StarCraft II Situation Report: Patch 15

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Xel'naga Solar Moderator
Xel'naga Solar Moderator
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Re: StarCraft II Situation Report: Patch 15

Post by Ricky_Honejasi »

There is a big reason crying over a beta. In general, if things don't get fixed in beta, they either never get fixed at all or the fix is added as a "feature" in an expansion. In the expansion case, It's a situation where you might to pay more just for having said fix on top of it you might not have something more interesting because of the developpers' time spent for said fix during the expansion creation (which they could have spent it on beta times).

Plus many of the odd or bad decisions from Activision Blizzard does not help the public's opinion at all. Even some future Diablo III players (or potential players?) are starting to be worried of what's happening in Starcraft 2 (which would logically spill into Diablo 3 later on).
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