Darm And Rhea...

Created by RazorclawX, Wanderers of Sorceria tells an epic length story through multiple chapters and books for WarCraft III.

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Darm And Rhea...

Post by Blake »

What exactly is the deal with Darm and Rhea? Is Rhea dead and Darm trying to keep her alive or did I misunderstand something...
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Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: Darm And Rhea...

Post by RazorclawX »

I'm assuming you finished the campaign already when I say this.
They're both still alive.

Darm was resurrected, but the resurrection was imperfect and turned him into a monster, and Rhea considered it a failure. Any subsequent attempts by her to resurrect him met with even more failure because technically she already succeeded.

Rhea is the Lord of Sorceria and rules in Darm's name because she knew Dalles wouldn't follow her, and she couldn't force Dalles to serve her because he became undead (or so she thought; Dalles disguised himself as undead so anyone who didn't know any better would overlook his true nature).

Dalles later discovered Metallus and recruited him without realizing who he really was.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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Re: Darm And Rhea...

Post by muaddib »

i recognize darm, rhea , dalles and the black pearl are characters/beings from the YS series, and i know that johan is the wos counter part to dogi , and hikaru is the red swordsman, adol.
were other characters in wos based upon YS as well?
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Xel'naga World Shaper
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Re: Darm And Rhea...

Post by RazorclawX »

muaddib wrote: i recognize darm, rhea , dalles and the black pearl are characters/beings from the YS series, and i know that johan is the wos counter part to dogi , and hikaru is the red swordsman, adol.
were other characters in wos based upon YS as well?
Kurumi was (very loosely) based on Lilia, at least initially. Anyone would agree she turned out much different from that.

Kasumi was initially based on Lime from Saber Marionette J, but during the making of Book 3 I found out she was really obnoxious and I couldn't carry through with my intentions for her, so I made Kurumi to take her place. Of course Kurumi also turned out to be a whiny bitch, but I also built-in a way to connect her to the other characters, which is probably why she worked out better for me (Kasumi, in comparison, was never going to be as important as Kurumi became).

Nara unintentionally 'filled the role' of Zava (such as it is). If I thought about it more thoroughly she would've been Zava.
-- Razorclaw X
Creator of Wanderers of Sorceria and Vision of the Future
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Re: Darm And Rhea...

Post by manstein »

is the intended flow of playing that you always have to fight Rhea first, then Darm and then Razlia? Because when I was playing I would not come to the Rhea Bossfight but would start with Darm right from the beginning (fighting him as Hikaru Blaze Knight). Does the boss fighting vary with certain conditions?
Does anyone one if Rhea is the first intended boss - I never get her to play but start right away with Darm and Kurumi ist dead on the floor. What coul have caused this?
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