels because the game has no Z-axis, killing people with explosions, and jumping up walls.

And then the first time we 2manned nightbane with two warriors cycling frenzied regeneration and gift of the naruu.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

One of the tanks I had on Nightbane decided it would be hilarious if he tried to spin Nightbane around like a top. It was pretty funny to watch, although I remember being convinced that Nightbane was just going to end up spewing fire in every direction and kill us all at the time. Good times. Good times.

"Of courshe they exisht! I shee them everywhere! ...hic!"

The Great Wolpertinger is believed to be a gargantuan Wolpertinger, a secret raid boss who only appears if you play the game while your character is utterly sloshed. Most "screenshots" of it have been proven to be photoshopped hoaxes, which is why I've chosen to use this artist's rendition of it instead. Urban legend, or terrifying truth? The world (of WarCraft) may never know.

The Great Wolpertinger has never been defeated by adventurers. Some take this as proof that the Great Wolpertinger is nothing more than superstition and rumour, while others take this as proof that no one has ever fought the Great Wolpertinger and lived.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by IskatuMesk »

In violet hold there was a dragon boss I would always summon army of the dead on, back when it still taunted bosses. The dragon would just spin around breathing on anyone. The highlight had to have been when we had multiple dk's do it, and all the other casters died.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Cyanigosa, I think. I remember that happening a few times with her, actually. Also, so many people complaining about Army of the Dead aggroing things. Again, it was pretty funny to watch a dragon her size spin on a dime, but I was usually one of the casters who got killed as a result.

"He is rumoured to have been created by the Old God himself in a mockery of life." -Kandrostrasz

Ouro was an ancient sand worm that resides within the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Believed to have been a creation of the Old God, C'thun, Ouro possessed a nearly impregnable hide, and yet moved with a speed and grace that should have been impossible for a creature of its size.

Despite this, Ouro was killed by adventurers when they stormed the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. His hide was used by the red dragon, Kandrostrasz to make pants for them.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by UntamedLoli »

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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Hercanic »

Red dragons... special pants... sand penis...

...legged for Her Majesty's pleasure?
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

”Prepare to be Malowned!”

Postmaster Malown was once the postmaster of Stratholme and the surrounding area, including Northdale, Corrin's Crossing, Tyr's Hand and other towns, villages, and cities of Eastern Lordaeron. In death, Postmaster Malown remains focused on the duties he possessed in life, although with no new mail to deliver he seems mostly intent on defending what's left of Straholme's mail system.

Serving as a mini-boss, Postmaster Malown will only appear if some foolish adventurer tries to steal someone's mail from the mailboxes scattered around the still burning ruins of Stratholme. Adventurers have tried to destroy him, but to no avail. The Postmaster cannot be destroyed, adventurers can only hope to do enough damage to him to earn themselves brief reprieve from his wrath.

A still-living Malown can be found in the past, in the Culling of Stratholme event in the Caverns of Time. He can be found sleeping in an inn on the road to Stratholme.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by IskatuMesk »

No one who plays post-classic knows that guy still exists. We trolled a LOT of pugs with him.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

”Come... and die.”

Gruul the Dragonkiller was the strongest living gronn in Outland, and undisputed ruler of ogre tribes living in the Blades Edge Mountains. He, along with his seven sons, ruled over the ogres with an iron fist.

Gruul earned his title, the Dragonkiller, in the aftermath of the Second War. Deathwing had seen an opportunity to establish a colony of black dragons away from Azeroth on Draenor. With no natural predators, and free of competition with the other dragonflights, Deathwing felt confident of his brood's success in Draenor. He was wrong. The gronn in the Blades Edge Mountains saw the dragons as interlopers, and a threat to their dominance, and attacked. With the aid of his ogre minions, Gruul was able to kill many of the black dragons who'd settled in the region, and impaled their corpses onto the sword-like spines that gave the mountains their name. While this established his claim to the title of The Dragonkiller, also earned him the eternal hatred of the black dragon, Sabellian who hates him, and his seven sons, more than anything.

Gruul was eventually killed by adventurers, who stormed his lair in the Blades Edge Mountains.


His counterpart in the alternate past of Draenor hasn't done too well for himself. Where his main timeline self attained the title of the Dragonkiller and rules over much of the Blades Edge Mountains, Gruul has been enslaved by the Blackrock clan, and now works to feed the furnaces of the Blackrock Foundry. His left hand has been replaced with a hook to make it easier for him to haul pallets.

This Gruul was also killed by adventures, this time when they stormed the Blackrock Foundry.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

Vengeance is mine!"

Teron Gorefiend was once an orcish warlock and a member of the Shadow Council. He was killed by Orgrim Doomhammer's command when he attempted to purge the Horde of the Shadow Council's influence following his assassination of Blackhand. Death, however, was fleeting for Teron Gorefiend, as his master Gul'dan decided to bring him back from the dead by placing his soul within the body of a slain knight of Azeroth. Reborn, he was the first of Gul'dan's Death Knights.

Following the defeat of Orgrim Doomhammer, Teron Gorefiend joined with Kilrogg Deadeye, and was able to escape back to Draenor alongside the Bleeding Hollow Clan. Upon his return, he sought out the elder shaman, Ner'zhul, and was able to convince him to open new portals, to other worlds. As a result, Ner'zhul sent Teron back through the Dark Portal, to reclaim several artifacts that would be necessary. Teron was successful, and soon returned to Draenor with the Book of Medivh, and the Eye of Dalaran. With these, and other artifacts, Ner'zhul was able to open new portals, which he promptly fled through, leaving Teron Gorefiend and the other Heroes of the Horde to their fates. Teron was killed once again, this time by the paladin, Turalyon.

Despite the destruction of his host body, Teron's spirit remained a force in Shadowmoon Valley. He summoned the remaining Death Knights loyal to him, and sacrificed them in a ritual, transforming them into the Ghost Riders of Karabor. However, whatever designs he had were cut short, as his soul was soon captured and bound to the Altar of Shadows, where it would be contained forevermore.

"Gorefiend? Why, I have not heard that name in ages!"

Fortunately for Teron Gorefiend, the world has no shortage of gullible adventurers. Encountering an adventurer seeking news of the true fate of Teron Gorefiend, he, in the guise of an 'ancient orc spirit' promised to help them divine the missing Death Knight's location. For this divination to work though, they would need to gather several artifacts related to Gorefiend that had been scattered about Shadowmoon Valley following his demise. These included his jeweled truncheon, cloak, and armour. Having retrieved all the various artifacts necessary for the "divination", Teron instead possessed the adventurer's body, trapping their soul in the Altar of Shadows in his place. Using his new body, Teron defeated his jailers, freeing himself from captivity. Reclaiming his own body, he relinquished the adventurer's body back to them, allowing them to live as a quest reward. With that, Teron rode off to the Black Temple.

Once he arrived at the Black Temple, he took a job from Illidan as a raid boss and was then killed by adventurers.

Thanks to alternate timeline shenanigans, we also meet a younger, more lively, Teron.
"This power... you will be the first to know it."

Known as Teron'gor, the Teron of this timeline has not yet adopted the title of 'Gorefiend'. As one of the ranking members of the Shadow Council, Teron'gor was used along with Gul'dan and Cho'gall to help power the Iron Horde's Portal to modern Azeroth. However, they were all freed during the Azerothian counter-attack on the Iron Horde, and were quick to make their escape. Having regrouped, Gul'dan tasked Cho'gall and Teron'gor with securing more places of power within Dreanor. While Cho'gall was sent to investigate the orcish holy mountain of Oshun'gun, Teron'gor was instead tasked with infiltrating the holy necropolis of the Draenei, Auchindoun.

After a substantial level of subterfuge and treachery, Teron'gor was able begin absorbing the power of the draenei souls held within Auchindoun. However, despite his brief task of incredible power, Teron'gor was defeated by adventurers, and was last seen seemingly falling to his doom. His current status is unknown, but no one really expects him to actually be gone.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Mucky »

This guy was an incredible source of guild/raid drama.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

With Teron Gorefiend done, I think that's the last of the WC2-era heroes who appear as bosses circa 2009. I guess there's Zuluhed the Whacked, but he's just a fairly minor quest boss, so I wouldn't expect to find him in my calendar.

"Get on your knees and bow.. to da fang and claw!"

Halazzi was once the greatest hunter of the Amani tribe. His skill was so great that Hex Lord Malacrass chose him to be the vessel for the power of the troll lynx god, Halazzi, who's name he took following his empowering.

During... Budd Nedreck's... uhg... treasure hunting expedition to Zul'Aman, Halazzi captured and held the gnome mage, Ashli, captive, as Hex Lord Malacrass intended to sacrifice her and other captives as part of a dark ritual. Ashli may have been rescued by speedy adventurers. Speedy adventurers may have been rewarded with giant riding bear. As for Halazzi, he was killed.

That wasn't the end of Halazzi though. He was somehow restored back to life as part of Amani's contribution to the Zanadalari Tribe's plans to create a new, united troll empire. However, he was soon killed once again by adventurers when they stormed Zul'Aman to put an end to the Zandalari Tribe's ambitions.
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Re: The Stars Align!

Post by Thalraxal »

"My charge to ensure the trolls never again bring forth their abomination of a god has for now ended in failure." -Eranikus

The Avatar of Hakkar was an avatar of the Gurubashi troll blood god, Hakkar. Ages ago, before the fall of the Gurubashi Empire, Hakkar had instructed his most loyal and fanatical followers, the Atal'ai, how to summon his avatar. When the Atal'ai attempted this however, they were stopped and exiled from Zul'Gurub, as many other trolls did not like the idea of being lorded over by malevolent blood god. The Atal'ai made their way north, into the Swamps of Sorrows, where they built a new temple dedicated to Hakkar, the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. Once again, they attempted to summon the avatar of their god, but this time their efforts were thwarted by Eranikus, Itharius, and the green dragonflight. Eranikus remained within the temple, slowly succumbing to the blood god's corruption.

With the green dragons who once guarded the temple against them now driven mad, the Atal'ai have returned to their temple once more to summon the avatar of their god. Adventurers were manipulated by the troll, Yeh'kinya, into summoning the Avatar of Hakker. Yeh'kinya claimed that summoning the avatar ahead of the proper hour and trapping its essence within the Egg of Hakkar would weaken the Blood God, although in truth by imbuing the egg with the essence of Hakkar, it would allow the Blood God to be reborn into the world. By the time the adventurers discovered that they'd been tricked, Yeh'kinya had long since delivered the egg to Zul'Gurub. Yeh'kinya was last seen transforming into a wind serpent and flying out to sea.

The Avatar of Hakkar often ended up being a bit of an overlooked boss in the Sunken Temple, as acquring the Egg of Hakkar (or one of Yeh'kinya's scolls) necessary to summon him required a lot of questing and traveling. Yeh'kinya, at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, sent adventurers to Feralas, Zul'Farak, the Hinterlands (basically the other side of the world from Tanaris), and then finally to the Sunken Temple in the Swamps of Sorrow before you could summon Hakkar. Since Cataclysm, this quest chain has been removed (since it involved traveling to multiple zones and dungeons), and summoning the Avatar of Hakkar is much easier in the revamped Sunken Temple, as Itharius will just give you all the necessary tools when you enter the dungeon.
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