Campign help

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Terran Settler (Unemployed)
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Campign help

Post by Deathlord135 »

Is there any1 out there whould would be up to updateing BadThralls Black Company Campign with me, without permission of couse since BadThrall has all but disapeared.  I have slight knowlege of maping but I know all the lore of the Black Company series by Glen Cook.

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Re: Campign help

Post by IskatuMesk »

I am of the opinion that when modwork is concerned you should always contact the creator first before doing anything with his/her/its content that they have created. In the event you cannot do it, you should leave it alone.
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Re: Campign help

Post by Deathlord135 »

True, but I've always loved the series and the campign itself, I've tired to contact Thrall but he is eather nolong involved in gameing and stuff or something I cannot reach him.  Since the last version was completed-which only contains 1/2 of the first book or so in the series-I've waited on Thrall or someone else to finish the campign.  Since I've slowly accumulated maping skillls over the years I've decided to see if I could get a group togeather or just a few people, it matters not, I just wish to finish what Thrall started a great campign. While possibly I could do this myself I do not have the time or patience to do all the work this requires myself.
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Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: Campign help

Post by IskatuMesk »

Perhaps you could make something independent of his work, an unofficial continuation as you will?

Since what it seems like you're asking is a considerably large amount of work I cannot offer any real hope of seeing your dreams brought about. Wc3 is an old game and only contains individuals who build small-scale map projects. Most people who invested time into large-scale projects never completed them and have moved on.

It is as I always say to newcomers to any scene; If you cannot carry the project yourself it is unlikely you will ever get anywhere. That's just the way of things. If you are really serious about doing something like this I'd recommend to start immediately forging your own skillset and not waiting for someone else. I'm sorry, I wish I could be more encouraging. But that is the reality of custom content creation.
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Re: Campign help

Post by Darkness_Squall »

I also think it'd be a better idea if you made your own unofficial continuation of the campaign. From what I've heard, Black Company is a massive project. If there's really still so much work left to do just to finish the first book, you and your partners would probably end up quitting prematurely too. But if you set your standards lower (sacrificing map quality for production speed), something awesome could still come of it.

I'd offer to help, but I'm seriously useless with Warcraft 3's map editor. Every time I've tried making just a single trigger, I get frustrated and give up...better if I left it up to the professionals. I mastered Starcraft's editor though  ;D
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