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Wanderers of Sorceria for Warcraft 1.24

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:01 pm
by RazorclawX
Wanderers of Sorceria Book 6: Lord of Sorceria, is now available for version 1.24 of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. (
Books 1 through 5 have also been updated with various minor bugfixes and improvements, including:

* Book 1: Chapter 3's boss battle ends upon luring the boss into the frost trap.
* Book 2: Chapter 1's flight mission significantly revamped into a Space Invaders-type shooter. All functions are controlled by the arrow keys.
* Book 3: Summoning duels have changed slightly. All units save Spell Immune units are susceptible to dispel mechanics. Guo Jia also has an expanded pool of summoned beasts he can summon. Kurumi is also significantly more difficult to defeat as she uses more Spell Immune units to defend against dispel mechanics.
* Book 4: Shion can now destroy trees with an AOE spell instead of only normal attacks. Walls in the Black Moon Temple have been fixed.
* Book 5: Fixed a memory overflow error involved in the flight mission. No more reinforcements are available for either side on this level for this reason, but the existing allied units have been made more durable to compensate.

All books have additional 2D cutscenes added in various story events.

Thank you for your patience; have fun!!