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Placing sprites in SCMDraft 2/Using unused units

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:00 pm
by JanuszPawulon
I'm trying to place a sprite of arclite shock cannon's explosion in SCMDraft and it crashes the game. The only sprites that do work are some of the protoss spells like recall or feedback (but they're not looped so they appear only once at the start of the game).
Also, I'm trying to make use of cargo ship, I copied attributes of scout in unit's dat and pasted it in cargo ship's entry. Now it doesn't crash the game, it acts like normal scout, but it has no hp info under wireframe and no buttons. Also, no images.dat entry for cargo ship so I can't set its grp/iscript. Is there any way to make it work? Plugins?

Re: Placing sprites in SCMDraft 2/Using unused units

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:20 pm
by NigelTittysh
Most non-doodad or spell-effect sprites aren't meant to be used in StarCraft. Specifically, any sprite that doesn't have a unit (e.g. Marine, Dark Swarm) or doodad (e.g. Upper Left Pit Door, Floor Gun Trap) will crash the game. The exceptions to this rule (that I know of) are sieged and unsieged tank turret sprites, which crash the game 100% of the time in my experience and are often used as a component of hack prevention in multiplayer games to force the hackers to crash.

If you want to have Recall show, you can create a group of Arbiters and have a trigger run the AI script 'Cast Recall (Arbiter Required)' on the desired location.

For Cargo Ship you should be able to repurpose the unit's graphics entry by simply setting its image pointers to the Scout graphic instead of whatever it uses as a default (likely its own unused entry or something of the likes of cantina/cave). Fiddle around with the image pointers and make sure they follow up correctly.

Re: Placing sprites in SCMDraft 2/Using unused units

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:08 am
by JanuszPawulon
I think I'm almost there. Added starbase.grp to images.tbl and modified Independed Starport's iscript entry. It acts like a normal unit, but doesn't have buttons, so the only way you can attack anything is by autoattack or right click (could be fixed in Firegraft probably). When set as an enemy unit everything is as it should be. I have no idea where does the never ending evolving of Stim Packs come from, weird stuff.
Don't mind the sprite from and old MMO game, it's there for testing purposes.

Re: Placing sprites in SCMDraft 2/Using unused units

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:21 pm
by NigelTittysh
tony died his hair green like an edgy hipster.

Go into Firegraft and set the unit's buttons appropriately. Make sure everything is set properly in units.dat -> AI because sometimes that can create weird issues like stimpacks being evolved perpetually. More than likely it's just a hardcoded bug that you came across because something went wrong with the pasting of the Scout. Its wireframe will be more difficult to deal with, though.

Re: Placing sprites in SCMDraft 2/Using unused units

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:02 am
by JanuszPawulon
Ok, so I fixed buttons in Firegraft, set status functions to normal unit instead of building and it's working fine. No perpetual stim packs.